DP Chemistry Questionbank

B: Biochemistry
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8e: Sketch the wedge and dash (3-D) representations of alanine enantiomers.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.9: Explain the solubility of vitamins A and C using section 35 of the data booklet.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.8: Green Chemistry reduces the production of hazardous materials and chemical waste. Outline two...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.7c: Outline why amino acids have high melting points.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: Draw the dipeptide represented by the formula Ala-Gly using section 33 of the data booklet.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6f: Explain why lipids provide more energy than carbohydrates and proteins.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6e: Determine, to the correct number of significant figures, the energy produced by the respiration...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6d: Outline one impact food labelling has had on the consumption of foods containing different types...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6c: Deduce the structure of the lipid formed by the reaction between lauric acid and glycerol...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6b: Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid found in peanut oil. Determine the...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6a: Identify the type of chemical reaction that occurs between fatty acids and glycerol to form...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.8b: A person with diabetes suffering very low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) may be advised to consume...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.8a: State the specific type of linkage formed between α-glucose fragments in both maltose and amylose.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iv: Plastics are another source of marine pollution. Outline one way in which plastics can be made...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iii: Explain why sharks and swordfish sometimes contain high concentrations of mercury and...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.ii: Predict the solubility of retinol (vitamin A) in body fat, giving a reason. Use section 35 of the...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.i: Fish oil is an excellent dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids. Outline one impact on health of...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7b: Butter contains varying proportions of oleic, myristic, palmitic and stearic acids. Explain in...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7a.ii: State one factor that increases the rate at which saturated lipids become rancid.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7a.i: Identify the type of rancidity occurring in saturated lipids and the structural feature that...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6c.ii: Outline how the amino acids may be identified from a paper chromatogram.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6c.i: State the name of the process used to break down the insulin protein into its constituent amino...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6b: Deduce the strongest intermolecular forces that would occur between the following amino acid...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6a: Draw the structural formula of a dipeptide containing the residues of valine, Val,...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8d: Calculate the pH of a buffer system with a concentration of 1.25 × 10−3 mol dm−3 carbonic acid...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8c: Draw the structures of the main form of glycine in buffer solutions of pH 1.0 and 6.0. The pKa...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.12: DNA is a biopolymer made up of nucleotides. List two components of a nucleotide.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.11b: Outline two differences between normal hemoglobin and foetal hemoglobin.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.11a: Hemoglobin’s oxygen dissociation curve is shown at a given temperature. Sketch the curve on the...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.10b: Explain how the structure of vitamin A is important to vision using section 35 of the data booklet.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.9b: Outline the significance of the value of the Michaelis constant, Km.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.9a: Explain with reference to the binding site on the enzyme how a non-competitive inhibitor lowers...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.8b: Outline why cellulose fibres are strong.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.6d: Describe how DNA determines the primary structure of a protein such as insulin.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.10b: Explain why the blue colour of a quinoidal base changes to the red colour of a flavylium cation...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.10a: Outline why anthocyanins are coloured.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Explain how the inclusion of carbohydrates in plastics makes them biodegradable.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9b: Draw the structure of galactose on the skeleton provided.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9a: Describe what is meant by a condensation reaction.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8c: Outline the importance of linoleic acid for human health.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8b.ii: Calculate the volume of iodine solution used to reach the end-point.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8b.i: State the type of reaction occurring during the titration.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8a.ii: The empirical formula of fructose is CH2O. Suggest why linoleic acid releases more energy per...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.11: Enzyme activity depends on many factors. Explain how pH change causes loss of activity of an enzyme.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.10b: State one function of vitamin D in the body.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.10a: Explain, at the molecular level, why vitamin D is soluble in fats. Use section 35 of the data...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.15b: Retinal is the key molecule involved in vision. Explain the roles of cis and trans-retinal in...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.14b: Outline the change in oxidation state of the iron ions in heme groups that occurs when molecular...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.14a: State the half-equation for the reduction of molecular oxygen to water in acidic conditions.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.13: The stability of DNA is due to interactions of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11b.ii: Draw a curve on the graph above showing the effect of the presence of the malonate ion inhibitor...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11b.i: The malonate ion acts as an inhibitor for the enzyme. Suggest, on the molecular level, how the...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11a: Determine the value of the Michaelis constant, Km, by annotating the graph.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.15b: Deduce the nucleotide sequence of a complementary strand of a fragment of DNA with the nucleotide...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.15a: Outline how its structure allows it to be negatively charged in the body.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.14b: Explain why carbon monoxide is toxic to humans.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12a.i: Deduce the straight chain structure of ribose from its ring structure drawn in section 34 of the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11c: The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates determine the energy content of foods. Explain...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11b.ii: Solid fat triglycerides can also clog kitchen sink drains. Explain how sodium hydroxide unblocks...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11b.i: The drain pipe of a kitchen sink can become clogged by fatty acids, such as linoleic acid,...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11a: List the building blocks of triglycerides and carbohydrates.
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16c: A student investigated the ability of anthocyanins to act as pH indicators. He extracted juice...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16b: With reference to its chemical structure, outline whether this pigment is found in aqueous...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16a: Outline why this molecule absorbs visible light.
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.15b: In 2010, scientists claimed that they had discovered a species of bacteria capable of...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.15a: State the name of the component of DNA responsible for the migration of its fragments to the...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.14b: (i) Outline what is meant by product inhibition as it applies to hexokinase. (ii) Product...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.14a: (i) Estimate the Km values of the two enzymes. (ii) Suggest, with a reason, which enzyme will...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.13c: Amino acids act as buffers in solution. In aspartic acid, the side chain (R group) carboxyl has...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10d: The fibrous protein keratin has a secondary structure with a helical arrangement. (i) State the...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10c: Determine the number of different tripeptides that can be made from twenty different amino acids.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10b: A mixture of amino acids is separated by gel electrophoresis at pH 6.0. The amino acids are then...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Amylose is an unbranched polysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose. (i) Draw the...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9b: The structures of two molecules, X and Y, are shown below. (i) Justify why both these...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9a: State the raw materials and source of energy used in the process described above.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.8b: The table below shows average figures for the percentage fatty acid composition of some common...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.8a: Fatty acids react with glycerol to form fats and oils. State the name of the chemical link formed...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.14b: Explain why foetal hemoglobin has a greater affinity for oxygen.
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.14a: Outline how the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is affected by changes in the blood plasma.
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.13b: The pigments from spinach were separated using chromatography. Identify Z by calculating its Rf...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.13a: Identify one structural characteristic in vitamins A and D which makes them more similar to each...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.12b: Enzyme solutions are prepared in buffers. Determine the pH of a buffer solution containing...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.12a: The graph below shows a Michaelis–Menten plot for an enzyme. Sketch and label two curves on the...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.10c: (i) Serine is a chiral amino acid. Draw both enantiomers of serine. (ii) State the enantiomeric...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10d: Bioplastics are broken down by enzyme catalysed reactions. Sketch a graph illustrating how the...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10c: Glucose is the basic building block of starch which can be used to make bioplastics. Outline two...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10a: Deduce the equation for the cellular respiration of glucose.
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.9b: A tripeptide, X, containing leucine (Leu), lysine (Lys) and glutamic acid (Glu) is hydrolysed and...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.9a: Deduce the structures of the most abundant form of glycine in three buffer solutions at pH 1.0,...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8c: The production of banned steroids has ethical implications. Suggest a reason why steroid research...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8b: (i) State the name of the functional group circled in the DHEA molecule shown below. (ii)...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8a: Steroid abuse has certain health hazards, some general, some specific to males and some specific...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F4: Foods derived from genetically modified organisms were introduced in the early 1990s. State one...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F2b.i: Compare the two rancidity processes. Hydrolytic process: Oxidative process:
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F2a: State the meaning of the term rancidity as it applies to fats.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.ii: Deduce the structural formula of a triester formed from three long-chain carboxylic acid...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F1a: State the empirical formula and structural features of monosaccharides.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B4a: Compare the structures of starch and cellulose.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Explain how electrophoresis is used to analyse a protein.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B2a: State the name of the linkage that is broken during the hydrolysis of a protein and draw its...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F6b: Deduce from their structures whether anthocyanins and carotenes are water-soluble or...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F6a: Explain why these natural pigments are coloured.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F5b: State the (d) or the (l) convention.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F5a: Use the CORN rule to determine whether the structure of 2-aminopropanoic acid (alanine)...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B6b: Outline how nucleotides are linked together to form polynucleotides.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B6a: Describe the structure of a nucleotide of DNA.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B5b: State and explain the effect of increasing the temperature from 20 °C to 60 °C on an...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B5a: Explain how enzymes, such as hexokinase, are able to catalyse reactions.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.F2c: Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of converting oils into fats.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.F2a: State two major differences in their structures.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.B3b.i: Compare the chemical structures of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, and linolenic acid, an...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.B3a: (i) Identify the major source of low-density lipoproteins. (ii) State the importance of...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3c: (i) Sketch a graph to show the effect that a change in pH will have on the rate of an...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b: When an inhibitor is added it decreases the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction. State the...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3a: State and explain how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction is related to the substrate...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F2a: Rancidity can occur as a result of two separate processes. State these processes and explain the...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c: State the names of two types of nutrient other than those shown in part (b).
