
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 4. Waves / 4.2 Travelling Waves / Multiple Choice

4.2 Travelling Waves

Question 1

Marks: 1

A travelling wave has a frequency of 200 Hz. Two consecutive points with a phase difference of straight pi over 2 are 1 cm apart.

What is the speed of the wave?

  • 4 m s–1

  • 8 m s–1

  • 200 m s1

  • 800 m s1

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

A radio station broadcasts in the frequency range 97-99 MHz.

What range of wavelengths are being used?

  • 3.0 – 3.1 × 103 m

  • 3.0 – 3.1 m

  • 0.33 m

  • 0.33 × 103 m

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

A longitudinal travelling wave has speed v and wavelength λ. What is the least distance between a compression and a rarefaction measured against the direction of propagation?

  • v

  • v over lambda

  • λ

  • lambda over 2

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Sound Waves

Question 4

Marks: 1

A sound wave has a wavelength of 0.40 m. What is the phase difference between two points along the wave which are 1.7 m apart?

  • zero

  • 45°

  • 90°

  • 180°

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Properties of Waves

Question 5

Marks: 1

Two waves are travelling from the surface of the Sun to the upper atmosphere of Earth.

Which statements must be correct?

  1. The waves have the same frequency
  2. The waves have the same speed
  3. Neither wave is longitudinal
  4. At least one of the waves is audible to humans
  • I and II

  • I, II and III

  • II and III

  • I and IV

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Electromagnetic Waves

Question 6

Marks: 1

A section of the electromagnetic spectrum is shown. What could the labelled sections represent?







A. ultraviolet infrared x–rays radio waves
B. blue light red light orange light green light
C. x-rays blue light infrared microwaves
D. gamma waves microwaves infrared visible light

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Electromagnetic Waves

    Question 7

    Marks: 1

    Which is a possible frequency of visible light?

    • 1.2 × 1014 Hz

    • 2.4 × 1014 Hz

    • 4.8 × 1014 Hz

    • 9.6 × 1014 Hz

    Choose your answer

    Question 8

    Marks: 1

    Sound waves can be propagated through fluids and solids. Which statements are correct?

    1. Sound waves have constant speed in air
    2. Thunder always arrives before lighting because of the difference in wave speeds.
    3. Sound waves can be modelled using the equation that v = fλ
    4. Vibrations from an earthquake will be felt in the ground before they are heard, because of the difference in wave speeds
    • I and IV

    • II and IV

    • I, III and IV

    • II, III and IV

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Sound Waves

    Question 9

    Marks: 1

    Which cannot be observed with ultrasound?

    • diffraction

    • dispersion

    • polarisation

    • refraction

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Sound Waves

    Question 10

    Marks: 1

    Approximately how many times larger is the wavelength of sound waves which are audible to humans greater than the wavelength of light waves which are visible to humans?

    • 102

    • 105

    • 1012

    • 1024

    Choose your answer