
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 12. Quantum & Nuclear Physics (HL only) / 12.2 Nuclear Physics / Multiple Choice

12.2 Nuclear Physics

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which of the following statements about the nuclear radius is incorrect?

  • As more nucleons are added to a nucleus the radius increases

  • The radius of nuclei depends on the atomic number, Z of the nucleus

  • The exact relationship between the radius and nucleon number can be determined from experimental data

  • The radius of the nucleus can be calculated using an equation which involves the constant of proportionality, R0

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

The graph shows the scattering of electrons due to diffraction by oxygen-16 nuclei.

Which point on the graph represents the first minimum?

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Nuclear Scattering

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    What do the deviations from the Rutherford scattering give evidence for?

    • The nuclear radius

    • The charge on the nucleus

    • The electrostatic force

    • The strong nuclear force

    Choose your answer

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    What is the radius of cobalt-27?

    • 3.6 fm

    • 10.8 fm

    • 27 fm

    • 32.4 fm

    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    Which graph shows how intensity I varies with angle θ when electrons are diffracted by a nucleus?


      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Nuclear Scattering

      Question 6

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following is the unit for the decay constant λ?

      • Bq s−1

      • s

      • s−1

      • The decay constant has no units

      Choose your answer

      Question 7

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following graphs of the number of undecayed nuclei N over time has the smallest decay constant?


        Choose your answer

        Question 8

        Marks: 1

        Which of the following provides evidence for the existence of neutrinos?

        • Some particles were indistinguishable from their antiparticles

        • Nuclear energy levels have a continuous spectrum

        • The energy of emitted beta particles have a continuous spectrum

        • The emission spectrum only contains specific wavelengths

        Choose your answer
        Key Concepts
        The Neutrino

        Question 9

        Marks: 1

        When alpha particles of speed v are directed at nuclei with atomic number A, scattering occurs. Small deviations from the predicted intensity of the scattered particles are observed.

        Which change in nucleon number and energy will give the greatest deviation from the Rutherford scattering predictions?

          Atomic number Speed
        A. decrease increase
        B. decrease decrease
        C. increase increase
        D. increase decrease
          Choose your answer
          Key Concepts
          The Neutrino

          Question 10

          Marks: 1

          A radioactive element has a decay constant λ. At time, t = 0 the number of nuclei of this element is N0. These are linked by the equation N subscript t equals N subscript 0 e to the power of negative lambda t end exponent where Nt is the number of nuclei expected at time t

          What number of nuclei would you expect to remain after 1 second?

          • 0

          • N subscript 0 left parenthesis 1 minus e to the power of negative lambda end exponent right parenthesis

          • N subscript 0 e to the power of negative lambda end exponent

          • 1

          Choose your answer