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Study guide: Identity

In order to prepare for exams, it is important to prepare a "tailor-made" study guide.  A study guide should reflect your own learning and not just what someone tells you is the "best" research to use on an exam.

For the topic "Developing an identity," you will find an attached study guide.  I recommend that you attempt to fill it in before looking at the responses below.  There is both a paper and a digital copy available.

Developing an identity study guide

Digital Developing an identity study guide

Question 1: Discuss research on attachment.

Terms/theories: Bowlby's Internal Working Model; Strange Situation Test;

Research: Harlow (1958); Ainsworth (1970), Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988); Hazan and Shaver (1987); Simpson et al. (1996); Fonagy et al. (1991)

Critical thinking: Operationalization of attachment; use of animal models; use of prospective vs retrospective research designs; predictive validity; cross-cultural validity.

Different command terms: Evaluate research; Discuss attachment.

Question 2: Discuss one or more theories of gender identity.

Terms/theories: Gender identity; gender constancy, the biosocial theory of gender development

Research: Kohlberg (1966); Money and Erhard (1972); Imperato-McGinely et al (1974); Whiting and Edwards (1973)

Critical thinking: Ethical considerations in the study of gender identity; the binary approach used by Western researchers until recently; the use of interviews by Kohlberg; the use of case studies.

Different command terms: Evaluate; discuss gender identity.

Question 3: Discuss the development of social roles.

Terms/theories: Gender roles, socialization, Gender Schema Theory, social cognitive theory, direct tuition, positive reinforcement

Research: Martin and Halvorson (1983); Martin et al (1995), Fagot (1978); Williams (1986); Wood et al (2002); Sroufe et al. (1993); Condry & Condry (1976), Silva et al (1992) study of Sri Lankan adolescents.

Critical thinking: Older studies have questionable temporal validity; much of the research is cross-sectional and not longitudinal; cross-cultural validity; the role of globalization; operationalization of gender-congruent vs. incongruent behaviours, evaluation of natural experiments (Williams, 1986); ecological validity (Martin and Halvorson, 1983)

Different command terms: Evaluate research; evaluate one theory

Question 4: Discuss the development of empathy and/or theory of mind.

Terms/theories: Egocentrism; false belief testing; theory theory; simulation theory

Research: Repacholi and Gopnik (1997); Baron-Cohen et al (1985); Carr et al (2003)

Critical thinking: the validity of stage theories; operationalization of theory of mind; use of brain scanning technologies in research; applications of the theory.

Different command terms: Evaluate research; evaluate one theory

Question 5: Discuss one or more research methods used in the study of the development of identity.

Terms/theories: research methods = interviews, observations, experiments, correlational studies, and case studies.

Research: Any research may be used.  For example, Experiments:  Repacholi and Gopnik (1997); Martin and Halvorson (1983); Williams (1986); Wood et al (2002) Observations:  Ainsworth (1970); Carr et al (2003); Fagot (1974);  Case studies: Imperato-McGinely et al (1974); Money and Erhard (1972); Interviews: Kohlberg (1966); Correlational studies: Hazan and Shaver (1987)

Critical thinking: Limitations of research methods.  Problems of operationalization.  The ability to draw conclusions about cause and effect.

Different command terms: Evaluate, contrast

Question 6: Discuss ethical considerations in the study of the development of identity.

Terms/theories: Ethical considerations include: informed consent, anonymity, right to withdraw, deception, undue stress or harm, and debriefing.

Research: Any research could be used to discuss ethical considerations.

Critical thinking: Informed consent in studies of children (Ainsworth, 1970, Repacholi and Gopnik, 1997); undue stress or harm (Money and Erhard, 1972; Ainsworth, 1970); right to withdraw from longitudinal studies (Fonagy, 1991).

Different command terms: This question may only be asked as a "discuss" question.

Combining with the approaches

The examiners could ask the following questions:
  • Discuss a biological approach to developing an identity.
  • Discuss a cognitive approach to developing an identity.
  • Discuss a sociocultural approach to developing an identity.
You could use any material from this unit to answer the question, but I would recommend that you focus on the development of gender roles.
Biological: biological origins of gender identity.
Cognitive: Gender schema theory and gender role development.
Sociocultural: Social cognitive theory and gender role development.