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Biological theories of attraction

The biological approach argues that human attraction has its roots in natural selection – that is, we are attracted to the traits that would have the greatest advantage for our potential offspring.  They also argue that attraction is primarily a physiological response. These physiological responses include neurotransmitters, hormones, and potentially, pheromones.

Much of the research on the biological origins of human attraction has two key limitations.  First, much of the research you will read is correlational in nature - that is, it is not possible to establish a true cause and effect relationship.  Secondly, much of the research is done using animal models, making assumptions about the level to which we can compare human relationships to what we see in the rest of the animal kingdom.

The role of neurotransmitters

A characteristic symptom of romantic love is the obsession with the loved one. Lovers are not able to turn off their thoughts, so most of their waking hours are consumed with thinking about their sweetheart.  This can be observed by the daydreaming of a student in class about his or her new girlfriend, or the incessant texting of two lovebirds when they first meet. When a person is attracted to someone, he or she shows some distinctive features such as an altered mental state with mood swings from depression to joy depending on the response of the loved one.

According to anthropologist Helen Fisher, romantic love should be seen as a motivation system that humans share with other mammals.  Fisher argues that there is a specific attraction system in the brain associated with dopamine-rich areas.  This attraction system has evolved to attract mates and enable individuals to focus their mating energy on one specific partner. This particular system could be characterized as a biochemical cocktail consisting of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. The overwhelming sense of obsession with the loved one as well as the feelings that your head spins and your heart races, is apparently the result of the 'biochemical cocktail,' according to Fisher et al (2005).

A Love Cocktail

Dopamine is a feel-good neurotransmitter.  This is responsible for motivation. Every time you think about that special someone, dopamine is released.

Noradrenaline helps control emotions and stress – the extra dose in your system increases your alertness and attentiveness to your new partner. It also provides that rush of excitement.  Noradrenaline stimulates the production of adrenaline, which makes our hearts race, and the palms sweat.

Serotonin levels drop when we fall in love. The low levels in those who are newly in love can cause obsessive thinking and heightened mood extremes often experienced in a new relationship.

Although it is not a neurotransmitter, testosterone is also part of this "love cocktail."  This hormone increases sexual desire towards your new partner and increases feelings of aggression, which may motivate you to more actively pursue your partner.

Fisher and her team used an fMRI to test their hypothesis that there are specific neural mechanisms associated with romantic love. The participants consisted of a self-selected sample of 10 women and 7 men who were intensely in love for an average of 7.4 months. The researchers first conducted a semi-structured interview to establish the duration and intensity of the participants’ feelings of romantic love.  Then each participant completed the Passionate Love Scale - a Likert scale questionnaire that measures traits commonly associated with romantic love. This was done in order to compare what participants reported on the questionnaires to their brain activity as seen through the fMRI.

The participants first looked at the photograph of their beloved for 30 seconds while they were scanned. Then they had a filler task to distract them before they looked at a neutral photograph for 30 seconds while being scanned. This was repeated six times. The researchers got what Fisher calls “a beautiful picture of the brain in love”, showing activity in the brain’s reward system. 

The researchers found that the brain’s reward system was particularly active when the lovers looked at pictures of the object of their love  - that is, increased activity in the areas of the brain with high levels of dopamine neurons; they also found that the more passionate they were, the more active the brain’s reward circuitry was.

This is in line with our knowledge of the brain's reward system and the role of dopamine in motivation. The data from the fMRI scans supported a correlation between the attitudes towards the lover and brain activity. According to Fisher, romantic love is not an emotion, but rather a motivation system - a need or a craving - designed to enable lovers to mate. Fisher claims that specific brain systems have evolved to motivate individuals to mate. This could perhaps explain why attraction is normally linked to increased energy, focused attention, obsessive following, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite. Dopamine is behind the intense motivation to win a specific mating partner in the early stages of human romantic love.  In this way, humans are very much like other animals.

ATL: Thinking critically about the brain's reward system

Watch the video below to get a better understanding of the brain's reward system.  You will see that the video is about drug addiction.  Don't think that this is a mistake!

While watching this video, think about what role each of the following parts of the brain might play in the experience of attraction.

  • The amygdala
  • The nucleus accumbens
  • The pre-frontal cortex
  • The hippocampus
  • The ventral tegmental area (VTA)

 Teacher only box

Think about what role each of the following parts of the brain might play in the experience of attraction.

  • The amygdala: encodes the intensity of emotional stimuli whether positive or negative.
  • The nucleus accumbens: The nucleus accumbens, being one part of the reward system, plays an important role in processing stimuli that are both rewarding and reinforcing (eg. sex)
  • The pre-frontal cortex: can make snap judgments about whether a person is attractive to you.  See this piece of research from Trinity College Dublin.
  • The hippocampus: stores and retrieves memories of past experiences.
  • The ventral tegmental area (VTA): the dopamine-rich part of the brain that makes us feel good being with the person we love. A good article for further reading can be found here.

