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Study guide: Globalization

In order to prepare for exams, it is important to prepare a "tailor made" study guide.  A study guide should reflect your own learning and not just what someone tells you is the "best" research to use on an exam.

For the HL extension: "globalization," you will find an attached study guide.  I recommend that you attempt to fill it in before looking at the responses below.  There is both a paper and digital copy available.

Globalization study guide

Digital globalization study guide

Question 1: Discuss how globalization may influence behaviour.

Terms/theories:  Globalization, local culture, delocalization, identity confusion, global culture, subjective well-being.

Research: effects on mental health: Ogihara & Uchida (2014); Kaufman (1991); Norasakkunkit & Uchida (2014);  Becker et al (2002); effect on tolerance/attitudes towards foreigners: Chiu et al (2009); Nesdale and Todd (2000); Novotny and Polonsky (2011); Ariely (2011); Gries (2011) effects on aggressive behaviours: Delafosse, Fouraste & Ghobouo, 1993.

Critical thinking: Research on the effects of globalization on decreasing prejudice is not consistent; difficult to measure "levels of globalization;" reliance on self-reported data; studies are relatively recent and are difficult to replicate; limited generalizability of several of the studies. 

Different command terms: Evaluate research on.. To what extent may globalization influence behaviour?

Question 2. Discuss the effect of the interaction of global and local cultural influences on


Terms/theories: Globalization, local culture, delocalization, identity confusion, global culture, acculturative stress

Research: effects on mental health: Ogihara & Uchida (2014); Kaufman (1991); Norasakkunkit & Uchida (2014);  Becker et al (2002); effect on tolerance/attitudes towards foreigners: Chiu et al (2009); Nesdale and Todd (2000); Novotny and Polonsky (2011); Ariely (2011); Gries (2011) effects on aggressive behaviours: Delafosse, Fouraste & Ghobouo (1993).

Critical thinking: See above.

Different command terms: No other command term could be applied.

Question 3: Discuss methods used to study the influence of globalization on behaviour.

Terms/theories: Remember that the research methods are: case studies, experiments, observations, interviews and questionnaires/surveys.

Research: Any research may be used. True experiment: Nesdale and Todd (2000); Natural experiment: Becker et al (2002); Correlational studies: Novotny and Polonsky (2011), Ogihara and Ochida (2014); Case study: Delafosse, Fouraste & Ghobouo (1993)

Critical thinking: The focus here will be on evaluating the research methods.  This includes levels of internal and ecological validity; the ability to operationalize variables; sampling biases; replicability.

Different command termsEvaluate, contrast.