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Study guide: Aetiologies

In order to prepare for exams, it is important to prepare a "tailor-made" study guide.  A study guide should reflect your own learning and not just what someone tells you is the "best" research to use on an exam.

For the topic "aetiologies of abnormal psychology", you will find an attached study guide.  I recommend that you attempt to fill it in before looking at the responses below.  There is both a paper and a digital copy available.

Aetiologies study guide

Digital aetiologies study guide

Question 1: Discuss one or more biological aetiologies of one disorder.

Terms/theories: Genetic vulnerability or Serotonin Hypothesis or Cortisol Hypothesis

Research: Genetics (Sullivan et al; Caspi et al); Serotonin hypothesis (Moreno and Delgado; Rausch et al; Caspi et al); Cortisol hypothesis (Malberg; Videbech and Ravnkilde)

Holistic points: leads to drug therapy, use of animal research, research is often correlational, cannot explain cultural differences in symptoms, often seen as reductionist.

Different command terms: Evaluate, Contrast one cognitive and one biological aetiology, To what extent does one aetiology effectively explain one disorder.

Question 2: Discuss one or more cognitive aetiologies of one disorder.

Terms/theories: Beck's Cognitive Triad, rumination, negative schemas

Research: In support of Beck: Ruiz-Caballero & Gonzalez, Joiner et al, Alloy et al; In support of rumination theory - Nolen Hoeksema, Farb.

Holistic points: The success of CBT; helps to explain differences in prevalence; it is difficult to isolate cognitive factors; questions of bidirectional ambiguity.

Different command terms: Evaluate, Contrast one cognitive and one biological aetiology, To what extent does one aetiology effectively explain one disorder.

Question 3: Discuss one or more sociocultural aetiologies of one disorder.

Terms/theories: Vulnerability models, explanatory models, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

Research: Vulnerability models ( Brown and Harris, Hays, Turner & Coates, Felitti et al); Explanatory models (Kirmayer, Parker)

Holistic points: a more holistic approach; accounts for culture, class, and gender differences; difficult to isolate variables and establish cause and effect; biological support with modern Diathesis Stress Model; descriptive rather than explanatory.

Different command terms: Evaluate, Contrast one cognitive and one sociocultural aetiology, To what extent does one aetiology effectively explain one disorder.

Question 4: Discuss prevalence rates and disorders

Terms/theories: Globalization, explanatory models (Kirmayer), prevalence

Research: reporting biases (Amenson & Lewinsohn); Globalization (Watters); Role of stigma (Twenge); prevalence of depression among women ( Nolen Hoeksema); the role of media (example, the case of Sybil and DID); Brown and Harris.

Holistic points: Prevalence may change over time; the role of globalization; problems of studying factors influencing prevalence; different groups have different protective and risk factors; some changes in prevalence may be due to targeted campaigns - may be a positive or negative result.

Different command terms:  Only discuss could be used for this question.

Question 5: Discuss one or more research methods used in the study of aetiologies of abnormal psychology.

Terms/theories: research methods = interviews, observations, experiments, correlational studies, and case studies.

Research: Any research could be used.  For example, Brown & Harris as semi-structured interviews, Caspi et al or Joiner as a natural experiment, Beck's or Nolen Hoeksema's research using interviews.

Holistic points: Limitations of natural experiments; construct validity in measuring "depressive symptoms," demand characteristics; ability to generalize; ability to replicate.

Different command terms: Evaluate or contrast.

Question 6: Discuss ethical considerations in the study of aetiologies of abnormal psychology.

Terms/theories: ethical considerations include: informed consent, anonymity, right to withdraw, deception, undue stress or harm, and debriefing.

Research: Any research could be used to discuss ethical considerations.

Holistic points: the issue of measuring "depressive symptoms"; the anonymity of an individual's mental health data; attrition rates affect outcomes of research; genetics may be difficult for individuals to understand implications; stigma caused by labeling.

Different command terms: This can only be asked as a "discuss" question.