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Overview of report format

Although presentation is not assessed, it is an important component of all academic work.  After so much hard work in setting up, carrying out, and analyzing your experiment, it is important that you present your work in a way that reflects the effort that you put into it. 

Remember that the word count is between 1800 and 2200 words.  Anything that goes beyond the word count will not be read by the moderator.

A lack of citation or the presence of inappropriate citation – such as a simple listing of URLs – may result in your work being flagged for academic dishonesty.

Formatting requirements

  • Use size 12 font and double-space your report.
  • The title page should include all essential information: Title of your investigation, session (May or November and the year), date of submission, IB personal code (for example, XYZ123), IB personal code for each group member, and word count.
  • The title should reflect your hypothesis. For example, An experiment to investigate the effect of category headings on the recall of a list of words. Do not use a title like “A study of memory.”
  • Your name and candidate number should not appear in the body of the report.
  • Use all the appropriate headings: Introduction, Exploration, Analysis, Evaluation, References, Appendices.
  • Include a table of contents. The title of each appendix should be listed.
  • Use page numbers.

You need to include a complete set of references to all the works cited in the report. Do not include works that are not cited. An approved reference format should be used, such as that of the American Psychological Association or the British Psychological Society. These formats are freely available on the Internet.

In the appendices, include blank copies of any supplementary information, as well as the materials used, such as standardized instructions, debriefing notes, informed consent letters, and calculations of the inferential statistics. This section provides all the materials necessary to allow the experiment to be replicated. The tables of raw data must also be included here. However, do not include all participant responses - one blank copy is sufficient. Make sure that each appendix is numbered and has an appropriate title –for example, Appendix iv: Calculation of the Mann-Whitney U.

Summary of report format

Report sectionRequirements
  1. An explanation of the theory upon which your investigation is based.
  2. Definitions of any terminology relevant to your study.
  3. A description of the original study that you are replicating.
  4. A statement of the aim of your investigation and why it is worth studying.
  5. An operationalized null and research hypothesis.
  1. Identify and explain the design of your study.
  2. Identify and explain the sampling technique.
  3. Describe the characteristics of your sample.
  4. Explain the choice of participants.
  5. Explain the controls that were used.
  6. Explain how materials were developed and why you made the choices that you did.
  7. Describe your procedure, including how ethical standards were met.
  1.  Apply descriptive statistics.
  2. Apply inferential statistics.
  3. Include one graph which clearly reflects your results in light of your hypothesis.
  4. State the significance of your data with regard to your hypothesis.
  5. Explain your statistical findings with regard to the data.
  1. Discuss the findings compared to the original study.
  2. Link the findings to the theory in your introduction.
  3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of your design, sample, procedure, and materials.
  4. Suggest modifications for future replications to address the limitations in your investigation.
  5. End with a final statement of conclusion with regard to your hypothesis.
Works citedAn alphabetized list of the sources cited in your introduction.
  1. A blank copy of your letter of consent.
  2. Briefing notes/standardized directions
  3. Materials
  4. Debriefing notes
  5. Raw data
  6. Calculations of inferential statistics