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Credibility and qualitative research

HL Paper 3: Credibility in qualitative research

This section of the module addresses the exam question: Discuss how a researcher could ensure that the results of the study are credible. Credibility is similar to the concept of validity in quantitative research.  This section will explore strategies for establishing credibility and recommend approaches to the question for Paper 3.

Key concepts

Upon completion of this section, you should be able to discuss the following concepts:

  • Credibility
  • Member checking
  • Phenomenological approach
  • Triangulation


Read through the following presentation.  At the end of the presentation is a sample study in which you are asked a series of questions regarding the credibility of the study.  Think carefully about each question before checking the answer on the next slide.  You may even want to write down a response and compare it to what is on the slide.

A special case of credibility

In cultural research, we see another potential way to ensure the credibility of a study.

Since it is important to know that the interpretations of interviews actually reflect the meaning that the participant intended, working in a different language presents a unique problem.  Whether it is giving an interview that has to be translated or giving participants a translated questionnaire, the question of whether the translation correctly communicates the opinions, feelings, or experiences of the interviewee is important.

Researchers, therefore, use a technique known as back translation.  This is when a translator or team of professional translators interpret a document previously translated into another language back to the original language.

For example, if a researcher is working in rural China but does not speak the local language, she may have local people carry out the interviews for her.  When the researcher receives the interview notes, they are then translated into the researcher's language.  After the researcher has interpreted the notes, they are translated back into the local language by a team of translators. The goal is for the interviewees to read these notes to see if they agree with the interpretations. If not, it could be that the way the original questions were translated was problematic.  Or, it could mean that the translation failed to represent the tone or intent of the speaker.

Checking for understanding

Please read the following study and write a response to the question. Remember to address as many of the points about credibility as possible in your response.

Prior to graduating from high school, many students will take part in community service. Although it is frequently assumed that community service is beneficial for students, the empirical assessment of student service programs is inconsistent and often lacks methodological rigor.  This study carried out 128 semi-structured interviews with high school students in their final year of study.  The students represented 15 schools from across the Northeastern United States. The interviews focused both on their personal experience with community service and their feelings on the program at their school.  Findings indicate that the program was experienced as both empowering (i.e., guided by student initiative, preferences, and strengths) and promoting a sense of community (i.e., encouraged cooperation and collective decision making). Results also suggest that taking part in the community service program increased youths' self-reported empathy and intent to be involved in future community action.

*  The study is not an actual study but is based on this study. The study has been altered to meet IB examination expectations.

Discuss how a researcher could ensure that the results of the study are credible.

50 lines


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