
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

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12.2 Nuclear Physics

Question 1

Marks: 1

Two elements are compared where the nucleus of the first element, N1 has radius r and nucleon number Z, and the nucleus of the second element N2 has radius 3r and nucleon number 5 over 3  Z. What is the ratio of  fraction numerator d e n s i t y space N subscript 1 over denominator d e n s i t y space N subscript 2 end fraction ?

  • 1 fifth

  • 4 over 9

  • 1

  • 5 over 2

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

The Physicists Geiger and Marsden bombarded a thin gold foil with alpha particles. They observed that

most alpha particles passed through without deflection
a very small number of alpha particles were deflected by a large angle

Select the row which explains these effects.

  I. II.
A. most α-particles miss the gold atoms a small number of α-particles are deflected by the gold atoms
B. the nucleus of the gold atom is very small so that most α-particles do not interact with it the ratio of deflected particles is small because it reflects the ratio of the size of the nucleus compared to the atom
C. the charge on the nucleus is insufficient to deflect the α-particle the ratio of deflected particles is small because it reflects the ratio of the size of the nucleus compared to the atom
D. α-particles are high energy and able to pass through the nucleus the charges on the α-particle and the nucleus are such that large angle deflection cannot occur
    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Nuclear Scattering

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    Two samples P and Q of different radioactive isotopes have the same initial activity. Sample P has a third of the number of atoms as sample Q. The half-life of P is T seconds.

    What is the half-life of sample Q?

    • straight T over 3

    • fraction numerator straight T over denominator 3 square root of 2 end fraction

    • 3 straight T

    • 3 square root of 2 straight T

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Measuring Half-Life

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 10 days. What is the approximate percentage of the sample remaining after 25 days?

    • 20

    • 19

    • 16

    • 15

    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    A pure sample of a radioactive nuclide undergoes a decay resulting in a stable daughter nuclide. What fraction of the sample is made up of the daughter nuclide after five half-lives?

    • 1 over 16

    • 1 over 32

    • 15 over 16

    • 31 over 32

    Choose your answer

    Question 6

    Marks: 1

    A series of radioactive decays produce both alpha particles and anti-neutrinos. Which answer option describes the nature of the energy spectrum of these two particles?

      Anti-neutrino Alpha-particle
    A. discrete discrete
    B. discrete continuous
    C. continuous discrete
    D. continuous continuous
      Choose your answer

      Question 7

      Marks: 1

      The decay of several unstable nuclei are observed in a radiation chamber. The following identifications are made: 

      1. Alpha-particles have discrete kinetic energy levels
      2. Beta-particles have a continuous range of kinetic energies
      3. Gamma-ray photons have discrete kinetic energy levels

      These observations directly relate to two important discoveries; the use of emission spectra to identify elements and the existence of the neutrino.

      Which row correctly identifies the observations that lead researchers to the discovery of emission spectra and the existence of the neutrino?

        Emission spectra Existence of the neutrino
      A. II only II only
      B. I and III only II only
      C. II only I and III only
      D. I and III only I and II

        Choose your answer

        Question 8

        Marks: 1

        The best estimate of the radii of nuclei is determined from experiments involving

        • The scattering of charged particles.

        • The emission of photoelectrons due to UV light incident on a metal surface.

        • Diffraction of high energy electron beams.

        • Ionisation due to alpha-particle radiation.

        Choose your answer

        Question 9

        Marks: 1

        A radioactive sample of initial activity 10.0 Bq has a half-life of 1.0 day. Which value represents the most likely activity after 2.5 days?

        • 0.8 Bq

        • 1.2 Bq

        • 1.6 Bq

        • 2.2 Bq

        Choose your answer

        Question 10

        Marks: 1

        A pure sample of a radioactive nuclide has mass m, half-life T1/2 and initial activity A0.

        Identify the half-life and initial activity of another sample which is otherwise identical but has mass 3m.

          Half-life  Initial activity
        A.  T subscript 1 divided by 2 end subscript A subscript 0
        B. 3 T subscript 1 divided by 2 end subscript 1 third space A subscript 0
        C.  T subscript 1 divided by 2 end subscript 3 A subscript 0
        D. 3 T subscript 1 divided by 2 end subscript 3 A subscript 0
          Choose your answer