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Quiz: Approaches to MDD

The following quiz should be taken after completing the unit on Major Depressive Disorder.  It is highly recommended that you complete the personalized learning module on MDD to be sure that you have studied all of the studies and terminology used in the quiz.

Research shows that SSRIs may lead to neurogenesis in which part of the brain?

It appears that SSRIs can actually "reboot" the brain and leads to increased neurogenesis/neuroplasticity in the hippocampus


Which of the following is not true about Kendler's (2006) twin study of Major Depressive Disorder?

The sample was made up of 42161 twins.  That is a pretty large sample size!  Male twins had a concordance rate of MZ 31% and DZ 11%, whereas women had a concordance rate of MZ 44% and DZ 16%.


The role of the 5-HTT gene regulates ...

The serotonin transporter protein (5-HTT/SLC6A4) transports the neurotransmitter serotonin from synapses to presynaptic neurons. A polymorphism of this gene was the focus of Caspi et al's study of depression.


Caspi et al (2003) concluded that

Caspi found that those people who had two short alleles of the 5-HTT gene and had three or more stressful life events were more likely to develop MDD.  The study did not do personality testing.


Which of the following is not a limitation of genetic arguments for the etiology of MDD?

Most research in genetics is correlational.  Ecological validity is not a concern as the studies are not done under highly controlled conditions and there is no manipulation of the environment by the researchers.  Twins studies do not necessarily represent the general population, so population validity is low.  There is little to no control over extraneous variables, so internal validity is low.


Which of the following is not true about the Serotonin Hypothesis?

We cannot directly measure the level of serotonin in one's brain. All of our measures are indirect.  All of the other statements are true.


Which of the following theories best supports the evidence that people who have three or more adverse childhood experiences are more likely to develop depression?

The cortisol hypothesis argues that an over-active stress response may be the cause of depression.


Which of the following symptoms of MDD is not a potential effect of cortisol?

Cortisol leads to increased levels of MAO-A, an enzyme which breaks down serotonin.  It also affects the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus, leading to impairment of decision-making and memory.  Finally, when cortisol levels are high in the evening, this disturbs circadian rhythms, making it difficult to fall asleep.


The HL Economics teacher is unhappy with the quality of the IA rough drafts. She reprimands the class for not putting in enough effort and for not following the guidelines that they were given. Anna had only positive feedback, but after class, she feels guilty and decides that it may be best for her to redo the draft. According to Beck, which irrational thinking strategy is Anna using?

Personalization. This is Anna's inability to differentiate between feedback that is meant for those in the class that are not doing good work - and her own performance.  She internalizes the feedback from the teacher and feels that she has failed, even though she has positive feedback.


Alloy et al (1999) used a sample of non-depressed college freshmen with no other diagnosed disorders. Half of the sample had a history of clinical depression; the other half did not. The students were identified as either High Risk (HR) or Low Risk (LR) for depression based on their thinking patterns.  The researchers carried out follow-up assessments every 6 weeks for 2.5 years and then every 4 months for an additional three years.  Which of the following is true about this study?

The study was a natural experiment.  The researchers used a pre-test/post-test design, but they did not manipulate any variables. The IV is the individual's thinking style, but it is naturally occurring.


Which of the following is not one of the components of Beck's Cognitive Triad?

The triad does not specifically identify personal relationships as one of the key negative filters.


Which of the following is evidence of Beck's theory of depression?

Beck's original theory is based on hours and hours of documented clinical interviews with depressed patients.


According to Nolen-Hoeksema, the reason that there is a higher prevalence of depression in women is because they

Nolen-Hoeksema's Response Styles Theory argues that women ruminate more.  Nolen-Hoeksema has found that ruminators are more uncertain about solutions they come up with to their problems than non-ruminators.  This uncertainty may keep ruminators analyzing everything that happens to them or over-interpreting what others say.


Eric was walking to school this morning when a small boy ran right in front of him.  The result was that both fell to the ground and had minor injuries.  Eric has been anxious all day.  He believes that he should have been more careful and that the child's parents will find him and "go after him."  He wishes that he could redo his walk to school this morning. Which of the following terms best explains the thinking pattern that Eric is demonstrating?

Self-blame schema. A cognitive schema in which an individual attributes the occurrence of a negative event to oneself, even though there is no reason to do so. The direction of blame often has implications for individuals' emotions and behaviours during and following stressful situations.


Michael Meany's research indicates that the link between childhood neglect and adult depression may be

Meany's research showed that neglect led to a lack of genetic expression of the GR gene which regulates the stress response.  This means that there is a higher level of cortisol over time which leads to hippocampal impairment.  This hippocampal impairment led to memory loss in rats - but we also know that it is linked to depression in humans.  The hippocampus also plays a role in emotional regulation.


Chapman et al (2004) studied a sample of 9460 adults at a healthcare clinic in San Diego. The researchers gave participants a questionnaire asking them about adverse childhood experiences and episodes of depression. The researchers found a strong, dose-response relationship between the ACE score and the probability of lifetime and recent depressive disorders.  Which of the following is true about this study?

The study only took a single measure from the participants at a single time.  There was no follow-up to this study to see if there was change over time.  Therefore, the study is cross-sectional. The study was correlational (not experimental) and the results showed a positive correlation between the number of ACEs and the likelihood of depression.


According to Kirmayer's Explanatory Models theory, why are there different symptoms for disorders in different cultures?

Kirmayer argued that there is a "symptom pool" that determines how individuals in different cultural groups develop their symptoms.  The theory is interesting in that it explains why, perhaps, Jewish women in Freud's Austria had difficulty moving their arms, whereas today this symptom is not linked to any major mental illness.  However, the way that this actually "works," is unclear.


A modern theory of depression in the sociocultural approach is that depression is the result of social comparison and self-esteem.  The argument is that young people that use a high level of social media see images of people that are "doing better" than they are, and this leads to depression.  A major limitation of this argument is

A key problem with the research is that we are not sure whether people who are prone to depression spend more time on social media, or whether social media actually leads to depression. There are many correlational studies that show a link between depression and social media use - and this evidence is cross-cultural.  The studies are also representative of social media users and are naturalistic, so external validity is high.


Which term best describes the following statement: The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 16.2 million US adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2016.

There is no such thing as "lifetime incidence."  Incidence is defined as the number of new cases diagnosed in a certain period of time within a population.  Point prevalence is the proportion of a population that has a disorder at a specific point in time.  Lifetime prevalence is the proportion of the population who at some point in life has ever had the disorder.


Bolton et al (2002) carried out a study in Rwanda to determine the prevalence of depression in this post-genocide society. Which of the following best describes the approach that Bolton used?

Bolton used an emic approach to diagnosis - that is, he sought the advice of local healers to develop a method for diagnosing poor mental health.


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