Another feature of attraction is the intense craving for the partner. According to research by Marazitti et al. (1999), the obsession by the loved one could perhaps be related to decreased levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Marazziti et al. (1999) studied 60 individuals: 20 were men and women who had fallen in love in the previous six months; 20 others suffered from untreated obsessive-compulsive disorder; 20 more were normal, healthy individuals who were not in love - these were used as controls. By analyzing blood samples from the lovers, Marazziti discovered that the serotonin levels of new lovers were equivalent to the low serotonin levels found in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although this is interesting research, it is important to note that researchers analyzed serotonin levels in the blood, not areas of serotonin activity in the brain. Fisher (2005) argues that until scientists have documented the activity of serotonin in specific brain regions, it is not possible to understand the exact role of serotonin in romantic love.

The role of hormones

As a relationship develops over time a couple moves from attraction to a more intimate relationship with feelings of comfort, security, and relatedness called attachment. The British psychiatrist Bowlby (1969) suggested that humans have an innate attachment system that consists of specific behaviours and physiological responses called attachment behaviours. He was mostly concerned with the attachment between a mother and child, but it is believed that the same processes are involved in adult love relationships. Attachment is considered to be fundamental for keeping together two individuals, once the flame of romantic love has vanished.

One hormone that may play a role in long-term commitment is vasopressin, which is released during sex. An experiment on the role of vasopressin was conducted using prairie voles (Winslow et al. 1993). These animals tend to form stable pair bonds and have more sex than is necessary for reproduction, just as humans do. When male prairie voles were given a drug that suppressed the effects of vasopressin, they lost their devotion to their mates and no longer protected them from potential suitors. This was taken as evidence that vasopressin plays an important role in male attachment and mating behaviour.

However, can we generalize from animal research and assume that this is true in human males? Research by Walum et al (2008) argues that it may be possible. They have found that men with a variation of the vasopressor receptor gene (allele 334) which leads to lower levels of vasopressin in human males have lower rates of marital satisfaction.  There are many concerns, however, about arguing that this is “proof” that human monogamous behaviour may be linked to levels of vasopressin.  Firstly, the study is only correlational in nature; unlike the study by Winslow et al, there was no manipulation of the males’ level of vasopressin.  As you can imagine, there would be some pretty serious ethical concerns about such experimentation! Secondly, asking men about their marital satisfaction is open to a lot of confounding variables and demand characteristics.  Finally, arguing that marital satisfaction in a human relationship is equivalent to pair-bonding in prairie voles is problematic. 

A hormone that has received a lot more attention with regard to human mating is oxytocin. Oxytocin is released in both men and women during touching and sex; it is argued that the hormone may intensify feelings of attachment. Thus, couples feel closer and more bonded. Oxytocin is also released during childbirth, and scientists believe that it helps to secure the bond between mother and infant. Research also indicates that oxytocin suppresses the activity of the amygdala, lowering feelings of anxiety and aggression. This may allow a couple to be more intimate and trusting of one another – increasing their bond.

Ditzen et al (2009) performed an experiment with the aim of investigating the possible role of oxytocin in how couples discuss a contentious issue. It was hypothesized that participants who received oxytocin would engage in more positive communication patterns than a placebo group. The researchers used a double-blind placebo-controlled design, with 47 heterosexual couples.  Each couple received either oxytocin or placebo intranasally. They were then videotaped as they engaged in a discussion about a topic that would lead to conflict. The level of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva was repeatedly measured during the experiment.  The results showed that for both men and women oxytocin improved communication and lowered cortisol, compared to the placebo. These results indicate a possible role of oxytocin in humans and they are in line with animal studies indicating that oxytocin facilitates approach and pair-bonding behaviour. Positive communication in a couple is a necessary factor in a strong relationship – as you will see later in this chapter. However, Ditzen et al. (2009) make clear that it is most likely not the oxytocin level alone that determines the strength of a relationship, but the results are interesting and could perhaps stimulate further research into psychobiological approaches to couple therapy.

ATL: Inquiry

Often when discussing human relationships, comparisons are made to animals. For example, Winslow's research on prairie voles is often used as an example of how animals may also demonstrate monogamous relationships - just like humans.

But just how similar is animal behaviour to ours? Do a bit of investigation to see what researchers say about some of the following topics:

                    *  Long-term, monogamous relationships

                    *  Same-sex relationships

                    *  Grief response after the death of a mate

After carrying out some research share with the class your findings.  Do you think that what we see in animals is the same as what we see in humans?  Why or why not?

 Teacher only box

Do you think that what we see in animals is the same as what we see in humans?  Why or why not?

This returns us to the HL extension and gets students to think about whether we can use animals in the study of human relationships. 

Long-term, monogamous relationships

There are several interesting articles on this.  For example:

Same-sex relationships

Grief response after the death of a mate

Perhaps the best article on this is: When animals grieve. The article has several links to research. 

