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Reflections - low sample

The following sample is a weak reflection for an EE on abnormal psychology.  Read through the following sample to see if you can recognize why the sample would score in the lower markband.

Remember, although this is presented as three reflections, all three would be submitted to the IB for assessment and there would be one grade out of 6 marks.

Reflection 1

In order to start the extended essay, I watched several movies about abnormal psychology.  One movie that I watched was “Fatal Attraction.” Even though this is an old movie, this really made me think about how women may be affected by abnormal psychology.  I spoke to my advisor about several questions and we debated which one was best.  I had to propose several questions before one was more than descriptive. I decided to make my research question about the nature and nurture of mental illness but after some discussions with my supervisor narrowed it down to culture and biology of anxiety disorders. (102 words)

Reflection 2

I have been very busy since deciding on my question.  I started by going to the library and meeting with the librarian.  She showed me how to use the databases and search for studies; however, I have found that it is just as easy to use Google to find good studies for my research.  Then I took notes on my studies.  I found this easy as we have done a lot of practice of writing summaries in psychology class.  Then I wrote the outline.  This was new for me and difficult.  I needed more direction from my supervisor on how to do this.  Then I wrote the rough draft.  I admit I should have put more effort into my rough draft so that I would have an easier time writing my final draft. I would do that differently.  (138 words)

Reflection 3

I think that from this essay I learned a lot about how culture and biology both increase the prevalence rates of anxiety disorders.  It seems that they are both really important.  One would think that one would be more important than the other, but this is proven not to be true.  I think that my final essay is very strong, but I did have problems with writing a strong counter-argument. It is very difficult to get many of the sources as you have to pay for them.  The EE experience has taught me a lot about research and helped me to get ready for university. I learned how to cite my sources and develop a table of contents.  (120 words)

Why does this receive low marks?

The reflections are primarily descriptive and simply give an account of how the research was done. There is very little discussion of decision making and/or planning. Simply documenting the process results in low marks.

There is no analysis or evaluation of the process.

There is very little evidence of personal engagement. 

Reflections lack development.