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Presentation: Cognition and MDD

The following presentation supports the study of the cognitive etiologies of Major Depressive Disorder

You are not expected to learn all of the material in this presentation.  When using this study for revision, remember to:

  • Focus on key concepts
  • Learn 2 - 3 studies that you feel you understand.  You may also, instead, learn studies from the textbook or from your teacher.
  • Focus on key evaluation points

Evaluation of cognitive etiologies

Evaluation of cognitive theories of depression


CBT, a therapy based on Beck's theory, has been highly successful in treating patients.

There is a wide variety of research that supports the thinking patterns of people living with depression.

There is biological support (e.g. Farb et al) for the theory of rumination.

Helps to explain gender differences in the prevalence of depression.

Explains the role of cognitive processes as mitigating factors in depression - explaining both depression and resilience to stressful life events.


Question of bidirectional ambiguity: depression can make thinking more negative, and negative thinking can probably cause and certainly worsen depression

It is not possible to isolate cognitive factors from biological and social factors.

Nolen-Hoeksema's theory has been challenged for temporal validity. Has society changed over time and made the theory less valid?

It is not possible to accurately measure "rumination" or "maladaptive schema."

The Treatment Aetiology fallacy - that is, the mistaken notion that the success of a given form of treatment reveals the cause of the disorder

Checking for understanding

1.  According to Beck, what role do schema play in depression?

A schema is a mental representation that helps us to predict and interpret our environment.  They are based on past experiences. They are the "filters" through which we see and interact with the world.  It makes sense that this would have an effect on depression;  if we have negative schema about ourselves or our world, then we will interpret our daily experiences through this negative filter.

2. What is meant by memory bias when discussing depressed individuals?

Memory bias is the tendency to recall negative information.  In the case of testing done on depressed individuals, it is found that they tend to remember words with negative connotations better than those with positive connotations.

3. To what extent can we determine if negative automatic thinking leads to depression?

It is not possible to establish a true cause and effect relationship.  We cannot be sure if negative thinking leads to depression or whether depression leads to negative thinking.  Prospective studies are difficult to carry out - and it is not really possible to separate other variables - for example, biological or social vulnerabilities.

4. How can rumination be measured?

There are primarily two ways in which rumination has been measured.  First, Nolen-Hoeksema's theory is based on extensive work with depressive patients. Through self-reporting, she has determined that this is a common characteristic of depressed patients. In addition, research like that carried out by Farb et al indicates that there are biological indications that rumination, which takes place in the frontal lobe, may play a role in depression.