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Reflections - mid sample

The following sample is a mid-level reflection for an EE on intelligence.  Read through the following sample to see if you can recognize why the sample would score in the mid markband.

Remember, although this is presented as three reflections, all three would be submitted to the IB for assessment and there would be one grade out of 6 marks.

Reflection 1

I am very interested in the topic of whether intelligence can be changed. I personally believe that IQ is a label that people have and it can lead to a mindset that “this is my IQ, I can’t do anything about it.”  I decided on this topic as an IB student wondering if my own destiny in the program is determined by my IQ.  I decided on my research question after completing our genetics unit in psychology, learning that there is research that seems to contradict genetic arguments about intelligence. In starting off my paper I have to define intelligence – and this is difficult because no one really knows what it is.  I have decided to use IQ testing as it is easy and the few studies I have found so far focus on IQ.  My next plan is to read studies and take notes for both sides of the argument.  (151 words)

Reflection 2

I am finding some interesting arguments about the validity of IQ testing, but I am still not sure how to include them in my paper. I have found a few texts that clearly outline arguments that I am using to help me figure out what the two “camps” are.  Evaluating the research is difficult as there are many details in the books that I am reading and I cannot find the original studies.  I have found that the Project Headstart program seems to make a difference in developing intelligence.  I would like to know more about.  It also makes me wonder about CAS and how this might help. I have to now develop a rough draft of my argument.  It seems to me that intelligence is malleable, but that there may be some factors that make it not malleable. This is something that needs further research before I finalize my essay. (151 words)

Reflection 3

I am proud of my essay as I think that it shows that I have been able to look at two different perspectives and come up with a conclusion.  I think that if I were going to do it again, I would start earlier as I found it difficult to meet the deadlines.  I would also try to write a better outline with more detail so that I had a better chance of writing a stronger essay. The paper concludes that intelligence is malleable which shows that we shouldn’t have a fixed mindset and our IQ can be better with some extra work. (103 words)

Why does this receive mid-range marks?

The reflections start strongly, putting the question into the context of a fixed mindset.

There is some discussion of problems encountered, but how these problems were resolved is not really explained.  In addition, although there is some student voice, the focus is still too much on what was done or not done. The final reflection is disappointing.  The student is proud of the fact that they finished and met the requirements.  This is not a very analytical or creative reflection.