DP Chemistry Questionbank

B.6 Biochemistry and the environment
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.8: Green Chemistry reduces the production of hazardous materials and chemical waste. Outline two...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iv: Plastics are another source of marine pollution. Outline one way in which plastics can be made...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.7c.iii: Explain why sharks and swordfish sometimes contain high concentrations of mercury and...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Explain how the inclusion of carbohydrates in plastics makes them biodegradable.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10d: Suggest one of the challenges scientists face when scaling up the synthesis of a new compound.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.10c: Starch is a constituent of many plastics. Suggest one reason for including starch in plastics.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13f: Outline how lead ions could be removed from an individual suffering from lead poisoning.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.13e: Pollution from heavy metal ions has become a health concern. Outline how the presence of heavy...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.12c.i: State one advantage of starch based polymers besides being biodegradable.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.9c: Amylose is an unbranched polysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose. (i) Draw the...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.10c: Glucose is the basic building block of starch which can be used to make bioplastics. Outline two...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3a.iii: Outline why the polymerization of alkenes is of economic importance and why the disposal of...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.C3c: Plastic litter is an environmental problem that results from the use of petroleum as a chemical...