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Presentation: Cognition and obesity

The following presentation supports the study of the cognitive approach to obesity.

You are not expected to learn all of the material in this presentation.  When using this study for revision, remember to:

  • Focus on key concepts
  • Learn 2 - 3 studies that you feel you understand.  You may also, instead, learn studies from the textbook or from your teacher.
  • Focus on key evaluation points

Strengths and limitations of cognitive arguments

  • Although there is some evidence that the way that we think may influence our choices of when, what and how much to eat, many of the studies are done under artificial conditions.
  • Studies are often cross-sectional, meaning that it does not show us a pattern of behaviour over time.
  • Cognitive research has been applied to increase sales of foods in restaurants and supermarkets - as well as to improve health campaigns.
  • It is not possible to actually know the thinking processes that people engage in during times of overeating; other variables cannot be ruled out.
  • Although the studies indicate decision making patterns, they do not demonstrate a direct causal relationship with obesity.