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Checking understanding: Ethics in diagnosis

The following worksheet checks your understanding of ethical considerations in the diagnosis of disorders.  Try to answer the questions first before checking the answers that are provided in the "hidden boxes."

Checking for understanding

1. What is meant by confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias is when you pay attention to information that agrees with what you already believe and discount (ignore) information that contradicts it. The argument is that once a diagnosis is made, it is less likely that a doctor will change his or her initial diagnosis as a result of confirmation bias.

2. What are two problems with research on confirmation bias?

The situations in which confirmation bias is tested are not naturalistic. The situations are abstract and lack any personal contact with the person that they are being asked to diagnose. This does not represent what happens in true diagnosis.

3. According to Scheff's original Labeling Theory, what is the direct result of diagnosis?

According to Scheff, diagnosis leads to an intensification of symptoms and a self-fulfilling prophecy which leads to a higher level of dysfunction.

4. What experimental design was used by Langer & Abelson? What was the independent and dependent variable in their study?

Langer & Abelson used an independent samples design. The independent variable was the label that was given to the younger male - either a job applicant or a patient. The dependent variable was how the participants described the male in the video.

5. What are two advantages of diagnosis (labeling)?

Diagnosis allows treatments to be prescribed. In addition, labels are short-cuts for professionals to discuss a patient. It is also a way for professionals to carry out research on mental health trends.

6. What is one concern that you would have about the interview study carried out by Gove & Fain?

The interviews were carried out on individuals who were "former" patients. The study is therefore retrospective and dependent on the memories of the participants. Peak-end rule says that we will remember best how things end. Additionally, it is possible that demand characteristics influenced the responses from the interviewees.

7. Is there evidence that people living with mental illness suffer from social rejection, stigmatization, and discrimination?

Sadly, absolutely. The argument that we cannot demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between diagnosis and stigmatization does not mean that the mentally ill don't suffer from social rejection and discrimination.