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: Identify the types of nutrients A, B and C. A B C
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.C3c: Plastic litter is an environmental problem that results from the use of petroleum as a chemical...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B3a: State the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c: Outline how the structure of cellulose is related to that of glucose.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b: (i) Identify the functional group present in glucose, but not fructose. (ii) Identify...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Glucose is mainly present in one of two cyclic forms: \(\alpha \)-glucose and \(\beta \)-glucose....
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Explain why lipids have a higher energy content than carbohydrates.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: This energy comes mainly from the combustion of triglycerides. State the name of one other type...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ1.B1f: Compare the behaviour of enzymes and inorganic catalysts, including reference to the mechanism of...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.ii: Suggest why blueberries should not be stored in aluminium cans.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.i: Using the abbreviations QB for quinoidal base and \({\text{F}}{{\text{C}}^ + }\) for flavylium...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a.ii: The hydrolysis of milk products is used in the making of cheese. State two conditions which...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a.i: Predict the products of hydrolytic rancidity of fats.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B3c: The structure of one form of vitamin E is shown below. State and explain whether vitamin E is...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b: Explain, using equations, how the amino acid glycine (Gly) can act as a buffer
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.iii: The amino acid at spot B is at its isoelectric point. Describe one characteristic of an amino...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.ii: Predict which amino acid is present at spot C. Explain your answer.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8g: A different series of pepsin samples is used to develop a calibration curve. ...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8f: UV-Vis spectroscopy can be used to determine the unknown concentration of a substance in a...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.i: Describe how the amino acid spots may have been developed.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1e: Explain why fats have a higher energy value per mole than carbohydrates.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1d: Identify the type of reaction that occurs during the formation of a triglyceride.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1c: Explain whether the triglyceride in part (b) is a solid or a liquid at room temperature.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b: Draw the structural formula of a triglyceride formed from one molecule each of octanoic acid,...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a: Identify the compounds X and Y. X: Y:
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.F2c: Compare the structures of the natural pigments, chlorophyll and heme B using Table 22 of the Data...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a.ii: State one other structural difference between DNA and RNA.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a.i: State the names of the sugars in each nucleic acid and outline how their chemical structures differ.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F3b: Describe two advantages and one concern about the use of genetically modified food.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F3a: Explain what is meant by the term genetically modified food.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F1d: Hydrogenation can result in the formation of trans fatty acids. Outline the meaning of the term...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F1a: Deduce which fat or oil from the table could best be described...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2d: Deduce whether the fatty acid obtained in part (c) will have a higher or lower melting point...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c: The partial equation for the enzyme-catalysed hydrolysis of a triglyceride is shown below. Draw...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b: Explain why it is important to include the fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acid in a balanced...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Determine the number of double bonds in linoleic acid,...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Humans can digest starch but cannot digest cellulose. Explain why humans cannot digest cellulose.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Compare the structural features of starch and cellulose.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.iii: Based on the structure given in part (b) (i) comment on the statement “D-alanine is a +(d)...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.ii: State which convention is usually employed to indicate the stereochemistry of molecules other...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.i: Alanine has the formula...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F2c: Identify one other coloured compound commonly found in uncooked foods.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F2a: Explain, in terms of their molecular structure, why these compounds are coloured.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B5b: Identify the molecule that undergoes reduction and state the half-equation for the process.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B5a: Identify the molecule that undergoes oxidation and state the half-equation for the process.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b: Determine \({V_{\max }}\) and \({K_{\text{m}}}\) in the absence of the inhibitor and in the...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a: Identify the type of inhibition shown in the graph.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F3a: Explain why raw meat changes colour from purplish-red to brown on standing.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F1b: The following two structures represent isomers of a fatty acid. State and explain which isomer...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a: Describe the chemical composition of a triglyceride.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B3b: Describe the effect of deficiency of one of these vitamins and suggest two possible solutions.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B3a: Compare the solubilities of vitamins A and C in water by referring to the structures provided in...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2d: Compare the structures of linoleic acid and linolenic acid.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.i: State what the terms HDL and LDL represent.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b: Identify two other types of lipids found in the human body.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a: Identify the characteristic structural feature of cholesterol.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B1c: State the name of the two polymeric forms of starch.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b: Explain why two cyclic isomers are formed from the straight-chain glucose and name both isomers.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.A1c.iii: Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) of the amino acid.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.F3b: Lycopene, whose structure is shown below, is a carotenoid and is responsible for the red colour...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.F1c: Outline the process of hydrogenating fats and name one catalyst for the process.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4e: On the graph of effect of concentration on rate of reaction on page 10, sketch the expected curve...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4d: Explain the effect of competitive inhibition on \({V_{{\text{max}}}}\) and \({K_{\text{m}}}\).
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4c: Describe why competitive inhibition may take place.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4b: Determine the Michaelis constant \({K_{\text{m}}}\) from the graph.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a: Explain the relationship between enzyme activity and concentration of the substrate.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B2d: Describe one negative effect of a high concentration of LDL cholesterol in blood.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F3: Genetically modified (GM) foods are now widely available, although in some countries...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c.ii: Outline why this class of pigment is susceptible to oxidation, and the effect of oxidation on...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c.i: State the class of pigments that give carrots and tomatoes their colour.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1a: Explain why naturally-occurring pigments are coloured.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c.ii: Compare the composition of cholesterol with a phospholipid such as lecithin.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c.i: Distinguish between HDL and LDL cholesterol.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.ii: State why these two fatty acids are so important in the human diet.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.i: Compare the structures of the two fatty acids: linoleic and linolenic acids.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: The formulas of some fatty acids are shown in Table 22 of the Data Booklet. State the equation...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.iii: State two of the bonds or interactions responsible for the 3D shape of myoglobin.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.ii: State the name of the bond or interaction that is responsible for the secondary structure.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.i: State the name of the bond or interaction that is responsible for linking the amino acids...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a: Describe the characteristic properties of 2-amino acids.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b: Enzymes are affected by inhibitors. Lead ions are a non-competitive inhibitor, they have been...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a: Describe the characteristics of an enzyme such as pepsin, and compare its catalytic behaviour to...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B2b.ii: Calculate the iodine number of linoleic...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.F2: (a) Describe the differences in the structure between the saturated fatty acid...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.B4: (a) Outline the function and production of hormones in the body. (b) In many communities...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.B2: (a) List four major functions of proteins in the human body. (b) Deduce the structures...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.A3: (a) State the stationary phase and an example of a mobile phase used in paper...
- 10M.3.hl.TZ2.B6: The nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, are polymers which are formed from nucleotides. Distinguish...
- 10M.3.hl.TZ2.B4: Calculate the number of carbon-carbon double bonds in linolenic acid,...
- 10M.2.hl.TZ2.7b: (i) Deduce the acid and conjugate base ions that make up the phosphate buffer and state the...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3c: Oils can be hydrogenated. One possible problem is that partial hydrogenation may occur which...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3b: Explain why unsaturated fats have a lower melting point than saturated fats.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3a: Give the general structural formula for a fat or oil and describe the difference in structure...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2c: List two factors which could alter the precise colour of a particular anthocyanin.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b: (i) Explain what effect, if any, the absorption at 375 nm will have on the colour of the...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2a: Explain why pigments such as anthocyanins are coloured.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: State three characteristic features of all monosaccharide molecules.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B3: (a) Define the term iodine number. (b) Linoleic acid (\({M_{\text{r}}} = 281\)) has the...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: State the causes of the three deficiency diseases, beriberi, goitre and...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Deduce the structures of the two different dipeptides that can be formed when one molecule of...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Deduce the structure of serine at the isoelectric point.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a: (i) a solution with a pH of 2. (ii) a solution with a pH of 12.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3a.iii: Outline why the polymerization of alkenes is of economic importance and why the disposal of...
- 10M.2.hl.TZ1.3f: (if acid added)...
