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SAQ sample: Inhibitory synapses

The following sample is for the question: Describe one study that demonstrates the role of inhibitory synapses in the study of human behaviour.

Remember, this question may not be asked as an ERQ.

What is the question asking for?

  • An inhibitory neurotransmitter must be correctly identified. These include serotonin and GABA.
  • There should be one study should be given that clearly shows how the neurotransmitter may affect human behaviour.
  • The focus must be on human behaviour.  Although in theory an animal study could be used and linked to human behaviour, this is not the best strategy for an SAQ. 

Sample response

Neurotransmitters play an important role in human behaviour.  Neurotransmitters are released from the terminal buttons of a neuron and then travel across a synapse where they attach to receptor sites on the postsynaptic membrane. Some neurotransmitters are seen as more inhibitory - that is, they make the target neuron less likely to "fire" an action potential. A neurotransmitter can sometimes have either an excitatory or an inhibitory effect, depending on the receptor sites that it binds to.

One example of how a neurotransmitter binds to inhibitory receptor sites is the role of GABA in memory formation. Prevot carried out a study to see if using a benzodiazepine to stimulate GABA receptor sites would improve memory.  GABA receptor sites in the hippocampus are inhibitory, decreasing neural activity.

The study was done using older mice that showed memory impairment.  They were placed into a  ‘Y’ shaped maze.  The researchers carried out a double-blind experiment with a pre-test/post-test design. The mice were either allocated to the placebo condition (the control condition) or to drug condition.  You can see below the results in both the chronic stress and aged mice samples.  The older mice treated with the drug showed significantly higher levels of performance on the task than does those that received the placebo. In other words, the GABA agonist increased the memory retention of the maze.

This study is relevant to human behaviour. Porges found a correlation between higher concentrations of GABA receptors in the frontal lobe of an elderly sample and superior cognitive performance. It appears that inhibition of activity in the hippocampus plays a role in the creation of memory.

Common problems when answering this response

  • An incorrect neurotransmitter is identified.
  • There is no link to human behaviour but instead, the response is focused on animal behaviour.
  • The study is not outlined in terms of its aim, procedure, and findings.
  • More than one example is provided.  In that case, only the first example will be assessed.