Perhaps the most well-known phenomenon is the "crow funeral."

Evolutionary explanations

Although research on biochemistry helps us to understand what is happening to an individual when falling in love and forming attachments, it does not explain why we find some people more attractive than others. Evolutionary psychologists use the theory of natural selection in order to propose an explanation.

Low (1990) wanted to see if pathogen stress - that is, the exposure to disease and parasites in a community - influences mating behaviour.  He carried out an analysis of 186 cultures and found a strong correlation between the number of parasites the population is exposed to and the degree of polygyny - that is, when males have more than one sexual partner or spouse. As the degree of pathogen stress increases, the number of unmarried men increases. Gangestad and Buss (1993) found that women and men in regions of the world with high levels of pathogen stress rated the importance of physical attractiveness of a prospective mate much more highly than individuals living in regions of the world with lower pathogen stress. For example, symmetrical facial features are considered more attractive in most cultures. In males, the development of prominent cheekbones and a masculine chin is related to androgen levels during puberty. Illness during adolescence can suppress androgen secretion, which affects the development of facial characteristics that are considered attractive. Good teeth may also be an indication of a lower parasite load. Schackelford and Larsen (1997) found that men with fewer symmetrical facial features were less physically active, manifested more symptoms of depression, and reported more minor physical problems (e.g. colds, headaches, gastrointestinal problems).

Another aspect of natural selection would be to make sure that the immune system of any offspring would be as effective as possible. Research on the MHC – or Major Histocompatibility Complex – looks at the role of genes linked to the immune system in human attraction.  MHC has an influence on human smell. Researchers are divided on whether MHC could be an example of a human pheromone.

A female mouse chooses a mate whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are the least similar to her own.  There is also some indication that human females also prefer men whose MHC genes are the least similar to their own. MHC genes are co-dominant, meaning that both sets of inherited genes have an effect on the child’s immune system; so the more diverse the MHC genes of the parents, the stronger the immune system of the offspring. It would obviously be beneficial, therefore, to have evolved systems of recognizing individuals with different MHC genes, and preferentially selecting them as sexual partners. Wedekind (1995) investigated the role of MHC in human attraction.

Research in psychology: The dirty shirt study (Wedekind 1995)

Wedekind (1995) performed an experiment with the aim of testing if women would prefer the body odors of men whose MHC genes were the least similar to their own.

Wedekind recruited a group of 49 women and 44 men, with a wide range of MHC genes. Wedekind gave each man a clean T-shirt and asked him to wear it for two nights. To ensure a strong body odor, he gave the men supplies of odor-free soap and aftershave and asked them to remain as “odor neutral” as possible. They were also forbidden to eat spicy food.

The study was a double-blind experiment.  This means that neither the researcher nor the participants were aware of which t-shirt they were being exposed to at any point in the study in order to minimize researcher bias in the experimenters and demand characteristics in the participants.

After the men returned the shirts, Wedekind put each one in a plastic-lined cardboard box with a sniffing hole on top. The women were scheduled to return at the midpoint of their menstrual cycle when women’s sense of smell is at its best, and each was presented with a different set of seven boxes. Three of the seven boxes contained T-shirts from men with MHC similar to the woman’s own; three contained T-shirts from MHC-dissimilar men; and one contained an unworn T-shirt as a control. The women were asked to rate each of the seven T-shirts as pleasant or unpleasant.

Overall, says Wedekind, the women he tested were more likely to prefer the scent of men with dissimilar MHC. Although we might argue that this is strong evidence that MHC determines whom we find to be attractive, that would be a reductionist approach to relationships. As you will see in the next two sections, cognitive and sociocultural factors also appear to play an important role in human attraction.

Checking for understanding

Which of the following neurotransmitters is not part of Fischer's "love cocktail" that is correlated with passionate love?

Higher levels of norepinephrine and dopamine, as well as low levels of serotonin are correlated with falling in love.


Which of the following parts of the brain is not part of the reward system and affected by dopamine?



What did Baumgarten find happened to participants who received higher levels of oxytocin through nasal spray?

Baumgarten found that there was a decreased response in the amygdala and caudate nucleus. The amygdala is a structure in the brain involved in emotional processing and fear learning. It has many oxytocin receptors. The caudate nucleus is associated with learning and memory; it plays a role in reward-related responses and learning to trust.


Which hormone did Winslow study in prairie voles that appeared to determine their monogamous behaviour?

In Winslow's study, when male prairie voles had vasopressin inhibited, they were no longer devoted to their partner.


Evolutionary psychologists have found that which characterisitic is most associated with a history of good health and a strong immune system?

Although all of the features above may indicate some aspect of one's health, Shackelford & Larsen (1997) found that men with less symmetrical facial features were less physically active, manifested moresymptoms of depression and anxiety, and reported more minor physical problems – for example, colds, headaches, and gastrointestinal problems.


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