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SAQ marking: Hormones

Below you will find four sample SAQs for the question: Using one research study, explain the function of one hormone.

For each of the samples, refer to the rubric to award marks 1 - 9. After each sample, there is a predicted grade as well as feedback on the strengths and limitations of the sample.

SAQ rubric

SAQ Sample 1

One hormone that influences human behavior is cortisol which is a stress hormone. One study that investigated cortisol in Newcomer’s study. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of increased levels of cortisol on memory. In order to conduct the experiment, the researchers divided the participants into three groups. One group was assigned to take a 160 mg cortisol tablet for four days, which equals the amount of cortisol in the body in a high stress situation. A second group was given a 40 mg tablet which equals the amount of cortisol in the body during a slightly stressful situation. The third group was given no tablets, they were the control group. All participants were read a piece of prose. After four days they were recalled and each participant was asked to remember and retell the prose. The researchers found that the first group, who took the highest dose of cortisol, remembered significantly less than the two other groups. The second group remembered more than the first group but less than the control.

This study shows that the hormone cortisol has a negative impact on our ability to remember. This can be explained because the hormone cortisol is secreted during a highly stressful situation in order to keep our body alert.

214 words

The actual function of the hormone not well described. Study is well described. The actual effect - that is, that intermediate levels of GC enhance memory consolidation, whereas extremely high or low levels tend to impair it - is not well explained. The last sentence needed more clarification. 5 marks.

SAQ Sample 2

A hormone that influences human behavior is testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone and plays a main role in the development of a male during the years of puberty. Elevated levels of testosterone are seen in alpha male baboons and are also linked to competitive behaviour. In a study by Ronay and Hippel, it was shown that testosterone may also play a role in risk-taking behaviour. The study was a counter-balanced repeated measures design. They wanted to see if a young man's' testosterone level played a role in higher risk-taking behaviour.  The behaviour they were measuring was the risks taking while skateboarding.

The researchers asked the men to first carry out 10 easy tasks and then 10 difficult tricks. The first sample of young adult males carried out skateboarding tricks in front of a male researcher whereas the second group carried out the tricks in front of a beautiful young woman.  Their tricks were filmed.  After the completion of the tasks, the participants gave a saliva sample to measure the level of testosterone. The researchers found that when the men performed for the male researcher, they were more likely to abort the difficult tricks; if they were performing in front of the woman, they were more likely not to abort, often resulting in an accident.  They also found that the level of testosterone was highest in the group that was performing in front of the woman. Therefore, they could conclude that that level of arousal from simply skateboarding was not enough to raise their testosterone levels.

The researchers argued that testosterone affects the functioning of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is responsible for decision making. The higher level of testosterone may impair the functioning of the vmpfc leading to higher risk-taking behaviour which may have an evolutionary origin to attract a beautiful mate.

304 words

The function of the hormone is described and its effect on the vmpfc is explained.  There is a good link to a study. 9 marks.

SAQ Sample 3

Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus but acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain.  Psychologists argue that one of the roles of the hormone may be in human attachment. Low levels of oxytocin are associated with post-partum syndrome.

Baumgarten studied the role of oxytocin in creating trust between participants during a "trust game."  In the trust game, like the prisoner’s dilemma, the player must decide whether to keep a sum of money or to share it with a partner. If the money is shared, then the investment triples.  Then the second player has to decide the same. He could simply keep the money and pass to the next person, or he could share again, increasing their total amount of money.

The participants were placed in an fMRI scanner after receiving either a dose of oxytocin or a placebo as a nasal spray. They played a version of the trust game with a partner who they didn’t see. The participants made decisions and the researcher gave feedback on the results after several rounds. The researcher told them that about 50% of the time, the other player had broken their trust.

The researchers found that participants who had received the placebo decreased their level of trust whereas those that had received oxytocin continued to invest the same way.  They also saw that the brain activity was different. The amygdala was active in the placebo group and not in the oxytocin group. It appears that oxytocin may suppress the activity of the amygdala, allowing for attachment between people.

258 words

The study is well described - and there is an attempt at explaining the effect of the hormone.  The activity in the amygdala is correct, but the link to "attachment" is not really clear.  7 marks.

SAQ Sample 4

The hormone oxytocin increases trust in other people. As shown by Demasio (2005), people with high oxytocin levels are more willing to trust other people with important things. Oxytocin influences human behaviour by reducing pain sensitivity to betrayal from other people. Moreover, people with high levels of oxytocin experience more pleasure from dealing and interacting with other people and are more social. People with lower levels of oxytocin are usually introverted and socialize less with others. People with higher oxytocin levels don’t feel as much pain when betrayed, so they don’t become less social. Therefore, people with high oxytocin are more likely to lend money, help other people and forgive mistakes.

111 words

The actual effect of oxytocin in the brain is not discussed; that it, it suppresses activity in the amygdala. In addition, no research is actually described to support the claims that are made. The response is a rather circular argument with no clear support. A study by Demasio is alluded to but not described.  Although there is some correct information about how oxytocin affects behaviour, the response is limited. 3 marks.