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Presentation: Promoting prosocial

The following presentation supports the study of the promotion of prosocial behaviour.

You are not expected to learn all of the material in this presentation.  When using this study for revision, remember to:

  • Focus on key concepts
  • Learn 2 - 3 studies that you feel you understand.  You may also, instead, learn studies from the textbook or from your teacher.
  • Focus on key evaluation points
Evaluating the effectiveness of promotion programs
  • A good evaluation of a prosocial behaviour program would use data triangulation.  However, often research is limited to a single community.
  • Many program evaluations are retrospective and do not measure change in empathy over time.  This does not account for participant variability.
  • There is often an assumption made that levels of empathy will be correlated with prosocial behaviour.  This may not be the case.
  • It is not possible to establish cause and effect links to prosocial behaviour promotion programs.  There are too many extraneous variables that cannot be controlled.
  • The use of questionnaires and surveys to determine levels of prosocial behaviour is open to demand characteristics.
  • Research on this topic is open both to researcher bias and publication bias.