Electrons in atoms
12.1 Electrons in atoms (2 hours)
Pause for thought
Hydrogen gas discharge tube
Each element has a unique atomic spectrum which consists of discrete lines and is therefore not continuous. The simplest element, hydrogen has lines in the visible region at wavelengths of 656 nm, 486 nm, 434 nm 410 nm etc. which converge at the higher energy end of the spectrum at 365 nm.
These lines are governed by a simple mathematical relationship: = R (
) where n = 3 (to give 656 nm), 4 (to give 486 nm), 5,6….. etc. R is known as the Rydberg constant.
It can be seen that as is also
this equation is a special case of a more general equation:
= R (
) where n1 = 1, 2, 3, 4….. and n2 = (n1+1), (n1+2), (n1+3), (n1+4)……
If n1 = 1 then the series of lines will be of higher energy (shorter wavelength) and appear in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. n1= 2 gives the lines in the visible region and n1 =3 will give a series of lines in the infra-red region etc.
For emission spectra these series of lines represent electrons falling from higher to lower energy levels.
Evidence that they do relate to the energy levels that can be occupied by the electron can be obtained by considering promoting an electron from the lowest possible energy level to infinity, i.e. removing the electron completely, in other words ionizing the atom. In this case n1= 1 and n2 = infinity.
= R (
) so that
= R. Since c = λv and E= hv then
E = hcR for one electron or hcRL for one mole of electrons.
Planck’s constant (h), the velocity of light (c), Rydberg’s constant (R) and Avogadro's constant (L) are four of the most accurately known constants in science. By substituting their values into this theoretically derived equation we can calculate the energy required to remove one electron from a mole of gaseous hydrogen atoms i.e. the ionization energy.
E = (6.6261 x 10−34 Js) x (2.9980 x 108 ms−1) x (1.0974 x 107 m−1) x (6.0221 x 1023 mol−1)
= 1.313 x 106 J mol−1 = 1313 kJ mol−1 which agrees completely with the experimentally determined value given in Section 8 of the IB data booklet (1312 kJ mol−1).This provides strong evidence that atomic spectra are due to electron transitions between energy levels within the atom.
Although the above calculation shows that the emission spectrum of hydrogen does very much support the Bohr model of the atom, Higher Level students do not have to use the Rydberg equation in calculations. They can obtain the ionization energy of hydrogen directly from the fact that the convergence line in the ultraviolet appears at a wavelength of 9.12 x 10−8 m.
E = hv = =
= 2.18 x 10−18J (for one electron)
= 2.18 x 10−18 J x 6.02 x 1023 mol−1 = 1.31 x 106 J mol−1 = 1310 kJ mol−1 (to 3 SF)
Some teachers have asked where they can find the relevant convergence limit for other elements. The NIST source given below is one place but in fact they are already there in Section 8 of the IB data booklet disguised as first ionization energies. For any element E = hcL/λ where E is the 1st ionization energy and λ is the wavelength of the relevant convergence limit. hcL is a constant which has the value 6.63 x 10−34 x 3 x 108 x 6.02 x 1023 = 1.1974 x 10−1 J m mol-1 or 1.198 x 10−4 kJ m mol−1. This means that for any element you can work out the convergence limit by simply dividing 1.198 x 10-4 by the IE given in Section 8 of the data booklet to give the wavelength in metres. So for sodium it would be 1.198 x 10−4 kJ m mol−1 divided by 496 kJ mol−1 which gives 2.413 x 10−7 m or 241.3 nm which corresponds to the value given by NIST.
If you need a convergence limit to give to your students just do exactly the same sum for any element by dividing 1.198 x 10−4 by the first IE for that element. Then to fulfill the syllabus requirements you can get them to divide 1.198 x 10−4 kJ m mol-1 by the value you have given them to get the IE. Surprise, surprise - it will be the same value as the one given in the data booklet! The whole thing seems a rather pointless exercise because the first ionization energy of any element is inversely proportional to the wavelength of its convergence limit so once you know one and you know the proportionality constant you can work out the other. It means that students are being asked to manipulate numbers using an equation without really having to explain exactly which electron is being promoted to the infinite level and in which region of the spectrum the relevant convergence limit is located. You can read more about this in Convergence limits which is a page in the section on Novel uses for the IB data booklet.
Nature of Science
Theories are supported by experimental evidence.
Evidence for the existence of energy levels comes from emission spectra.
Learning outcomesAfter studying this topic students should be able to: Understand:
| Clarification notesThe value of Planck’s constant (h) and the formula E = hv are given in sections 1 and 2 in the data booklet. Students are not expected to use the Rydberg equation when performing ionization energy calculations. International-mindednessTwo separate international teams working at CERN on the Large Hadron Collider independently published in 2012 that they had discovered a particle with properties consistent with those previously predicted for the ‘Higgs boson’ particle. |
Teaching tipsThis topic puts some flesh on the core Topic 2.2 - Electron configuration. I introduce the content of both topics by getting students to perform flame tests on various metal salts. You can either do this in the traditional way using a Bunsen burner with a nichrome wire or by using an atomiser. This then leads on to looking at discharge tubes with a diffraction grating and then showing them pictures of actual spectra. From this it is quite easy to introduce the idea of the electromagnetic spectrum and the relationships between wavelength, frequency, velocity and energy (c = λv and E = hv). The background I have given above in 'Pause for thought' goes much further than is necessary but for clever students it does show that the connection between atomic spectra and electrons is based on both observation and deduction which is an excellent TOK point to make. n1 and n2 are of course principal quantum numbers and although students do not need to understand quantum numbers it is good for them to see how the energy levels are described and also converge.Stress the importance of the discrete lines and also the difference between emission and absorption spectra. They should know that the biggest difference between any two energy levels is between level 1 and level 2 and the ionization energy for hydrogen can only really be calculated from the ultraviolet spectrum (Lyman series) as in this series all the electrons are falling back to the ground state (n = 1). Although it is actually listed under this topic I do get Standard Level students to plot the graph of first ionization energy against atomic number as I think it helps to provide good evidence for sub-levels (see Topic 2.2). This topic goes further with graphs of successive ionization energies which provide further evidence. Stress that the large jumps seen in the graphs of successive ionization energies relate to when electrons are being removed from a new (inner) main energy level. | Study guidePage 13 QuestionsFor ten 'quiz' multiple choice questions with the answers explained see MC test: Electrons in atoms. For short-answer questions which can be set as an assignment for a test, homework or given for self study together with model answers see Electrons in atoms questions. Vocabulary listIonization energy
Teaching slides
Teachers may wish to share these slides with students for learning or for reviewing key concepts.
Other resources
1. If you like simulations then you could try this one called Hydrogen atom simulator from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Be warned though that it uses electron volts as the unit of energy!
2. Using a diffraction grating to show how four different elements can be identified from their emission spectra.
3. There are many sites where you can get precise details of all the lines in the atomic spectrum of each element for example, NIST. One where the spectra of many of the common elements are actually given in full colour is the site built on the work of John Talbot titled Spectra of gas discharges.