- 10M.2.hl.TZ1.3e: Determine the pH of a solution formed from adding \({\text{50.0 c}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{3}}}\) of...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1c: Liver is a source of arachidonic acid,...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.ii: monosaccharides.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.i: fats and oils
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: By comparing the structures of vitamins A, C and D given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, state...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1e: Explain how a sample of a protein can be analysed by electrophoresis.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1d.ii: State the predominant interaction responsible for the secondary structure.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1d.i: Explain the difference between the primary and secondary structure of proteins.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1c: Using Table 19 of the Data Booklet, deduce the structural formula of two dipeptides that could be...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1b: State two characteristic properties of 2-amino acids.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1a: State the general formula of 2-amino acids.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2d: State and explain the effects of heavy-metal ions and temperature increases on enzyme activity.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2c.ii: Draw a line on the graph to represent the effect of adding a competitive inhibitor.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2c.i: Use the graph to determine \({V_{\max }}\) and the Michaelis constant,...
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2b: Describe the mechanism of enzyme action in terms of structure.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2a: State the major function of enzymes in the human body.
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.F4: (a) Define the term genetically modified (GM) food. (b) Discuss the benefits and...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Fats, such as butter, are solid triglycerides. Explain why fats have a higher energy value than...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B2a: Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid whose formula is given in Table 22 of the Data Booklet....
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B1c: One of the major functions of carbohydrates in the human body is as an energy source. State one...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B1b: (i) Draw the straight chain structure of glucose. (ii) Draw the structural formula of...
- 10N.3.hl.TZ0.B4a: (i) Explain how the two helices are linked in the structure of DNA. (ii) Describe the...
- 10N.1.hl.TZ0.26: Which mixtures act as buffer solutions? I. ...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.F1a: (i) all fats. (ii) all fatty acids.
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.C3b: The polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also known as poly(chloroethene), is hard and brittle when...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.B2c: (i) State the names of two other types of lipids present in the human body. (ii) Compare...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Describe, by completing the equation below, the condensation of glycerol and the three fatty...
- 12N.3.hl.TZ0.B4: State two differences in composition and one difference in structure between RNA and DNA.
- 12N.2.hl.TZ0.3b: Determine the pH of a buffer solution, correct to two decimal places, showing your working,...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F3: In recent years, the use of soybean oil by the food industry has increased. A significant...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.ii: The structure of chlorophyll is shown in Table 22 of the Data Booklet. Describe what happens to...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.i: State how the sodium hydrogencarbonate maintains the green colour of the peas.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2a: List two factors which may affect the colour stability of a pigment.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.ii: Identify two interactions which are responsible for this type of structure.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.i: Describe what is meant by the tertiary structure of proteins.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b.ii: Arginine, cysteine and glycine undergo electrophoresis at pH 6.0. Deduce which amino acid moves...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b.i: Describe the essential features of electrophoresis.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a: Proteins such as papain are formed by the condensation reactions of 2-amino acids. By referring...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b.ii: Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are classed as essential fatty acids. State the importance of...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b.i: Linoleic acid and stearic acid have similar molecular masses. Explain why linoleic acid has a...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a.ii: Calculate the iodine number for oleic acid (\({M_{\text{r}}}\) of oleic acid \( = 282.52\)).
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a.i: Olive oil contains a triglyceride (glyceryl trioleate) which, on hydrolysis, yields...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1c: If the components of the mixture are coloured then they can be seen with the naked eye. Describe...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1b: Explain why the value of the retention factor for the same component can be very different if...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1a: State the meaning of the term retention factor.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b.iii: State and explain the effect of a competitive inhibitor on the value of \){K_{\text{m}}}\).
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b.ii: Explain why a low value of \({K_{\text{m}}}\) is significant.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.A3b: When the flavylium cation is placed in alkaline solution the structure changes to the quinoidal...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.iii: Explain how the colour of astaxanthin changes to red when cooked.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.ii: Explain why the properties of pigments in the shell of a live lobster can lead to colour...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.i: Identify the class of pigment to which astaxanthin belongs.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c: Describe the rancidity of fats.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B3a: The structures of retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin D are given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet....
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.ii: Two \(\alpha \)-glucose molecules condense to form the disaccharide maltose. Draw the structure...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.i: Draw the structures of \(\alpha \)-glucose and \(\beta...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Describe the structural features of monosaccharides.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: List two functions of proteins in the body.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Explain how amino acids can be analysed using electrophoresis.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a.ii: State the other substance formed during this reaction.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a.i: Using Table 19 of the Data Booklet, deduce the structural formulas of the two dipeptides formed...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.iii: State how inhibitors affect the values of \({V_{{\text{max}}}}\) and the Michaelis constant,...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.ii: Explain the action of competitive and non-competitive inhibitors on enzymes in terms of where the...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.i: State how inhibitors affect the initial rate of reaction of an enzyme with its substrate.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a.i: Describe the characteristics of an enzyme (such as catalase).
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.20a: Explain which acid has the highest melting point.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7d: People who live in very cold regions need a diet with a higher ratio of fat to carbohydrate than...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7c: Identify which product is polyunsaturated, and outline why foods containing this type of fatty...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7b: State the other reactant and one essential condition that would favour this hydrolysis reaction...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7a: Draw a possible structure for the triglyceride.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6d: State three functions of proteins in the body and include a named example for each.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6c: Cysteine is responsible for a specific type of intra-molecular bonding within a protein molecule....
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6b.i: identify a pH value where both amino acids would be positively charged.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6a: State the structural formula of cysteine as a zwitterion.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5c.ii: Suggest why vitamin D deficiency diseases are becoming increasingly common in young people.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5c.i: State one effect of vitamin D deficiency.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5b.ii: Explain why this vitamin is soluble in water.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5b.i: Identify this vitamin.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5a: Identify by name two functional groups that are common to all three of these vitamins.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.26a: Identify the chiral carbon atom in the structure above with an asterisk, *.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24c.ii: Draw the structure of a possible trans fatty acid product.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24c.i: Explain the meaning of the term trans.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24b: State the equation for the complete hydrogenation of linolenic acid. Describe the conditions used...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24a: Explain which acid has the highest melting point.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.9b.iii: Suggest a reason why it is more likely that NO, rather than \({\text{C}}{{\text{N}}^ - }\), acts...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.9b.ii: The graph below shows the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of the reaction in the...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8c: Identify which product is polyunsaturated, and outline why foods containing this type of fatty...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8b: State the other reactant and one essential condition that would favour this hydrolysis reaction...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8a: Draw a possible structure for the triglyceride.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7c: Cysteine is responsible for a specific type of intra-molecular bonding within a protein molecule....
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7b: With reference to the isoelectric points of alanine and cysteine, describe with a reason what pH...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7a: State the structural formula of cysteine as a zwitterion.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6c.ii: Suggest why vitamin D deficiency diseases are becoming increasingly common in young people.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6c.i: State one effect of vitamin D deficiency.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6b.ii: Explain why this vitamin is soluble in water.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6b.i: Only one of these three vitamins is soluble in water. Identify this vitamin.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6a: Identify by name two functional groups that are common to all three of these vitamins.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.5: A natural pigment found in cranberries can exist in two forms. Explain, with reference to...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.22c: (i) State the difference in structure between the fatty acids found in an oil and those in a...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.22b: (i) State the name of the functional group circled in the triglyceride. (ii) Identify...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.6c: Explain how a given protein can be broken down into its constituent amino acids and how these can...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.6a: Draw the structure of a 2-amino acid.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.4b: Diets that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are recommended as healthy for the heart....
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.4a: Define the term iodine number.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.3: (a) State how you could tell whether the ink was a single substance or a mixture of...
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.8: Describe three characteristics of enzymes.
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.7b: State the name of the bond between complementary base pairs of DNA.
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.7a: Describe how genetic information is encoded within the double helical structure of DNA.
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.5: Compare the structures and chemical formulas of the two essential fatty acids linoleic acid and...
- 14N.1.hl.TZ0.28: A buffer solution is formed by mixing equal volumes of...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17d.iv: Olestra, with one of its structures shown below, has been used to prepare snacks such as crisps...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17d.iii: Partial hydrogenation can sometimes produce trans fats. Suggest why trans fats are considered...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17c: Butter is an example of a saturated fat and olive oil is an example of an unsaturated fat....
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17b: State two named functional groups present in each of the following molecules found in two...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5d: Explain why the metabolism of fats produces much more energy per gram than that of carbohydrates.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5c: The hydrolysis of tristearin, whose structure is shown below, can be catalysed by the enzyme...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5a: (i) Define the term iodine number. (ii) A sample containing...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.4b: (i) Fructose, a monosaccharide, is found in honey. Draw the straight-chain structure of...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.4a: State why a professional cyclist would eat pasta before a race.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.2c: (i) Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) values of A and B. (ii) Outline why compound B...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18e: Other than the fact that it is a solid at room temperature, discuss two advantages and two...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18d: Describe how the triglyceride formed from linoleic acid and glycerol could be converted into a...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18c: Explain why the triglyceride formed from linoleic acid and glycerol is a liquid and not a solid...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18b: State the other product formed during this reaction.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18a: Identify the structural formula of the triglyceride formed when three molecules of linoleic acid...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3c: Suggest how the chromatography experiment with the same sample could be altered in order to...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3b: Suggest a reason why only two spots are present.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3a: Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) values for the two spots. Spot 1: Spot 2:
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.9b: Outline the role of hemoglobin in transporting diatomic oxygen.
