SL Questions by topic
Information for teachers about the SL tests
The SL Paper 1 multiple choice examination consists of 30 questions covering all eleven Core topics. However, the number of questions set on each topic relates to the recommended time to be spent teaching each topic. Thus there are usually about four questions on Topic 11 : Measurement and data processing as the time allocated to this is ten hours whereas there are usually only two questions on Topic 2 : Atomic structure as the time allocated for this topic is 6 hours. In order to give students more practice with the longer topics I have set 40 questions arranged in two tests of 20 questions for Topics 1, 4, 10 and 11 which involve ten or more hours of teaching. For the other seven topics I have set one test of 20 questions for each topic. For the topics with two tests you could combine them to make one long test if you wish, or it might be appropriate to give them the first test as a class test. Then go through it carefully so they can understand where they made any mistakes. The second test can then be given either as homework, or perhaps later as another class test, to see whether students have learned from their mistakes.
In the actual exam Standard Level students have to answer the 30 questions on the eleven topics of the Core in 45 minutes. This works out at an average of 1.5 minutes per question. Since each test on each topic consists of 20 questions students should be given exactly 30 minutes to complete each test to train them in time management.
The questions for each topic approximately follow the order that the 'Understandings' and 'Applications and skills' appear in the separate sub-topics in the syllabus. For some questions where there is overlap it is not always possible to follow this completely but if students are experiencing difficulties then it can be a guide as to what they have not fully understood and where they need to reinforce their learning.
Remember to download the blank answers sheets to give to students as I have given the answer sheet with the correct answers blanked off at the foot of the page for each topic. This is for you to cut out and use as a quick way of marking the students’ responses.
A word of warning
Students certainly will need a lot of practice at multiple choice questions in order to succeed on Paper 1 but do not just give multiple choice questions instead of short-answer questions to save yourself marking time etc. Remember that Paper 2 at Standard Level is worth 40% of the final assessment mark. Students will also need a lot of practice at short-answer questions as well as multiple choice questions if they are to do well overall.