
DP IB Biology: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 9. Plant Biology (HL Only) / 9.3 Growth in Plants / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

9.3 Growth in Plants

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which row of the table correctly identifies the parts labelled J, K, L and M on the diagram below?9-3_q1e

  J K L M
A. axillary bud shoot apical meristem root apical meristem lateral meristem
B. shoot apical meristem axillary bud lateral meristem root apical meristem
C. lateral meristem shoot apical meristem root apical meristem axillary bud
D. shoot apical meristem lateral meristem axillary bud root apical meristem
    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Plant Growth

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

    The image below shows an example of topiary, an art form in which gardeners trim species of plants such as privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) to form decorative shapes in gardens. The gardener is shown here on a ladder, trimming the upper parts of the topiary shape.


    What phenomenon of plant growth allows such forms to be shaped in plants?

    • Negative geotropism

    • Cell differentiation in the shoot apex

    • Apical dominance

    • Production of the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Plant Growth

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    A sycamore tree seed lands on sloping ground at a particular spot, shown as X in the diagrams. Conditions there are favourable to the sycamore seed's germination. 

    Which diagram of A - D best shows the direction of growth of the tree's shoots and roots in its early life after germination of the seed?

    • 9-3_q3ea

    • 9-3_q3eb

    • 9-3_q3ec

    • 9-3_q33d

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Plant Tropisms

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    Which row of the table gives the most accurate summary of the actions of auxins?

      In shoots In roots
    A. Cells elongate Growth inhibited
    B. Cells grow in number Growth inhibited
    C. Cells elongate Growth promoted
    D. Cells grow in number Growth promoted

      Choose your answer

      Question 5

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following statements are true for the activity of micropropagation of plants?

      1. Explants are sterilised to reduce the risk of microbial contamination of the culture medium
      2. Micropropagation produces a desirably high amount of variation within the culture
      3. Explants can give rise to whole new plants thanks to totipotent cells in their meristems
      4. Plant hormones are not used in micropropagation until the new plants are full-sized
      5. New plants are able to grow in soil once their roots and shoots have developed, after micropropagation
      • II, III and IV

      • I and III only

      • I, III and V

      • All of them

      Choose your answer