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Anorexia: Final assessment

To complete this module, you should submit both of the assessments below.

First, you will write an SAQ response using material in this unit on depression. Complete the task and submit it.

The second task is an essay.  For the essay prompt below, please complete the essay and then send the file to your teacher. You should verify with your teacher how the essay should be submitted - as a Google doc, by email, or as a written task in Inthinking.

Task 1. Linking to Paper 1

Write a response to one of the following SAQ questions using one study of anorexia nervosa.

Explain one study of the role of one or more genes in one human behaviour.

Explain one example of localization of function with reference to one study.

50 lines


Task 2.  Writing an ERQ

Give yourself one hour to write a well-developed response to the following question:

Evaluate one or more sociocultural explanations of one disorder.

Exam tip

Remember that an "evaluate" question requires you to discuss both strengths and limitations of the etiology.  If you only discuss the limitations of the etiology, you may only earn the low markband for critical thinking.  In addition, remember that you are not simply evaluating research - you have to evaluate the theory on which the etiology is based.