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.9a: Describe the structure of hemoglobin.
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.8a: Explain the double helical structure of DNA, including the importance of hydrogen bonding.
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7c: (i) Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T) result in the double helix...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.14a: Explain the shape of the curve from 0 to X kPa.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13c: Outline the significance of the value of Km.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13b: Sketch a second graph on the same axes to show how the reaction rate varies when a competitive...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13a: Determine the value of the Michaelis constant, Km, including units, from the graph.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.12b: Outline the change that occurs in the retinal residue during the absorption of visible light.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.12a: Identify the structural feature which enables rhodopsin to absorb visible light.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.8c.ii: Calculate the pH of a buffer solution which contains 0.700 mol dm–3 of the zwitterion and 0.500...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.8c.i: An aqueous buffer solution contains both the zwitterion and the anionic forms of alanine. Draw...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.11: Suggest, in terms of its structure, why vitamin D is fat-soluble using section 35 of the data...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10d: Suggest one of the challenges scientists face when scaling up the synthesis of a new compound.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10c: Starch is a constituent of many plastics. Suggest one reason for including starch in plastics.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10b: Sucrose is a disaccharide formed from \(\alpha \)-glucose and β-fructose. Deduce the structural...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10a: Identify the functional groups which are present in only one structure of glucose.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.9b: Identify the type of reaction which occurs.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.9a: Glycerol is one product of the reaction. Identify the two other organic products.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.8b: 10.0 g of sunflower oil reacts completely with 123 cm3 of 0.500 mol\(\,\)dm–3 iodine...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.8a: Explain which one of these fatty acids has the highest boiling point.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7d: A mixture of the three amino acids, cysteine, glutamine and lysine, was placed in the centre of a...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7c: Deduce the structural formula of the predominant form of cysteine at pH 1.0.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7b: Identify the type of bond between two cysteine residues in the tertiary structure of a protein.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: Deduce the structural formula of the dipeptide Cys-Lys.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.17: Vision is dependent on retinol (vitamin A) present in retina cells. Retinol is oxidized to...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16b.ii: Outline the effect of decreasing pH on the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16b.i: Sketch a graph on the axes above to show the effect of decreasing pH on the binding of oxygen to...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16a: Explain the shape of the curve at low oxygen partial pressure up to about 5 kPa.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15d: The sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines hereditary characteristics. Calculate the...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15c: Outline the action of a non-competitive inhibitor on the enzyme-catalysed reaction.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15b: Enzymes are biological catalysts. The data shows the effect of substrate concentration, [S], on...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15a: Deduce the pH range in which glycine is an effective buffer in basic solution.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13f: Outline how lead ions could be removed from an individual suffering from lead poisoning.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13e: Pollution from heavy metal ions has become a health concern. Outline how the presence of heavy...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13d: The solubility of a vitamin depends on its structure. Identify the vitamin given in section 35...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13c: The breakdown of a dipeptide in the presence of peptidase was investigated between 18 °C and 43...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13b.ii: Deduce, giving a reason, which amino acid will develop closest to the negative electrode.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13b.i: Identify the name of the amino acid that does not move under the influence of the applied voltage.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13a: Identify the type of metabolic process that occurs in the hydrolysis of the peptide during...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12c.ii: Biodegradable boxes made from polylactic acid, PLA, disintegrate when exposed to water. State...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12c.i: State one advantage of starch based polymers besides being biodegradable.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12b: Constructing models that allow visualizations of the stereochemistry of carbohydrates is...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12a.ii: Using the partial structure given, complete the structural formula of the molecule formed from...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6b.ii: describe with a reason what pH value would be suitable to use in an electrophoresis experiment...
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7b: Adenine, A, whose structure is also given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, is a purine found in...
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7a: Thymine (T), whose structure is given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, is a pyrimidine. Describe...
- 14M.2.hl.TZ2.5b.v: Partial neutralization of chloric(I) acid creates a buffer solution. Given that the...
- 14M.2.hl.TZ1.7c.iii: Determine the pH of the buffer solution at 298 K.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.22b.ii: Discuss two effects on health of consuming trans fatty acids such as elaidic acid.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.22a: State the name of the compound which combines with fatty acids to form triglycerides.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.9a: Aldosterone is one of the steroid hormones produced in the body from cholesterol. The...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.7b.ii: Calculate the iodine number for linolenic acid, C17H29COOH \(({M_{\text{r}}} = 278.48)\). The...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: List two benefits of linolenic acid to humans.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5b: One protein found in the human body is collagen. Identify its function.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5a.ii: A mixture of amino acids was spotted onto chromatography paper and eluted with a solvent mixture....
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5a.i: Explain how individual amino acids can be obtained from proteins for chromatographic separation.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.18b: Explain, giving their names, the two types of reaction by which foods may become...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.17b.i: Describe one similarity and one difference between the structure of a saturated and an...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.6a: A number of famous athletes have been banned from competition for using hormone F. Explain, with...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5b.ii: Distinguish between HDL and LDL cholesterol in terms of their composition and their effect on...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5b.i: Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol. The structures of both molecules are given in table 21 of...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5a: Compare the structures and polarities of fats and phospholipids, giving one similarity and one...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4c: Proteins carry out a number of important functions in the body. State the function of collagen.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4b: Deduce the primary structures of the tripeptides formed by reacting together one molecule of each...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.iv: Deduce the structure of valine in a solution with a pH of 4.0.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.ii: Identify the amino acid with the empirical formula C3H7ON2
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.i: State why they are called 2-amino acids.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28b.ii: List two factors which increase the rate of oxidation of carotenoids.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28b.i: Carotenoids may lose their colour and develop off odours when they are oxidized. Identify, using...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28a.ii: State the structural feature of a pheophytin molecule which allows it to absorb visible light.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.26b.ii: Discuss two effects on health of consuming trans fatty acids such as elaidic acid.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.26b.i: Explain why oleic acid, cis-9-octadecenoic acid, has a lower melting point than its trans isomer,...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.11a: Outline the essential features of the structure of a section of one strand of DNA.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.8b: Calculate the iodine number for linolenic acid,...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.6b: (i) Pepsin is a protein which functions as an enzyme in human stomachs. Describe the...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24d: Outline another convention used for specifying a molecule’s spatial configuration and its...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24b: Outline the difference in solubility in water between anthocyanins and carotenes, by referring to...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24a: Ripe strawberries contain the flavylium cation, an anthocyanin. By referring to table 22 of the...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8d: Silver ions bond with sulfur atoms in an enzyme and change its tertiary structure and activity....
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8c: Sketch, on the graph on page 13, a curve which shows competitive inhibition occurring in this...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8b: Explain how competitive inhibition in an enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8a: Outline the relationship between enzyme activity and concentration of the substrate.
- 15M.2.hl.TZ2.4c: Calculate the concentration, in \({\text{mol}}\,{\text{d}}{{\text{m}}^{ - 3}}\), of sodium...
- 15M.2.hl.TZ1.8d.iii: Determine the pH of the solution resulting when \({\text{100 c}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{3}}}\) of...
- 15M.1.hl.TZ2.27: The \({\text{p}}{K_{\text{a}}}\) of ethanoic acid is 4.8 at 298 K. Which combination will produce...
- 15M.1.hl.TZ1.29: Which mixture will form a buffer in aqueous solution? A. ...
Sub sections and their related questions
B.1 Introduction to biochemistry
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B5a: Identify the molecule that undergoes oxidation and state the half-equation for the process.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B5b: Identify the molecule that undergoes reduction and state the half-equation for the process.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c: State the names of two types of nutrient other than those shown in part (b).
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10a: Deduce the equation for the cellular respiration of glucose.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9a: State the raw materials and source of energy used in the process described above.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12c.ii: Biodegradable boxes made from polylactic acid, PLA, disintegrate when exposed to water. State...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13a: Identify the type of metabolic process that occurs in the hydrolysis of the peptide during...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.9b: Identify the type of reaction which occurs.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9a: Describe what is meant by a condensation reaction.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6c.i: State the name of the process used to break down the insulin protein into its constituent amino...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6a: Identify the type of chemical reaction that occurs between fatty acids and glycerol to form...
