
DP IB Biology: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 11. Animal Physiology (HL Only) / 11.4 Sexual Reproduction / Structured Questions: Paper 2

11.4 Sexual Reproduction

Question 1a

Marks: 3
The image below shows a cross-section through a seminiferous tubule during spermatogenesis.


Identify the cells labelled A-C in the image. 

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    Question 1b

    Marks: 3
    Outline the events that take place between the formation of cells C and B labelled in part a).
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      Question 1c

      Marks: 3
      Contrast the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
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        Question 2a

        Marks: 3
        Compare and contrast internal and external fertilisation.
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          Question 2b

          Marks: 2
          Fertilisation in humans is followed by implantation of the blastocyst.

                    Outline the events that allow implantation to occur.

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            Question 2c

            Marks: 2
            Once implantation has occurred, part of the blastocyst develops into the placenta. The transfer of antibodies from mother to foetus at the placenta in several different species can be seen in the graph below.q2c_11-4_sexual_reproduction_medium_ib_hl_biology_sq-png

            Contrast the changes in antibody concentration in the foetuses of humans and rats.

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              Question 2d

              Marks: 2
              Suggest, with a reason, which of the species in the graph shown in part c) will need the least maternal care from birth.
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                Question 3a

                Marks: 3
                The graph below shows the relative levels of three hormones during pregnancy.q3a_11-4_sexual_reproduction_medium_ib_hl_biology_sq-png

                Identify, with a reason, the hormone labelled X in the graph above.

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                  Question 3b

                  Marks: 2
                  As the woman’s body prepares to give birth, a fourth hormone, oxytocin, has an important role.

                  Sketch what you might expect to happen to levels of oxytocin on the graph in part a).

                     Note that hormone Y in the graph in part a) is progesterone.            

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                    Key Concepts
                    Hormones & Birth

                    Question 3c

                    Marks: 3
                    Oxytocin is part of a positive feedback loop during birth.

                    Outline the role of this positive feedback loop during birth.
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                      Key Concepts
                      Hormones & Birth

                      Question 4a

                      Marks: 2
                      The graph below shows levels of a synthetic oestrogen called ethinylestradiol at different sampling locations along a river. Note that a treatment plant treats sewage wastewater before releasing treated water back into a river.
                      Calculate the percentage increase in ethinylestradiol concentration between 1 km upstream of the treatment plant and the point of discharge from the treatment plant.
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                        Question 4b

                        Marks: 2
                        One study investigated the effect of ethinylestradiol on reproduction in one species of fish. The researchers exposed fish in separate mesocosms to different concentrations of ethinylestradiol.
                        Explain why the scientists chose to carry out their investigation in mesocosms.
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                          Question 4c

                          Marks: 4
                          The scientists measured the effect of changing ethinylestradiol levels on egg production and embryo formation in fish populations. Their results are shown in the graph below.  Note that the symbol * denotes a result that is significantly different from the control (0 ng L-1).q4c_11-4_sexual_reproduction_medium_ib_hl_biology_sq-png

                          A student read these results and concluded that ethinylestradiol was harmful to reproduction in fish.

                          Use all the information provided throughout Q4 to evaluate the student’s conclusion.

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                            Question 5a

                            Marks: 4

                            One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question.

                            Draw an annotated diagram of a mature human sperm cell.
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                              Question 5b

                              Marks: 5
                              Describe the process of fertilisation in humans.
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                                Key Concepts
                                Preventing Polyspermy

                                Question 5c

                                Marks: 7
                                Outline the process of oogenesis.
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