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Presentation: Pheromones

The following presentation supports the study of pheromones.

You are not expected to learn all of the material in this presentation.  When using this study for revision, remember to:

  • Focus on key concepts
  • Learn 2 - 3 studies that you feel you understand.  You may also, instead, learn studies from the textbook or from your teacher.
  • Focus on key evaluation points

Arguments for pheromones

  • Other mammals have them.
  • We also secrete scents like other mammals.
  • There is some evidence that babies respond to pheromones in order to find their mother's breast and engage in rooting behaviour. See the study by Doucet (2009) in the textbook.

Arguments against pheromones

  • Generalizations from animal research have not proven to be valid.
  • Human mating behaviour is influenced by cognitive and sociocultural factors - including learned experience and social norms.
  • Studies on pheromones have often not been replicated.
  • Smells are not necessarily pheromones.  There is often a problem of construct validity in research on pheromones.
  • Research also tends to have small sample sizes.
  • There is an inability to eliminate the effect of other variables that may influence human scent - eg. bacteria and diet.
  • Humans do not appear to have a functional VNO which other animals use to detect pheromones.
  • The human process of scent detection is very complex and is difficult to study.
  • The human scent is complex and made up of many different molecules.  No one has yet mapped all of those molecules.