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Quiz: biology terminology

The following quiz is a simple revision of terminology used in the biological approach.  Fill in the blanks with the keyword or phrase that is missing. When you have finished, you may want to do a bit more research on the terms that you have missed so that you can be sure to know them on exam day!

Please fill in the boxes with the appropriate term.

The argument that certain behaviours can be traced back to a specific part of the brain is called . The hippocampus has the function of transferring information from short-term to long-term memory. The plays a role in the creation of emotional memories. The lobe plays a role in thinking and decision making. The plays a role in the regulation of hunger.

A chemical that blocks a receptor site and leads to inaction is called a(n)   . In studies with rats, researchers block acetylcholine receptor sites with a drug called .

The two key ways that neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse are that they can be broken down by an or they can be reabsorbed in a process called .

A criticism of the biological approach is that the approach focuses on very simple origins of complex behaviours. This is called a approach.

Neuroplasticity has two phases. The creation of new synapses is the result of a process called branching and the removal of synapses is called synaptic .

The repeated firing of the same neuron which leads to neuroplasticity is called long-term .

MRIs create their image by measuring the spin of hydrogen protons. The MRI data can be interpreted by looking at voxel-based morphology that helps us to measure the of grey matter, or pixel counting, which allows us to measure the of grey matter. A scan measures the breakdown of glucose in the brain to measure brain activity.



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