
DP IB Biology: HL

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Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 10. Genetics & Evolution (HL Only) / 10.2 Inheritance / Structured Questions: Paper 2

10.2 Inheritance

Question 1a

Marks: 3

An investigation on fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, was carried out to determine the relationship between body colour and wing length. 

Scientists found the genes controlling these characteristics are inherited on different autosomal chromosomes. Fruit flies are either black or grey and have either long or short wings. 

A homozygous fruit fly with a black body and long wings was crossed with a homozygous grey fruit fly with short wings. All of the offspring produced had black bodies with long wings. 

Using this information and a genetic diagram, show how these offspring were produced. Use B/b and L/l to represent the alleles. 

[3 marks]

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    Question 1b

    Marks: 3

    The offspring from part (a) were crossed with grey bodied fruit flies with short wings. Use a genetic diagram to show the expected ratios of the phenotypes expected from this cross.

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      Question 1c

      Marks: 1

      The scientists determined the offspring phenotypes from the cross in part (b) and the data collected is shown in the table below:

      Phenotype Observed Numbers Expected Numbers
      Black body and long wings 83  
      Grey body and long wings 78  
      Black body and short wings 85  
      Grey body and short wings 74  

      Complete the table to show the expected number of offspring for each phenotype.

      [1 mark]

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        Question 1d

        Marks: 5

        The scientists claimed that independent segregation had taken place. The chi-squared test can be used to determine the significance of the data. The critical value for this data is 7.82.

        The formula below can be used to determine the value of chi-squared.



        Calculate the value of chi-squared (χ2), using the above formula.

        [2 marks]


        Comment on the scientists claims, using the chi-squared value calculated at part (d)(i).

        [3 marks]

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          Question 2a

          Marks: 3
          When investigating variation scientists often study sets of twins, both identical and non-identical. 

          Suggest the advantages of studying twins when investigating variation.

          [3 marks]

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            Question 2b

            Marks: 3
            A scientific study in 2013 investigated whether academic achievement was influenced by genetics or the environment. 

            11,117 pairs of twins participated in the study, which found that around 55% of the outcomes in core GCSE subjects (English, maths, and science) were explained by genetic influence, 25% by shared environmental influences, such as parental support, and the remaining 20% by environmental influences that were not shared between the two twins, such as teacher quality and class grouping. 

            Using this information, evaluate the statement "intelligence is caused by genetics". 

            [3 marks]

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              Question 2c

              Marks: 2
              Twin studies tend to be run using two main assumptions:

                • That the identical twins in the study share 100% of their DNA
                • That all twins are raised in exactly equal environments at home

              Suggest whether it is correct to make these assumptions about twin studies.

              [2 marks]

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                Question 3a

                Marks: 4
                The diagram below shows two homologous chromosomes of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

                Linked genes on homologous chromosomes SQ

                The white regions are the loci of seven genes involved in different phenotypic traits. 

                The letters A-F and a-f represent the alleles present at each locus. 

                Discuss the relative chances of this fly's gametes containing these combinations of alleles:

                  • A and F
                  • A and f
                  • c and d
                  • c and D

                [4 marks]

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                  Question 3b

                  Marks: 2
                  In a potential scenario where crossing over does not occur between the two genes, the fly in part (a) reproduces with another fly who is homozygous for the dominant A and B alleles. 

                  Predict the genotypes of the offspring, with relation to these two genes. 

                  [2 marks]

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                    Key Concepts
                    Gene Linkage

                    Question 3c

                    Marks: 2

                    Drosophila melanogaster is a useful organism to use in studies on inheritance patterns. Female fruit flies can lay up to 400 eggs, developing into adults between 7 and 14 days. They have simple nutrient requirements.

                    Using the information provided, explain two reasons why Drosophila melanogaster is a useful organism to use in studies of inheritance patterns.

                    [2 marks]

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                      Question 4a

                      Marks: 6
                      Mendel studied many characteristics of pea plants during his time investigating inheritance. Two such characteristics were seed colour and flower colour. Seed colour can either be yellow, encoded by the dominant allele Y, or green encoded by the recessive allele y. Flower colour can either be purple, encoded by the dominant allele P, or white encoded by the recessive allele p. 

                      A student is unsure whether the two genes are linked. In order to try and work it out they decided to do some breeding experiments. 

                      Outline a method they could use to determine whether the two genes are linked. 

                      [6 marks]

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                        Question 4b

                        Marks: 3
                        As part of this process, the student bred together two plants that were heterozygous for both traits. 

                        Draw a genetic diagram of the the expected results from this cross, using the correct notation as if the two genes are located on the same chromosome. 

                        [3 marks]

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                          Key Concepts
                          Gene Linkage

                          Question 4c

                          Marks: 1
                          On the genetic diagram you produced in part (b), highlight all the recombinants. 
                          [1 mark]
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                            Question 4d

                            Marks: 2
                            Upon further research, the student found that the two genes are located on the same chromosome, chromosome one of the pea plant. 

                            When Mendel was researching these traits he found that all of his crosses produced a 9:3:3:1 ratio of phenotypes, and there was no evidence of any 'non-Mendelian' inheritance ratios. 

                            Suggest a possible reason for this. 

                            [2 marks]

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                              Key Concepts
                              Gene Linkage

                              Question 5a

                              Marks: 4

                              One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question. 

                              When looking at buildings built over 100 years ago it is often a notable feature that the door frames are a lot shorter than modern day doors. 

                              A student observed this and made the conclusion that humans must have evolved to become taller over the years since the door frames were built. 

                              Suggest some reasons explaining why the student is most likely incorrect with their conclusion.

                              [4 marks]

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                                Question 5b

                                Marks: 4
                                Describe how Morgan and his associates were able to produce a genetic map of a chromosome using breeding experiments in Drosophila. 
                                [4 marks]
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                                  Question 5c

                                  Marks: 7
                                  Pollen from a pure-bred tomato plant with white flowers and yellow fruit was transferred to the stigmas of a pure-bred plant with yellow flowers and red fruit. All the Fgeneration had yellow flowers and red fruit. 

                                  Pollen from the Fgeneration was transferred to pure-bred plants with white flowers and yellow fruit. The ratio of phenotypes expected among the offspring of a dihybrid test cross such as this is 1:1:1:1.

                                  Seeds from the plants were collected and grown, giving plants with the following phenotypes:

                                    • Yellow flowers and red fruit: 59
                                    • Yellow flowers and yellow fruit: 56
                                    • White flowers and red fruit: 40
                                    • White flowers and yellow fruit: 45
                                    • Total number of plants in the four categories: 200

                                  A chi-squared (χ2) test can be carried out to check whether the numbers of each phenotype of offspring resulting from the test cross are in agreement with a 1:1:1:1 ratio. 

                                  The chi-squared (χ2) equation and distribution is as follows:


                                  Degrees of freedom Probability (p)
                                  0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.001
                                  1 2.71 3.84 5.41 6.64 10.83
                                  2 4.61 5.99 7.82 9.21 13.82
                                  3 6.25 7.82 9.84 11.35 16.27
                                  4 7.78 9.49 11.67 13.28 18.47

                                  Use this information to produce a statistical conclusion about the difference between the expected and actual results in the tomato breeding experiment.

                                  You must show your working in your answer. 

                                  [7 marks] 

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