Aims & objectives

This page looks first at both the official and the unofficial aims of an Extended Essay and discusses how your EE can help you not only gain bonus points in your Diploma but also in your university applications and in your future studies. It then details the four objectives upon which the assessment is based.
The Aims of an Extended Essay
The three 'official' aims of the Extended Essay are that it provides you with the opportunity to:- engage in independent research with intellectual initiative and rigour.
- develop research, thinking, self-management and communication skills.
- reflect on what has been learned throughout the research and writing process.
However I believe an Extended Essay has more aims than this. In addition to experiencing the thrill and excitement of making intellectual discoveries, many ex-students have told me that the whole process of the Extended Essay was one of the most useful types of preparations they had had for university. When they were required to do a research project at university they said that it was very noticeable that those with an IB background just quietly got on with it whereas many other students didn't seem to have a clue about where to start and how to organise themselves. I have also found that it can be extremely useful when you are in the process of applying to get into university. Your school gives your predicted grades in your six subjects and your overall predicted Diploma grade out of 45 but your Extended Essay is an actual piece of completed work. You can include it in your online application by attaching it as a file so that universities can see what you are capable of. If you are called to interview, then it provides a genuine topic for conversation and gives you the opportunity to show enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity about your chosen research area. Finally, I have also found that it will considerably improves your knowledge and understanding of chemistry which can only increase the likelihood of you gaining a high grade in chemistry when you take the examinations in May or November.
The importance of the objectives
When it comes to the actual assessment of your Extended Essay the objectives are more important than the aims. This is because the assessment criteria have been constructed to examine the objectives. Each one of the four objectives is assessed at least once and some more than once by the assessment criteria.
The four objectives given by the IB are listed as:
Knowledge and understanding
- demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the topic chosen and the posed research question.
- demonstration of knowledge and understanding of subject specific terminology and/or concepts.
- demonstration of knowledge and understanding of relevant and/or appropriate research sources and/or methods used to gather information.
Application and analysis
- selection and application of research that is relevant and appropriate to the research question.
- effective analysis of the research and focus on the research question.
Synthesis and evaluation
- ability to discuss the research in terms of a clear and coherent reasoned argument in relation to the research question.
- ability to evaluate critically the arguments presented in the essay.
- ability to reflect on and evaluate the research process.
Research skills
- ability to present information in an appropriate academic format.
- understanding and demonstration of academic integrity.
Summary of objectives
In summary you must: (1) show you understand the chosen topic and research question, (2) use the appropriate terminology and language appropriate to (in our case) Chemistry, (3) find and interpret material from sources, (4) select appropriate material relevant to the research question (5) focus the essay on the research question, (6) structure an argument in relation to the research question, (7) critically evaluate the arguments you present in the essay, (8) reflect upon and evaluate the research process (9) set out your essay (including acknowledgement of sources) in a recognised academic format, and (10) demonstrate academic integrity.
Relationship between objectives and Assessment Criteria
For obvious reasons much of this Extended Essay section deals with the Assessment Criteria. For the moment it is sufficient to simply emphasise how important the selection and formulation of your research question is. It is the key to a good Extended Essay. Without a well-focused and carefully formulated research question your Extended Essay stands little chance of success as the whole essay is based around the research question. It is also important to emphasise that, however brilliant the chemistry, your essay will not do well if your findings are not communicated clearly and set out in a recognised academic format.