B.2 Proteins and enzymes
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8a: Outline the relationship between enzyme activity and concentration of the substrate.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.6b: (i) Pepsin is a protein which functions as an enzyme in human stomachs. Describe the...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.i: State why they are called 2-amino acids.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.ii: Identify the amino acid with the empirical formula C3H7ON2
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4a.iv: Deduce the structure of valine in a solution with a pH of 4.0.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4b: Deduce the primary structures of the tripeptides formed by reacting together one molecule of each...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.4c: Proteins carry out a number of important functions in the body. State the function of collagen.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5a.i: Explain how individual amino acids can be obtained from proteins for chromatographic separation.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5a.ii: A mixture of amino acids was spotted onto chromatography paper and eluted with a solvent mixture....
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.5b: One protein found in the human body is collagen. Identify its function.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3a: Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) values for the two spots. Spot 1: Spot 2:
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3b: Suggest a reason why only two spots are present.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.3c: Suggest how the chromatography experiment with the same sample could be altered in order to...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.2c: (i) Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) values of A and B. (ii) Outline why compound B...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17b: State two named functional groups present in each of the following molecules found in two...
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.8: Describe three characteristics of enzymes.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.3: (a) State how you could tell whether the ink was a single substance or a mixture of...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.6a: Draw the structure of a 2-amino acid.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.6c: Explain how a given protein can be broken down into its constituent amino acids and how these can...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7a: State the structural formula of cysteine as a zwitterion.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7b: With reference to the isoelectric points of alanine and cysteine, describe with a reason what pH...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.7c: Cysteine is responsible for a specific type of intra-molecular bonding within a protein molecule....
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6a: State the structural formula of cysteine as a zwitterion.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6b.i: identify a pH value where both amino acids would be positively charged.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6b.ii: describe with a reason what pH value would be suitable to use in an electrophoresis experiment...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6c: Cysteine is responsible for a specific type of intra-molecular bonding within a protein molecule....
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.6d: State three functions of proteins in the body and include a named example for each.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a.i: Describe the characteristics of an enzyme (such as catalase).
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a.i: Using Table 19 of the Data Booklet, deduce the structural formulas of the two dipeptides formed...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a.ii: State the other substance formed during this reaction.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Explain how amino acids can be analysed using electrophoresis.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: List two functions of proteins in the body.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1a: State the meaning of the term retention factor.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1b: Explain why the value of the retention factor for the same component can be very different if...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.A1c: If the components of the mixture are coloured then they can be seen with the naked eye. Describe...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a: Proteins such as papain are formed by the condensation reactions of 2-amino acids. By referring...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b.i: Describe the essential features of electrophoresis.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b.ii: Arginine, cysteine and glycine undergo electrophoresis at pH 6.0. Deduce which amino acid moves...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.i: Describe what is meant by the tertiary structure of proteins.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.ii: Identify two interactions which are responsible for this type of structure.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2a: State the major function of enzymes in the human body.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2b: Describe the mechanism of enzyme action in terms of structure.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1a: State the general formula of 2-amino acids.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1b: State two characteristic properties of 2-amino acids.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1c: Using Table 19 of the Data Booklet, deduce the structural formula of two dipeptides that could be...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1d.i: Explain the difference between the primary and secondary structure of proteins.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1d.ii: State the predominant interaction responsible for the secondary structure.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B1e: Explain how a sample of a protein can be analysed by electrophoresis.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a: (i) a solution with a pH of 2. (ii) a solution with a pH of 12.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Deduce the structure of serine at the isoelectric point.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Deduce the structures of the two different dipeptides that can be formed when one molecule of...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.A3: (a) State the stationary phase and an example of a mobile phase used in paper...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.B2: (a) List four major functions of proteins in the human body. (b) Deduce the structures...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a: Describe the characteristics of an enzyme such as pepsin, and compare its catalytic behaviour to...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1a: Describe the characteristic properties of 2-amino acids.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.i: State the name of the bond or interaction that is responsible for linking the amino acids...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.ii: State the name of the bond or interaction that is responsible for the secondary structure.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b.iii: State two of the bonds or interactions responsible for the 3D shape of myoglobin.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a: Explain the relationship between enzyme activity and concentration of the substrate.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.A1c.iii: Calculate the \({R_{\text{f}}}\) of the amino acid.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.i: Describe how the amino acid spots may have been developed.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.ii: Predict which amino acid is present at spot C. Explain your answer.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a.iii: The amino acid at spot B is at its isoelectric point. Describe one characteristic of an amino...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ1.B1f: Compare the behaviour of enzymes and inorganic catalysts, including reference to the mechanism of...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: Identify the types of nutrients A, B and C. A B C
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3a: State and explain how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction is related to the substrate...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B5a: Explain how enzymes, such as hexokinase, are able to catalyse reactions.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B5b: State and explain the effect of increasing the temperature from 20 °C to 60 °C on an...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B2a: State the name of the linkage that is broken during the hydrolysis of a protein and draw its...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Explain how electrophoresis is used to analyse a protein.
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.9a: Deduce the structures of the most abundant form of glycine in three buffer solutions at pH 1.0,...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.9b: A tripeptide, X, containing leucine (Leu), lysine (Lys) and glutamic acid (Glu) is hydrolysed and...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10d: Bioplastics are broken down by enzyme catalysed reactions. Sketch a graph illustrating how the...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.10c: (i) Serine is a chiral amino acid. Draw both enantiomers of serine. (ii) State the enantiomeric...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10b: A mixture of amino acids is separated by gel electrophoresis at pH 6.0. The amino acids are then...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10c: Determine the number of different tripeptides that can be made from twenty different amino acids.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.10d: The fibrous protein keratin has a secondary structure with a helical arrangement. (i) State the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13b.i: Identify the name of the amino acid that does not move under the influence of the applied voltage.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13b.ii: Deduce, giving a reason, which amino acid will develop closest to the negative electrode.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13c: The breakdown of a dipeptide in the presence of peptidase was investigated between 18 °C and 43...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: Deduce the structural formula of the dipeptide Cys-Lys.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7b: Identify the type of bond between two cysteine residues in the tertiary structure of a protein.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7c: Deduce the structural formula of the predominant form of cysteine at pH 1.0.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.7d: A mixture of the three amino acids, cysteine, glutamine and lysine, was placed in the centre of a...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.8c.i: An aqueous buffer solution contains both the zwitterion and the anionic forms of alanine. Draw...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.11: Enzyme activity depends on many factors. Explain how pH change causes loss of activity of an enzyme.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8c: Draw the structures of the main form of glycine in buffer solutions of pH 1.0 and 6.0. The pKa...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6a: Draw the structural formula of a dipeptide containing the residues of valine, Val,...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6b: Deduce the strongest intermolecular forces that would occur between the following amino acid...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.6c.ii: Outline how the amino acids may be identified from a paper chromatogram.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: Draw the dipeptide represented by the formula Ala-Gly using section 33 of the data booklet.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.7c: Outline why amino acids have high melting points.
B.3 Lipids
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.8b: Calculate the iodine number for linolenic acid,...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.26b.ii: Discuss two effects on health of consuming trans fatty acids such as elaidic acid.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5a: Compare the structures and polarities of fats and phospholipids, giving one similarity and one...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5b.i: Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol. The structures of both molecules are given in table 21 of...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5b.ii: Distinguish between HDL and LDL cholesterol in terms of their composition and their effect on...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.6a: A number of famous athletes have been banned from competition for using hormone F. Explain, with...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.17b.i: Describe one similarity and one difference between the structure of a saturated and an...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.18b: Explain, giving their names, the two types of reaction by which foods may become...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.7a: List two benefits of linolenic acid to humans.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.7b.ii: Calculate the iodine number for linolenic acid, C17H29COOH \(({M_{\text{r}}} = 278.48)\). The...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.9a: Aldosterone is one of the steroid hormones produced in the body from cholesterol. The...
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.22a: State the name of the compound which combines with fatty acids to form triglycerides.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.22b.ii: Discuss two effects on health of consuming trans fatty acids such as elaidic acid.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18a: Identify the structural formula of the triglyceride formed when three molecules of linoleic acid...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18b: State the other product formed during this reaction.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18c: Explain why the triglyceride formed from linoleic acid and glycerol is a liquid and not a solid...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5a: (i) Define the term iodine number. (ii) A sample containing...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5c: The hydrolysis of tristearin, whose structure is shown below, can be catalysed by the enzyme...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.5d: Explain why the metabolism of fats produces much more energy per gram than that of carbohydrates.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17b: State two named functional groups present in each of the following molecules found in two...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17c: Butter is an example of a saturated fat and olive oil is an example of an unsaturated fat....
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.5: Compare the structures and chemical formulas of the two essential fatty acids linoleic acid and...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.4a: Define the term iodine number.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.4b: Diets that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are recommended as healthy for the heart....
