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Date May 2009 Marks available 3 Reference code
Level SL Paper 3 Time zone TZ2
Command term Describe Question number B3 Adapted from N/A


Vitamins are micronutrients essential for good health.

Compare the solubilities of vitamins A and C in water by referring to the structures provided in Table 21 of the Data Booklet.


Describe the effect of deficiency of one of these vitamins and suggest two possible solutions.



vitamin A: not water-soluble because it has only one OH / is not very/less polar / contains long hydrocarbon group;

vitamin C: water-soluble because it has 4/many OH (and 1 C=O)/extensive hydrogen bonding;

Accept reference to polarity in one case but not in both.


effect: vitamin A: xerophthalmia/night blindness / vitamin C: scurvy / bleeding gums / less resistance to infection / bleeding lesions on legs/thighs / scorbutus;

Accept either of the following for the second mark:

solution for vitamin A: providing food composed of liver/fresh (orange and green) fruits/vegetables/spinach/eggs/carrots / providing genetically modified food containing vitamin A;


Examiners report

Most candidates answered that vitamin C is water soluble and vitamin A not, although some were vague in their explanations why.


Many candidates identified correctly the deficiency symptoms and named at least one solution.


Syllabus sections

Options » B: Biochemistry » B.5 Vitamins
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