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Study guide: Influences on development

In order to prepare for exams, it is important to prepare a "tailor-made" study guide.  A study guide should reflect your own learning and not just what someone tells you is the "best" research to use on an exam.

For the topic "Influences on cognitive and social development," you will find an attached study guide.  I recommend that you attempt to fill it in before looking at the responses below.  There is both a paper and a digital copy available.

Influences on development study guide

Digital Influences on development study guide

Question 1: Discuss the role of peers and/or play on cognitive and/or social development.

Terms/theories: symbolic play; convergent vs divergent play; sociometric status

Research: Play: Pepler and Ross (1981); Russ et al (2010); Coie and Dodge (1988)

Critical thinking: studies tend to be cross-sectional rather than longitudinal; potential for research bias; cross-cultural relevance of research; cause and effect is difficult to determine.

Different command terms: Evaluate research

Question 2: Discuss the influence of childhood trauma on cognitive and/or social development.

Terms/theories: Adverse childhood experiences;  hospitalism; Bowlby's sensitive period of development

Research:  Koluchova (1972); Chugani et al. (2001); Carion et al (2009); Rutter et al (2007); Curtiss (1974); Kreppner, O’Connor, Dunn & Andersen Wood (1999); Bosquet-Enlow et al (2012)

Critical thinking: Difficulty of establishing cause and effect; ethical considerations in the study of abused children; limitations of using MRI scanning; difficulty in generalizing from specific cases; strengths of a case study model; the value of longitudinal research; contradictory evidence.

Different command terms: Evaluate research

Question 3: Discuss resilience.

Terms/theories: protective factors; Neuropeptide y

Research: Rutter (2007); Werner and Smith (2001); Coan et al (2006) on the effect of a loving partner; Morgan et al (2000) and Sjdyk et al (2008) on the role of NPY; Walker et al. (2007) on risk factors in developing countries; Mahoney et al. (2005) on after school programs

Critical thinking: Strengths and limitations of natural experiments; questions of cause and effect; potential applications of the research; the use of animal models; limitations of case studies.

Different command terms: Evaluate research

Question 4: Discuss the potential role of poverty/socioeconomic status on cognitive and/or social


Terms/theories: cognitive load; malnourishment; the role of environmental stimulation

Research: Diet: Pollitt (1995); Kar et al (2008); Cognitive load: Mani (2013); Environmental stimiluation: Rosenzweig, Bennet & Diamond (1972); Farah et al. (2008)

Critical thinking: Use of animal models; difficulties in the operationalization of variables; difficulty to control for extraneous variables; correlational vs causation; lab vs field experiments; operationalization of poverty; questions of domino causality; limitations in generalizability; applications.

Different command terms: Evaluate research

Question 5: Discuss one or more research methods used in the study of influences on cognitive and/or

social development.

Terms/theories: research methods = interviews, observations, experiments, correlational studies, and case studies.

Research: Any research may be used.  For example,  ExperimentsCoan et al (2006), Pollitt (1995); Morgan et al (2000). Correlational studies: Farah et al (2008); Case studies: Rutter (2007); Curtiss (1994); Koluchova (1972)

Critical thinking: Limitations of research methods.  Problems of operationalization.  The ability to draw conclusions about cause and effect. Issues with generalizability of findings.

Different command terms: Evaluate or contrast.

Question 6: Discuss ethical considerations in the study of influences on cognitive and/or

social development.

Terms/theories: Ethical considerations include: informed consent, anonymity, right to withdraw, deception, undue stress or harm, and debriefing.

Research: Any research could be used to discuss ethical considerations.

Critical thinking: Informed consent in studies of abused children; the importance of anonymity in studies where adopted or abused children are studied; questions of undue stress or harm - for example, in the Curtiss study. Cost-benefit analysis in carrying out research - e.g. Pollitt (1995)

Different command terms: This question may only be asked as a "discuss" question.

Combining with the approaches

It is difficult to see how examiners could combine "cognition" with influences on cognitive development. However, there could potentially be the following two questions:

Discuss a sociocultural approach to understanding influences on cognitive and/or social development.

For this question, you could discuss protective factors such as after-school programs, supportive family, or stimulation in the environment.

Discuss a biological approach to understanding influences on cognitive and/or social development.

For this question, you could discuss the role of NPY in resilience or the role of diet in cognitive development.