
DP IB Biology: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 8. Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis (HL Only) / 8.2 Cell Respiration / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

8.2 Cell Respiration

Question 1

Marks: 1

The diagram below shows a mitochondrion.

Mitochondrion mitochondria structure MCQ

Which letter represents the mitochondrial matrix?

    Choose your answer

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

    The diagram shows the four stages of respiration.8-2_q2e

    Which row correctly identifies the stages represented in the diagram?

      1 2 3 4
    A Glycolysis The link reaction The Krebs cycle The electron transport chain
    B The Krebs cycle Glycolysis The link reaction The electron transport chain
    C The Krebs cycle The link reaction Glycolysis The electron transport chain
    D The Krebs cycle The electron transport chain The link reaction Glycolysis
      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Stages of Respiration

      Question 3

      Marks: 1

      The image shows one of the processes of respiration.


      Identify the molecule labelled A.

      • A co-transport protein

      • A phospholipid

      • ATP synthase

      • DNA polymerase

      Choose your answer

      Question 4

      Marks: 1

      Which process is not part of glycolysis?

      • Pyruvate is oxidised and decarboxylated 

      • Triose phosphate is oxidised to glycerate-3-phosphate

      • Fructose bisphosphate is split to form two molecules of triose phosphate

      • NAD is reduced to form NADH + H+

      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts

      Question 5

      Marks: 1

      In 1961 Peter Mitchell proposed a theory which resulted in a paradigm shift in the field of bioenergetics.

      Which theory did he develop?

      • The function of REDOX reactions in the electron transport chain

      • The function of oxygen as the final electron acceptor

      • The function of chemiosmosis in synthesis of ATP

      • The importance of the link reaction in progressing from anaerobic to aerobic respiration

      Choose your answer