
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 2. Mechanics / 2.2 Forces / Multiple Choice

2.2 Forces

Question 1

Marks: 1

A wooden block of weight W rests on a rough board that produces a friction force F. The end of the board is then raised up to angle θ until the block slides down the plane of the board at constant velocity v.


Which row describes the forces acting on the block as it slides down the board?


Frictional force on block

Resultant force on block


W sin θ



W cos θ

W sin θF


W cos θ



W sin θ

FW sin θ

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Newton's Second Law

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

    Which row gives the correct Newton’s third law force pair for a book on a table?


    Force A

    Force B


    Weight of the book

    Force of book on the table


    Gravitational force of the Earth pulling on the book

    Gravitational force of the book pulling on the Earth


    Weight of the book

    Reaction force from the table surface


    Gravitational force of the Earth pulling on the book

    Gravitational force of the table pulling on the Earth

      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Newton’s Third Law

      Question 3

      Marks: 1

      An object of mass m is connected via a frictionless pulley to an object of mass M, where M > m. M rests on a horizontal rough surface with a frictional force f.q13_forces_ib-sl-physics-mcq

      What is the acceleration of the system?

      • 0

      • begin mathsize 16px style fraction numerator m g plus f over denominator open parentheses M plus m close parentheses end fraction end style

      • begin mathsize 16px style fraction numerator m g minus f over denominator open parentheses M plus m close parentheses end fraction end style

      • g

      Choose your answer
      Key Concepts
      Newton's Second Law

      Question 4

      Marks: 1

      A photo hangs from two strings. It has a weight W and the two strings have equal tension T.

      What is the free–body diagram for this situation?


        Choose your answer

        Question 5

        Marks: 1

        Which of the following are possible values for the maximum coefficient of static friction, size 16px mu subscript S and dynamic friction, begin mathsize 16px style mu subscript d end style?

           begin mathsize 16px style mu subscript S end style  mu subscript d












          Choose your answer
          Key Concepts

          Question 6

          Marks: 1

          A uniform ladder resting in equilibrium on rough ground leans against a smooth wall.

          Which diagram correctly shows the forces acting on the ladder?


            Choose your answer

            Question 7

            Marks: 1

            A block of mass m rests on a trolley of mass M. The coefficient of dynamic friction between the block and the trolley is µ.


            A horizontal force F acts on the block causing it to slide over the trolley. What is the acceleration of the trolley?

            • fraction numerator F minus mu m g over denominator M end fraction

            • fraction numerator mu m g over denominator open parentheses M plus m close parentheses end fraction

            • fraction numerator F minus mu M g over denominator m end fraction

            • fraction numerator mu m g over denominator M end fraction

            Choose your answer

            Question 8

            Marks: 1

            A sled with a child has a combined weight of 400 N and rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction between the sled and the surface is 0.50 and the coefficient of dynamic friction is 0.30.

            A horizontal force F is applied to the sled and its magnitude increases uniformly from zero. Once the sled starts moving, the pulling force no longer increases.

            What is the minimum resultant force required on the moving sled?

            • 80 N

            • –80 N

            • 320 N

            • 0 N

            Choose your answer

            Question 9

            Marks: 1

            Two coplanar forces of 11 N and 7 N act on an object. Which force could not be the resultant for these two forces?

            • 18 N

            • 1 N

            • 9 N

            • 4 N

            Choose your answer

            Question 10

            Marks: 1

            Two boxes in contact are pushed in a line along a floor with a force F. The boxes are moving at a constant speed. Box X has a mass m and box Y has a mass 3m.q20_forces_ib-sl-physics-mcq

            What is the resultant force acting on Y?

            • F

            • F over 3

            • 3F

            • 0

            Choose your answer
            Key Concepts
            Newton's Second Law