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Interviews: Final Assessment

There are three different potential final assessments for this module.  Your teacher may choose to ask you to do one, two, or all three of the assessments.

The final assessment is a sample Paper 3.  Fill in each of the short-answer boxes to answer each of the questions.  

Time for this assessment - five minutes reading time, followed by one hour to complete your responses to the questions.

A mock paper

Please read the stimulus piece below.  When answering the questions, be sure to refer to the details in the study.

Brouneus (2010) carried out a study to examine whether witnessing in the Gacaca, the Rwandan village tribunals for truth and reconciliation after the 1994 genocide, was beneficial for psychological health.  After the genocide in Rwanda, it was decided that rather than having government-led trials, communities would have truth and reconciliation committees - that is, the perpetrators would be confronted by families of their victims and would be asked to apologize for their actions. The goal was to allow for a release of emotion at the trials and for communities to move on from the genocide.

A team of researchers from the IRC (International Red Cross) carried out semi-structured interviews with 1200 Rwandans. The researchers went to local communities and asked the local leaders to recommend participants for the study.  The researchers then contacted these people and asked them to volunteer for the study.

A team of twenty-one Kinyarwanda-speaking research assistants and three team leaders was selected on the basis of having exemplary interviewer skills and extensive experience working for the IRC. Research assistance were both male and female, and they were both Hutu and Tutsi - the two major ethnic groups in Rwanda.

The interviews were carried out with three groups: survivors, inyangamugayo (Gacaca judges), and members of the community who were not directly affected by the perpetrator.  The interview was originally written in French and then translated into Kinyarwanda.  All interviews were carried out face-to-face with no other family members present. At the beginning of the interview, a statement of confidentiality was read, ensuring that interviews would be kept anonymous and that no identifying information would be retained.  The average interview lasted 45 minutes.

Survivors who had served as witnesses in the Gacaca had a 20 percent higher risk of having depression and a 40 percent higher risk of having PTSD compared to survivors who had not witnessed. Among inyangamugayo or neighbors, the effect of witnessing was even stronger: the risk of having depression was 60 percent higher and for PTSD 75 percent higher among those who had witnessed in the Gacaca,  compared to those who had not witnessed; this suggests that the experience of the Gacaca court was more distressing than healing.

This study strongly challenges the claim that truth-telling is healing and presents a novel understanding of the complexity of truth-telling processes in post-conflict peacebuilding.

1a. Identify the method used and outline two characteristics of the method.

10 lines

1b. Describe the sampling method used in the study.

10 lines

1c. Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice.

10 lines

2. Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.

25 lines

3. Discuss how a researcher could ensure that the results of the study are credible.

50 lines