Your responsibilities

This page lists all that is expected from you during the research and writing of your Extended Essay. It includes your Research Reflection space, the need to have three mandatory reflection meetings with your supervisor and the need to be aware of all the IB regulations regarding EEs including the requirement for academic honesty.
Your responsibilities as a student
Your school obviously has certain responsibilities, such as informing you about the whole process, providing you with access to proper resources and assigning you a suitable supervisor etc. etc. However you too have responsibilities. Before you actually start the work on your Extended Essay it is important that you realise exactly what is expected of you, i.e. what your responsibilities are.
You are expected to:
- understand exactly what an Extended Essay is, how it will be assessed and why it is an important part of your IB Diploma.
develop and use a Researcher’s reflection space as a planning tool through the whole process.
prepare for the three mandatory reflection sessions by using the Researcher’s reflection space.
share your thoughts, ideas and reflections from the Researcher’s reflection space with your supervisor during the reflection sessions.
choose a subject and consequent topic that fits into an approved IB subject.
plan carefully how, where and when you will locate resources for your essay before deciding on the final topic and research question.
schedule your time to allow for both the researching and writing of your extended essay. This should include including extra time for possible delays and unforeseen problems.
use your Researcher’s reflection space to keep a record of all sources as your research progresses, rather than trying to reconstruct a list at the end.
ensure that you make the most of your supervision and reflection sessions by arriving at the meetings fully prepared to discuss your work.
ensure that you have a clear idea of the structure of the essay before beginning to write it.
thoroughly check that the final version of your extended essay is free from errors by proofreading it.
ensure that the version you submit for assessment is the final version with all the sources correctly and consistently referenced.
- observe all the official IB regulations relating to Extended Essays.
The associated pages under this heading of Extended Essays should guide and help you to fulfil all of these responsibilities.