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.22b: (i) State the name of the functional group circled in the triglyceride. (ii) Identify...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.22c: (i) State the difference in structure between the fatty acids found in an oil and those in a...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8a: Draw a possible structure for the triglyceride.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8b: State the other reactant and one essential condition that would favour this hydrolysis reaction...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.8c: Identify which product is polyunsaturated, and outline why foods containing this type of fatty...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24a: Explain which acid has the highest melting point.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7a: Draw a possible structure for the triglyceride.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7b: State the other reactant and one essential condition that would favour this hydrolysis reaction...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7c: Identify which product is polyunsaturated, and outline why foods containing this type of fatty...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.7d: People who live in very cold regions need a diet with a higher ratio of fat to carbohydrate than...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.20a: Explain which acid has the highest melting point.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c: Describe the rancidity of fats.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a.i: Olive oil contains a triglyceride (glyceryl trioleate) which, on hydrolysis, yields...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a.ii: Calculate the iodine number for oleic acid (\({M_{\text{r}}}\) of oleic acid \( = 282.52\)).
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b.i: Linoleic acid and stearic acid have similar molecular masses. Explain why linoleic acid has a...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b.ii: Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are classed as essential fatty acids. State the importance of...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Describe, by completing the equation below, the condensation of glycerol and the three fatty...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.B2c: (i) State the names of two other types of lipids present in the human body. (ii) Compare...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.F1a: (i) all fats. (ii) all fatty acids.
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B2a: Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid whose formula is given in Table 22 of the Data Booklet....
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: Fats, such as butter, are solid triglycerides. Explain why fats have a higher energy value than...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.i: fats and oils
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1c: Liver is a source of arachidonic acid,...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B3: (a) Define the term iodine number. (b) Linoleic acid (\({M_{\text{r}}} = 281\)) has the...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3a: Give the general structural formula for a fat or oil and describe the difference in structure...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3b: Explain why unsaturated fats have a lower melting point than saturated fats.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F3c: Oils can be hydrogenated. One possible problem is that partial hydrogenation may occur which...
- 10M.3.hl.TZ2.B4: Calculate the number of carbon-carbon double bonds in linolenic acid,...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.B4: (a) Outline the function and production of hormones in the body. (b) In many communities...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.F2: (a) Describe the differences in the structure between the saturated fatty acid...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B2b.ii: Calculate the iodine number of linoleic...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: The formulas of some fatty acids are shown in Table 22 of the Data Booklet. State the equation...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.i: Compare the structures of the two fatty acids: linoleic and linolenic acids.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.ii: State why these two fatty acids are so important in the human diet.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c.i: Distinguish between HDL and LDL cholesterol.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c.ii: Compare the composition of cholesterol with a phospholipid such as lecithin.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B2d: Describe one negative effect of a high concentration of LDL cholesterol in blood.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2a: Identify the characteristic structural feature of cholesterol.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b: Identify two other types of lipids found in the human body.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2c.i: State what the terms HDL and LDL represent.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B2d: Compare the structures of linoleic acid and linolenic acid.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a: Describe the chemical composition of a triglyceride.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F1b: The following two structures represent isomers of a fatty acid. State and explain which isomer...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Determine the number of double bonds in linoleic acid,...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b: Explain why it is important to include the fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acid in a balanced...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c: The partial equation for the enzyme-catalysed hydrolysis of a triglyceride is shown below. Draw...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B2d: Deduce whether the fatty acid obtained in part (c) will have a higher or lower melting point...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F1a: Deduce which fat or oil from the table could best be described...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1a: Identify the compounds X and Y. X: Y:
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b: Draw the structural formula of a triglyceride formed from one molecule each of octanoic acid,...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1c: Explain whether the triglyceride in part (b) is a solid or a liquid at room temperature.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1d: Identify the type of reaction that occurs during the formation of a triglyceride.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B1e: Explain why fats have a higher energy value per mole than carbohydrates.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a.i: Predict the products of hydrolytic rancidity of fats.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F1a.ii: The hydrolysis of milk products is used in the making of cheese. State two conditions which...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: This energy comes mainly from the combustion of triglycerides. State the name of one other type...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Explain why lipids have a higher energy content than carbohydrates.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: Identify the types of nutrients A, B and C. A B C
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F2a: Rancidity can occur as a result of two separate processes. State these processes and explain the...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.B3a: (i) Identify the major source of low-density lipoproteins. (ii) State the importance of...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.B3b.i: Compare the chemical structures of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, and linolenic acid, an...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.F2a: State two major differences in their structures.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ2.F2c: Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of converting oils into fats.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.ii: Deduce the structural formula of a triester formed from three long-chain carboxylic acid...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F2a: State the meaning of the term rancidity as it applies to fats.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F2b.i: Compare the two rancidity processes. Hydrolytic process: Oxidative process:
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8a: Steroid abuse has certain health hazards, some general, some specific to males and some specific...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8b: (i) State the name of the functional group circled in the DHEA molecule shown below. (ii)...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.8c: The production of banned steroids has ethical implications. Suggest a reason why steroid research...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.8a: Fatty acids react with glycerol to form fats and oils. State the name of the chemical link formed...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.8b: The table below shows average figures for the percentage fatty acid composition of some common...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11a: List the building blocks of triglycerides and carbohydrates.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11b.i: The drain pipe of a kitchen sink can become clogged by fatty acids, such as linoleic acid,...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11b.ii: Solid fat triglycerides can also clog kitchen sink drains. Explain how sodium hydroxide unblocks...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11c: The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates determine the energy content of foods. Explain...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.8a: Explain which one of these fatty acids has the highest boiling point.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.8b: 10.0 g of sunflower oil reacts completely with 123 cm3 of 0.500 mol\(\,\)dm–3 iodine...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.9a: Glycerol is one product of the reaction. Identify the two other organic products.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.9b: Identify the type of reaction which occurs.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8a.ii: The empirical formula of fructose is CH2O. Suggest why linoleic acid releases more energy per...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8b.i: State the type of reaction occurring during the titration.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8b.ii: Calculate the volume of iodine solution used to reach the end-point.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.8c: Outline the importance of linoleic acid for human health.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7a.i: Identify the type of rancidity occurring in saturated lipids and the structural feature that...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7a.ii: State one factor that increases the rate at which saturated lipids become rancid.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7b: Butter contains varying proportions of oleic, myristic, palmitic and stearic acids. Explain in...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.i: Fish oil is an excellent dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids. Outline one impact on health of...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6b: Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid found in peanut oil. Determine the...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6c: Deduce the structure of the lipid formed by the reaction between lauric acid and glycerol...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6d: Outline one impact food labelling has had on the consumption of foods containing different types...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6f: Explain why lipids provide more energy than carbohydrates and proteins.
B.4 Carbohydrates
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.4a: State why a professional cyclist would eat pasta before a race.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.4b: (i) Fructose, a monosaccharide, is found in honey. Draw the straight-chain structure of...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17b: State two named functional groups present in each of the following molecules found in two...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17d.iv: Olestra, with one of its structures shown below, has been used to prepare snacks such as crisps...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Describe the structural features of monosaccharides.
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B1b: (i) Draw the straight chain structure of glucose. (ii) Draw the structural formula of...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.B1c: One of the major functions of carbohydrates in the human body is as an energy source. State one...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.F1b.ii: monosaccharides.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: State three characteristic features of all monosaccharide molecules.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: Glucose is mainly present in one of two cyclic forms: \(\alpha \)-glucose and \(\beta \)-glucose....
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b: (i) Identify the functional group present in glucose, but not fructose. (ii) Identify...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.F1b: Identify the types of nutrients A, B and C. A B C
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F1a: State the empirical formula and structural features of monosaccharides.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9b: The structures of two molecules, X and Y, are shown below. (i) Justify why both these...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Amylose is an unbranched polysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose. (i) Draw the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11a: List the building blocks of triglycerides and carbohydrates.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.11b.i: The drain pipe of a kitchen sink can become clogged by fatty acids, such as linoleic acid,...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12a.i: Deduce the straight chain structure of ribose from its ring structure drawn in section 34 of the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12a.ii: Using the partial structure given, complete the structural formula of the molecule formed from...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12b: Constructing models that allow visualizations of the stereochemistry of carbohydrates is...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10a: Identify the functional groups which are present in only one structure of glucose.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10b: Sucrose is a disaccharide formed from \(\alpha \)-glucose and β-fructose. Deduce the structural...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9b: Draw the structure of galactose on the skeleton provided.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.8a: State the specific type of linkage formed between α-glucose fragments in both maltose and amylose.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.8b: A person with diabetes suffering very low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) may be advised to consume...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.6e: Determine, to the correct number of significant figures, the energy produced by the respiration...
