
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 9. Wave Phenomena (HL only) / 9.1 Simple Harmonic Motion / Multiple Choice

9.1 Simple Harmonic Motion

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which equation is used for calculating the displacement as a function of time for an oscillator that begins its oscillation from the equilibrium position?

  • x space equals space x subscript 0 sin omega t

  • v space equals space omega x subscript 0 cos omega t

  • a space equals space minus omega squared x subscript 0 sin omega t

  • a space equals space minus omega x

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

Which graph correctly shows how the kinetic energy of an oscillator varies as a function of time through one complete oscillation?


    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Energy Changes in SHM

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    Which equation correctly shows the kinetic energy-displacement relation for simple harmonic motion?

    • K subscript E space equals space 1 half m v squared

    • E subscript T equals space 1 half m omega squared x subscript 0 squared

    • E subscript P space equals space 1 half k increment x squared

    • E subscript K space equals space 1 half m omega squared open parentheses x subscript 0 squared space minus space x squared close parentheses

    Choose your answer

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    The defining equation of SHM describes the relationship between acceleration, a, angular frequency, ω, and displacement, x, from the equilibrium position:

     a space equals space minus omega squared x

    Which value correctly shows the resulting acceleration if the angular frequency was doubled?

    • negative 4 a

    • 1 fourth a

    • 2 a

    • 4 a

    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    The graph shows the displacement over time of a simple pendulum oscillating in simple harmonic motion. 


    What is the potential energy of the pendulum at points X, Y and Z?















    Max Max Zero





      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Energy Changes in SHM

      Question 6

      Marks: 1

      A spring loaded with mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion. The amplitude of the motion is A and the spring has total energy E.

      What is the total energy of the spring when both the mass and the amplitude are doubled?

      • E T

      • 2E T

      • 4E T

      • 8E T

      Choose your answer

      Question 7

      Marks: 1

      A simple pendulum undergoes simple harmonic motion. The kinetic energy of the pendulum is at a maximum at the equilibrium position.

      How many times during one oscillation is the kinetic energy of the pendulum equal to its gravitational potential energy?

      • 1

      • 2

      • 3

      • 4

      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Energy Changes in SHM

      Question 8

      Marks: 1

      A mass with mass, m, is attached to a spring with a spring constant, k, and oscillates in simple harmonic motion with a period, T

      A new spring is introduced with a spring constant of 4k. How does this affect the period of the oscillation?

      • 1 fourth T

      • 1 half T

      • 2 T

      • 4 T

      Choose your answer

      Question 9

      Marks: 1

      A small ball is attached to a thread of length l, and set to oscillate isochronously.

      If the length of the thread is reduced by 10%, what effect will this have on the period, T, of the oscillation?

      • 0.1 space T

      • 0.3 T

      • 0.6 T

      • 0.9 T

      Choose your answer

      Question 10

      Marks: 1

      A particle oscillates in simple harmonic motion. The particle's displacement over time is shown in the following graph.


      Which graphs are the correct velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs for this particle?



        Choose your answer