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Study guide: Cognition and tech

In order to prepare for exams, it is important to prepare a "tailor-made" study guide.  A study guide should reflect your own learning and not just what someone tells you is the "best" research to use on an exam.

For the HL extension "Cognition and technology", you will find an attached study guide.  I recommend that you attempt to fill it in before looking at the responses below.  There is both a paper and digital copy available.

Cognition and technology study guide

Digital Cognition and technology study guide

Question 1: Discuss the influence of digital technology on one or more cognitive


Terms/theories: Transactive memory

Research: Computers and memory: Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014), Anguera, J. A, 2013, Sparrow et al, 2011; Storm et al (2016); computers and thinking: Bavelier et al (2011); Glass, Maddow and Love (2013); increased spatial skills Uttal et al. (2013); Barr et al, 2015

Critical thinking: the difficulties of determining cause and effect relationships; operationalization of variables; researcher bias.

Different command terms: Evaluate research; to what extent

Question 2: Discuss positive and/or negative effects of modern technology on

cognitive processes.

Terms/theories: This would be a very similar response to the question above, but with a more clearly defined "positive" or "negative" approach to the effects. 

Research: Computers and memory: Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014), Anguera, J. A, 2013, Sparrow et al, 2011; Storm et al (2016); computers and thinking: Bavelier et al (2011); Glass, Maddow and Love (2013); increased spatial skills Uttal et al. (2013); Barr et al, 2015

Critical thinking: the difficulties of determining cause and effect relationships; operationalization of variables; researcher bias.

Different command terms: Evaluate research; to what extent

Question 3: Discuss methods used to study the interaction between digital

technology and cognitive processes.

Terms/theories: Remember that the research methods are: case studies, experiments, observations, interviews and questionnaires/surveys.

Research: You can use any study to answer this question. Many of the studies in this part of the unit are either experiments (e.g. Sparrow et al; Storms et al) or correlational studies (eg. Barr et al, 2015)

Critical thinking: You should be able to discuss the strengths and limitations of each of the methods.  This should include the question of cause and effect, ecological validity, replicability, internal validity, uses of controls and potential ethical considerations.

Different command terms: Evaluate, contrast

Please note that this question could also read: to study the effect of technology on cognition and emotion.

Question 4: Discuss the role of digital technology on emotion and cognition.

Terms/theories: Flashbulb memory, reception context,

Research: Schaefer et al (2011); Hirst et al (2008); Talorico et al (2017); Gandolphe and El Haj (2016); Ahern et al (2002)

Critical thinking: several problems with construct validity: flashbulb memories, emotional response, personal significance. There is a lack of research on the role of modern technology on flashbulb memories; there are many different variables that may play a role in flashbulb memories - it is impossible to isolate variables.

Different command terms: Evaluate research