B.5 Vitamins
- 15M.3.sl.TZ1.5b.i: Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol. The structures of both molecules are given in table 21 of...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6a: Identify by name two functional groups that are common to all three of these vitamins.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6b.i: Only one of these three vitamins is soluble in water. Identify this vitamin.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6b.ii: Explain why this vitamin is soluble in water.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6c.i: State one effect of vitamin D deficiency.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.6c.ii: Suggest why vitamin D deficiency diseases are becoming increasingly common in young people.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5a: Identify by name two functional groups that are common to all three of these vitamins.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5b.i: Identify this vitamin.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5b.ii: Explain why this vitamin is soluble in water.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5c.i: State one effect of vitamin D deficiency.
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.5c.ii: Suggest why vitamin D deficiency diseases are becoming increasingly common in young people.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B3a: The structures of retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin D are given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet....
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.C3b: The polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also known as poly(chloroethene), is hard and brittle when...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.B2b: By comparing the structures of vitamins A, C and D given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, state...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.B2a: State the causes of the three deficiency diseases, beriberi, goitre and...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B3a: Compare the solubilities of vitamins A and C in water by referring to the structures provided in...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B3b: Describe the effect of deficiency of one of these vitamins and suggest two possible solutions.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B3c: The structure of one form of vitamin E is shown below. State and explain whether vitamin E is...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B3a: State the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients.
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.13a: Identify one structural characteristic in vitamins A and D which makes them more similar to each...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13d: The solubility of a vitamin depends on its structure. Identify the vitamin given in section 35...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.11: Suggest, in terms of its structure, why vitamin D is fat-soluble using section 35 of the data...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.10a: Explain, at the molecular level, why vitamin D is soluble in fats. Use section 35 of the data...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.10b: State one function of vitamin D in the body.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.ii: Predict the solubility of retinol (vitamin A) in body fat, giving a reason. Use section 35 of the...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.9: Explain the solubility of vitamins A and C using section 35 of the data booklet.
B.6 Biochemistry and the environment
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3a.iii: Outline why the polymerization of alkenes is of economic importance and why the disposal of...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.C3c: Plastic litter is an environmental problem that results from the use of petroleum as a chemical...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10c: Glucose is the basic building block of starch which can be used to make bioplastics. Outline two...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Amylose is an unbranched polysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose. (i) Draw the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12c.i: State one advantage of starch based polymers besides being biodegradable.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13e: Pollution from heavy metal ions has become a health concern. Outline how the presence of heavy...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13f: Outline how lead ions could be removed from an individual suffering from lead poisoning.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10c: Starch is a constituent of many plastics. Suggest one reason for including starch in plastics.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10d: Suggest one of the challenges scientists face when scaling up the synthesis of a new compound.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Explain how the inclusion of carbohydrates in plastics makes them biodegradable.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iii: Explain why sharks and swordfish sometimes contain high concentrations of mercury and...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iv: Plastics are another source of marine pollution. Outline one way in which plastics can be made...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.8: Green Chemistry reduces the production of hazardous materials and chemical waste. Outline two...
B.7 Proteins and enzymes (HL only)
- 15M.1.hl.TZ1.29: Which mixture will form a buffer in aqueous solution? A. ...
- 15M.1.hl.TZ2.27: The \({\text{p}}{K_{\text{a}}}\) of ethanoic acid is 4.8 at 298 K. Which combination will produce...
- 15M.2.hl.TZ1.8d.iii: Determine the pH of the solution resulting when \({\text{100 c}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{3}}}\) of...
- 15M.2.hl.TZ2.4c: Calculate the concentration, in \({\text{mol}}\,{\text{d}}{{\text{m}}^{ - 3}}\), of sodium...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8b: Explain how competitive inhibition in an enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8c: Sketch, on the graph on page 13, a curve which shows competitive inhibition occurring in this...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.8d: Silver ions bond with sulfur atoms in an enzyme and change its tertiary structure and activity....
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.11a: Outline the essential features of the structure of a section of one strand of DNA.
- 14M.2.hl.TZ1.7c.iii: Determine the pH of the buffer solution at 298 K.
- 14M.2.hl.TZ2.5b.v: Partial neutralization of chloric(I) acid creates a buffer solution. Given that the...
- 14N.1.hl.TZ0.28: A buffer solution is formed by mixing equal volumes of...
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.8: Describe three characteristics of enzymes.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.9b.ii: The graph below shows the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of the reaction in the...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.9b.iii: Suggest a reason why it is more likely that NO, rather than \({\text{C}}{{\text{N}}^ - }\), acts...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.i: State how inhibitors affect the initial rate of reaction of an enzyme with its substrate.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.ii: Explain the action of competitive and non-competitive inhibitors on enzymes in terms of where the...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b.iii: State how inhibitors affect the values of \({V_{{\text{max}}}}\) and the Michaelis constant,...
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b.ii: Explain why a low value of \({K_{\text{m}}}\) is significant.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b.iii: State and explain the effect of a competitive inhibitor on the value of \){K_{\text{m}}}\).
- 12N.2.hl.TZ0.3b: Determine the pH of a buffer solution, correct to two decimal places, showing your working,...
- 10N.1.hl.TZ0.26: Which mixtures act as buffer solutions? I. ...
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2c.i: Use the graph to determine \({V_{\max }}\) and the Michaelis constant,...
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2c.ii: Draw a line on the graph to represent the effect of adding a competitive inhibitor.
- 09N.3.hl.TZ0.B2d: State and explain the effects of heavy-metal ions and temperature increases on enzyme activity.
- 10M.2.hl.TZ1.3e: Determine the pH of a solution formed from adding \({\text{50.0 c}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{3}}}\) of...
- 10M.2.hl.TZ1.3f: (if acid added)...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3a.iii: Outline why the polymerization of alkenes is of economic importance and why the disposal of...
- 10M.2.hl.TZ2.7b: (i) Deduce the acid and conjugate base ions that make up the phosphate buffer and state the...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b: Enzymes are affected by inhibitors. Lead ions are a non-competitive inhibitor, they have been...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4b: Determine the Michaelis constant \({K_{\text{m}}}\) from the graph.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4c: Describe why competitive inhibition may take place.
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4d: Explain the effect of competitive inhibition on \({V_{{\text{max}}}}\) and \({K_{\text{m}}}\).
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.B4e: On the graph of effect of concentration on rate of reaction on page 10, sketch the expected curve...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B4a: Identify the type of inhibition shown in the graph.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.B4b: Determine \({V_{\max }}\) and \({K_{\text{m}}}\) in the absence of the inhibitor and in the...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.B2b: Explain, using equations, how the amino acid glycine (Gly) can act as a buffer
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3b: When an inhibitor is added it decreases the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction. State the...
- 12M.3.hl.TZ2.B3c: (i) Sketch a graph to show the effect that a change in pH will have on the rate of an...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.12a: The graph below shows a Michaelis–Menten plot for an enzyme. Sketch and label two curves on the...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.12b: Enzyme solutions are prepared in buffers. Determine the pH of a buffer solution containing...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.13c: Amino acids act as buffers in solution. In aspartic acid, the side chain (R group) carboxyl has...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.14a: (i) Estimate the Km values of the two enzymes. (ii) Suggest, with a reason, which enzyme will...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.14b: (i) Outline what is meant by product inhibition as it applies to hexokinase. (ii) Product...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15a: Deduce the pH range in which glycine is an effective buffer in basic solution.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15b: Enzymes are biological catalysts. The data shows the effect of substrate concentration, [S], on...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15c: Outline the action of a non-competitive inhibitor on the enzyme-catalysed reaction.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.8c.ii: Calculate the pH of a buffer solution which contains 0.700 mol dm–3 of the zwitterion and 0.500...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13a: Determine the value of the Michaelis constant, Km, including units, from the graph.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13b: Sketch a second graph on the same axes to show how the reaction rate varies when a competitive...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.13c: Outline the significance of the value of Km.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11a: Determine the value of the Michaelis constant, Km, by annotating the graph.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11b.i: The malonate ion acts as an inhibitor for the enzyme. Suggest, on the molecular level, how the...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.11b.ii: Draw a curve on the graph above showing the effect of the presence of the malonate ion inhibitor...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.9a: Explain with reference to the binding site on the enzyme how a non-competitive inhibitor lowers...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.9b: Outline the significance of the value of the Michaelis constant, Km.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8d: Calculate the pH of a buffer system with a concentration of 1.25 × 10−3 mol dm−3 carbonic acid...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8f: UV-Vis spectroscopy can be used to determine the unknown concentration of a substance in a...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8g: A different series of pepsin samples is used to develop a calibration curve. ...
B.8 Nucleic acids (HL only)
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7a: Thymine (T), whose structure is given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, is a pyrimidine. Describe...
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7b: Adenine, A, whose structure is also given in Table 21 of the Data Booklet, is a purine found in...
- 14M.3.hl.TZ1.7c: (i) Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T) result in the double helix...
