
Although your supervisor can comment on the final draft of your Extended Essay, they cannot make corrections. This checklist helps to ensure that your EE fully addresses all the requirements of the assessment criteria and willl help you to secure a high mark.
Your supervisor should make constructive and helpful comments on the one completed draft of the Essay that you give them but they are not allowed to make corrections. If, for example, you write CaCl for the formula of calcium chloride then your supervisor must not put a line through it or correct it in any way or tell ypou verbally to write CaCl2. However what they can say to you is that it might be a good idea if you carefully check all the formulas you have given in your Essay. Similarly if your conclusion has omitted some important points a suitable comment might be that you should consider expanding your conclusion to make sure you have included all the relevant points. They are not allowed to make any further comments on any subsequent drafts you might do. However, before you submit the final version of your Extended Essay you should carefully go through the following checklist. In order for you to gain the maximum credit possible it is crucial that you can answer YES to every single one of the following questions.
(The maximum number of marks available for each criterion is given in brackets).
A: Focus & method (6)
Is the research question outlined and clearly stated in the introduction?
Is the research question focused and capable of being addressed in 4000 words?
Is the purpose and focus of the RQ set into context of background knowledge and understanding of chemistry?
Have you shown that a range of appropriate different sources/methods were considered?
Have you provided evidence of how you selected effective and appropriate sources/method(s)?
Have you shown how the RQ was arrived at from the sources gathered?
Does the whole essay remain focused on the research question?
B: Knowledge & understanding (6)
Is correct chemical terminology used consistently and appropriately throughout the essay?
Have you shown that you understand the chemistry behind the sources/method(s) used?
Have the sources/method(s) chosen throughout the essay been used effectively to address the RQ?
C: Critical thinking (12)
Is the research appropriate to the RQ and its application consistently relevant?
Have you critically analysed the sources/method(s) used?
Have you developed an effective and reasoned argument from your research?
Is your argument well-structured?
Are all your conclusions effectively supported by the evidence and relevant to the RQ?
Have you analysed your research effectively and stated any limitations and/or counter arguments?
D: Formal presentation (4)
Is your essay within the 4000 word limit?
Does your essay include all the required elements (Title page, table of contents, introduction, discussion, conclusion & bibliography)?
Is all illustrative material (graphs, tables, chemical structures etc.) clearly and accurately labelled?
Does the bibliography include all, and only, those works that have been consulted?
Is the bibliography set out in a standard format that is consistently applied?
Is all the work of others clearly acknowledged?
Are all the pages numbered?
Are all pages double-spaced and formatted using Arial font size 12?
If you have included an appendix does it only contain information necessary to support the essay?
E: Engagement (6)
Have you engaged fully in discussions with your supervisor regarding the planning and progress of your essay?
Have you shown how your reflections enabled you to refine the research process?
Have you shown how you responded to setbacks and challenges during the research process?
Have you shown initiative, creativity and personal input throughout the research process?
Have you made suggestions as to how you can improve your own working practice?
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