IA Menu 1
One of the ways to make it easier for students to choose their IA experiment for replication is to give them a limited menu of choices. By giving them a menu of options, it guarantees that you are familiar with the studies that they are going to replicate and you know that you can access the original study.
Below is an example of an IA menu with the file attached.
Sample IA menu
Studies of memory
The smashing car special: Loftus & Palmer (1974)
An experiment that sees whether word choice can affect an eye-witness’s memory of an auto accident. Limited to two levels of the IV.
Theories: Reconstructive memory, misinformation effect, schema theory.
For the smaller appetite: Baddeley, Thomson & Buchanan (1975)
Word Length and the Structure of Short-Term Memory.
Theories: Working memory model.
To cleanse the palette: Bransford, J.D. & Johnson, M. K. (1972).
How information before and after reading a text may help understanding and recall.
Theories: Schema theory
For the narcissist in all of us: Rogers, Kuiper & Kirker’s (1977)
A study of self-referential encoding. When information is personally relevant, we are more likely to recall it.
Theories: Levels of processing theory.
Triple the pleasure: Peterson and Peterson (1959)
The effect of time intervals on the recall of trigrams. Link to the original study.
Theories: The Multi-Store Model, limitations of STM.
A Googletastic delight: Sparrow et al (2011).
The effect of computer use on memory.
Theories: Transactive memory.
Studies of thinking and decision-making
Hey, Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Williams & Bargh (2008).
Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth.
Theories: Priming, schema theory
For the fast calculators: Tversky & Kahnemann (1973)
On anchoring bias and the estimation of a math problem
Theories: Dual Processing Model; anchoring bias
Heavenly choices: Nisbett and Wilson (1977).
A study of the Halo Effect.
Theories: Dual Processing Model; Halo Effect.
Abstract vs concrete desserts: Wason & Shapiro (1971).
A study of logic and problem-solving.
Theories: Dual Processing Model.
Indian delight: Strack and Mussweiler (1997).
The use of anchors in decision-making.
Theories: Dual Processing Model; anchoring bias
Frames of mind: Tversky & Kahneman, (1981).
The use of frames to influence choices.
Theories: Dual Processing Model; loss aversion.