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.8a: Explain the double helical structure of DNA, including the importance of hydrogen bonding.
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.7a: Describe how genetic information is encoded within the double helical structure of DNA.
- 14N.3.hl.TZ0.7b: State the name of the bond between complementary base pairs of DNA.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F3: In recent years, the use of soybean oil by the food industry has increased. A significant...
- 12N.3.hl.TZ0.B4: State two differences in composition and one difference in structure between RNA and DNA.
- 10N.3.hl.TZ0.B4a: (i) Explain how the two helices are linked in the structure of DNA. (ii) Describe the...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.F4: (a) Define the term genetically modified (GM) food. (b) Discuss the benefits and...
- 10M.3.hl.TZ2.B6: The nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, are polymers which are formed from nucleotides. Distinguish...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F3: Genetically modified (GM) foods are now widely available, although in some countries...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F3a: Explain what is meant by the term genetically modified food.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F3b: Describe two advantages and one concern about the use of genetically modified food.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a.i: State the names of the sugars in each nucleic acid and outline how their chemical structures differ.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.B4a.ii: State one other structural difference between DNA and RNA.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B6a: Describe the structure of a nucleotide of DNA.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.B6b: Outline how nucleotides are linked together to form polynucleotides.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.F4: Foods derived from genetically modified organisms were introduced in the early 1990s. State one...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.15a: State the name of the component of DNA responsible for the migration of its fragments to the...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.15b: In 2010, scientists claimed that they had discovered a species of bacteria capable of...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.15d: The sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines hereditary characteristics. Calculate the...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.15a: Outline how its structure allows it to be negatively charged in the body.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.15b: Deduce the nucleotide sequence of a complementary strand of a fragment of DNA with the nucleotide...
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.13: The stability of DNA is due to interactions of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.6d: Describe how DNA determines the primary structure of a protein such as insulin.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.12: DNA is a biopolymer made up of nucleotides. List two components of a nucleotide.
B.9 Biological pigments (HL only)
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24a: Ripe strawberries contain the flavylium cation, an anthocyanin. By referring to table 22 of the...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24b: Outline the difference in solubility in water between anthocyanins and carotenes, by referring to...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28a.ii: State the structural feature of a pheophytin molecule which allows it to absorb visible light.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28b.i: Carotenoids may lose their colour and develop off odours when they are oxidized. Identify, using...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.28b.ii: List two factors which increase the rate of oxidation of carotenoids.
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.9a: Describe the structure of hemoglobin.
- 14M.3.hl.TZ2.9b: Outline the role of hemoglobin in transporting diatomic oxygen.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.5: A natural pigment found in cranberries can exist in two forms. Explain, with reference to...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.i: Identify the class of pigment to which astaxanthin belongs.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.ii: Explain why the properties of pigments in the shell of a live lobster can lead to colour...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b.iii: Explain how the colour of astaxanthin changes to red when cooked.
- 13M.3.hl.TZ2.A3b: When the flavylium cation is placed in alkaline solution the structure changes to the quinoidal...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2a: List two factors which may affect the colour stability of a pigment.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.i: State how the sodium hydrogencarbonate maintains the green colour of the peas.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.ii: The structure of chlorophyll is shown in Table 22 of the Data Booklet. Describe what happens to...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2a: Explain why pigments such as anthocyanins are coloured.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2b: (i) Explain what effect, if any, the absorption at 375 nm will have on the colour of the...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.F2c: List two factors which could alter the precise colour of a particular anthocyanin.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1a: Explain why naturally-occurring pigments are coloured.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c.i: State the class of pigments that give carrots and tomatoes their colour.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.F1c.ii: Outline why this class of pigment is susceptible to oxidation, and the effect of oxidation on...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.F3b: Lycopene, whose structure is shown below, is a carotenoid and is responsible for the red colour...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.F3a: Explain why raw meat changes colour from purplish-red to brown on standing.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F2a: Explain, in terms of their molecular structure, why these compounds are coloured.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F2c: Identify one other coloured compound commonly found in uncooked foods.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ2.F2c: Compare the structures of the natural pigments, chlorophyll and heme B using Table 22 of the Data...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.i: Using the abbreviations QB for quinoidal base and \({\text{F}}{{\text{C}}^ + }\) for flavylium...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.F2b.ii: Suggest why blueberries should not be stored in aluminium cans.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F6a: Explain why these natural pigments are coloured.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F6b: Deduce from their structures whether anthocyanins and carotenes are water-soluble or...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.13b: The pigments from spinach were separated using chromatography. Identify Z by calculating its Rf...
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.14a: Outline how the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is affected by changes in the blood plasma.
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.14b: Explain why foetal hemoglobin has a greater affinity for oxygen.
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16a: Outline why this molecule absorbs visible light.
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16b: With reference to its chemical structure, outline whether this pigment is found in aqueous...
- 16N.3.hl.TZ0.16c: A student investigated the ability of anthocyanins to act as pH indicators. He extracted juice...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16a: Explain the shape of the curve at low oxygen partial pressure up to about 5 kPa.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16b.i: Sketch a graph on the axes above to show the effect of decreasing pH on the binding of oxygen to...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.16b.ii: Outline the effect of decreasing pH on the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.14a: Explain the shape of the curve from 0 to X kPa.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.14b: Explain why carbon monoxide is toxic to humans.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.14a: State the half-equation for the reduction of molecular oxygen to water in acidic conditions.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.14b: Outline the change in oxidation state of the iron ions in heme groups that occurs when molecular...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.10a: Outline why anthocyanins are coloured.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.10b: Explain why the blue colour of a quinoidal base changes to the red colour of a flavylium cation...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.11a: Hemoglobin’s oxygen dissociation curve is shown at a given temperature. Sketch the curve on the...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.11b: Outline two differences between normal hemoglobin and foetal hemoglobin.
B.10 Stereochemistry in biomolecules (HL only)
- 15M.3.hl.TZ1.24d: Outline another convention used for specifying a molecule’s spatial configuration and its...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.26b.i: Explain why oleic acid, cis-9-octadecenoic acid, has a lower melting point than its trans isomer,...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18d: Describe how the triglyceride formed from linoleic acid and glycerol could be converted into a...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.18e: Other than the fact that it is a solid at room temperature, discuss two advantages and two...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.17d.iii: Partial hydrogenation can sometimes produce trans fats. Suggest why trans fats are considered...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24b: State the equation for the complete hydrogenation of linolenic acid. Describe the conditions used...
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24c.i: Explain the meaning of the term trans.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.24c.ii: Draw the structure of a possible trans fatty acid product.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.26a: Identify the chiral carbon atom in the structure above with an asterisk, *.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.i: Draw the structures of \(\alpha \)-glucose and \(\beta...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.B2b.ii: Two \(\alpha \)-glucose molecules condense to form the disaccharide maltose. Draw the structure...
- 09M.3.hl.TZ2.F1c: Outline the process of hydrogenating fats and name one catalyst for the process.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B1b: Explain why two cyclic isomers are formed from the straight-chain glucose and name both isomers.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.B1c: State the name of the two polymeric forms of starch.
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.i: Alanine has the formula...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.ii: State which convention is usually employed to indicate the stereochemistry of molecules other...
- 11M.3.hl.TZ1.F4b.iii: Based on the structure given in part (b) (i) comment on the statement “D-alanine is a +(d)...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B1b: Compare the structural features of starch and cellulose.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.B1c: Humans can digest starch but cannot digest cellulose. Explain why humans cannot digest cellulose.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ1.F1d: Hydrogenation can result in the formation of trans fatty acids. Outline the meaning of the term...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.B2c: Outline how the structure of cellulose is related to that of glucose.
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F5a: Use the CORN rule to determine whether the structure of 2-aminopropanoic acid (alanine)...
- 11N.3.hl.TZ0.F5b: State the (d) or the (l) convention.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.B4a: Compare the structures of starch and cellulose.
- 16M.3.hl.TZ0.10c: (i) Serine is a chiral amino acid. Draw both enantiomers of serine. (ii) State the enantiomeric...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ1.17: Vision is dependent on retinol (vitamin A) present in retina cells. Retinol is oxidized to...
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.12a: Identify the structural feature which enables rhodopsin to absorb visible light.
- 17M.3.hl.TZ2.12b: Outline the change that occurs in the retinal residue during the absorption of visible light.
- 17N.3.hl.TZ0.15b: Retinal is the key molecule involved in vision. Explain the roles of cis and trans-retinal in...
- 18M.3.hl.TZ1.8b: Outline why cellulose fibres are strong.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.10b: Explain how the structure of vitamin A is important to vision using section 35 of the data booklet.
- 18M.3.hl.TZ2.8e: Sketch the wedge and dash (3-D) representations of alanine enantiomers.