
DP IB Biology: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 10. Genetics & Evolution (HL Only) / 10.1 Meiosis / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

10.1 Meiosis

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which of the following statements helps to explain why DNA replication happens before meiosis?

  1. A gamete-producing cell ends up producing 4 gametes.
  2. The cell undergoes reduction division during meiosis.
  3. Gametes contain double the amount of genetic material than somatic cells.
  4. Each parent's genome is replicated to allow two copies of their alleles to be inherited with equal probability.
  • I, II, and IV only.

  • II and III only.

  • I and IV only.

  • I, II, III, and IV.

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

Which row of the table is correct?

  Number of chromosomes in a somatic cell Amount of genetic material in a somatic cell Amount of genetic material in a gamete-producing cell before prophase I
A. 2n x 2x
B. 2n 2x 2x
C. 2n 4x 4x
D. n x 2x
    Choose your answer

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    Which row of the table represents the correct chronological order of cells via which a man's DNA is passed onto his offspring?

    A. zygote → spermatozoon → spermatid → spermatocyte
    B. spermatozoon → spermatid → zygote → spermatocyte 
    C. spermatid → spermatocyte → spermatozoon → zygote
    D. spermatocyte → spermatid → spermatozoon → zygote
      Choose your answer

      Question 4

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following statements apply to the process of crossing over in meiosis?

      1. Crossing over occurs between non-homologous sister chromatids.
      2. Crossing over occurs between non-sister homologous chromatids.
      3. Crossing over involves genetic recombination.
      4. Unequal-length sections of DNA routinely cross from one strand to another during crossing-over.
      • I, III, and IV only.

      • II and III only.

      • II and IV only.

      • II, III, and IV only.

      Choose your answer

      Question 5

      Marks: 1

      Which row of A - D shows the correct names of the phases of meiosis I pictured below?10-1_q5e

        Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5
      A. anaphase telophase prophase metaphase interphase
      B. metaphase interphase telophase prophase anaphase
      C. metaphase telophase interphase prophase anaphase
      D. anaphase interphase prophase telophase metaphase
        Choose your answer