
DP IB Biology: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 9. Plant Biology (HL Only) / 9.1 Transport in the Xylem of Plants / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

9.1 Transport in the Xylem of Plants

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which of these is not a function of plasmodesmata in plant cells?

  • To allow movement of water via the symplast pathway

  • To enable cell recognition

  • To allow communication between cells

  • To allow movement of nutrients between cells

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

Certain plants have developed a mutualistic relationship with soil fungi, in which the plant provides sugars to the fungus for respiration.

In what way does the plant receive a benefit in return?

  • The fungus helps to stabilise the plant's root network in poor / stony soils.

  • The fungus acts like a sponge to retain water in dry soils after (infrequent) rainfall.

  • The fungus fixes atmospheric nitrogen and supplies nitrate ions to the plant. 

  • The fungus accesses mineral ions in mineral-deficient soils and supplies them to the plant's roots.

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

Which table gives the most accurate summary of the movement of water via the apoplast and symplast pathways?

  •   Apoplast pathway Symplast pathway
    Route travelled Cell walls Cytoplasm
    Speed of flow Slow Fast
    Method of flow Mass flow Osmosis
    Volume of water transported Low High
  •   Apoplast pathway Symplast pathway
    Route travelled Cell walls Cytoplasm
    Speed of flow Fast Slow
    Method of flow Mass flow Osmosis
    Volume of water transported High Low
  •   Apoplast pathway Symplast pathway
    Route travelled Cytoplasm Cell walls
    Speed of flow Fast Slow
    Method of flow Mass flow Osmosis
    Volume of water transported High Low
  •   Apoplast pathway Symplast pathway
    Route travelled Cell walls Cytoplasm
    Speed of flow Fast Slow
    Method of flow Osmosis Mass flow
    Volume of water transported High Low
Choose your answer

Question 4

Marks: 1

The following data were gathered from an experiment into the rate of transpiration in samples of plants in the genus Coelus, commonly grown by gardeners for herbaceous borders. Coelus grows easily in UK gardens and thrives in the relatively high rainfall that the UK experiences. 9-1_q4h1

Marram grass is a xerophyte that is found on sand dunes and other fast-draining soils in coastal areas. The same experimental set-up was repeated with marram grass. 

Which graph of A - D would be the most likely graph for a comparable experiment carried out on marram grass?

  • 9-1_q4ha

  • 9-1_q4hb

  • 9-1_q4hc

  • 9-1_q4hd

Choose your answer

Question 5

Marks: 1

The diagram shows a potometer set up to measure the rate of transpiration in a piece of cut plant. 


For a potometer with a cylindrical capillary of the internal diameter of d mm, the bubble was measured to travel h mm in an experimental time of s seconds. 

Which is the correct formula to calculate the rate of transpiration (as a volume of water uptake per unit time) in this experiment?

  • fraction numerator pi italic space d to the power of italic 2 h over denominator s end fraction

  • pi italic space d to the power of italic 2 h space s

Choose your answer