
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 12. Quantum & Nuclear Physics (HL only) / 12.1 The Interaction of Matter with Radiation / Multiple Choice

12.1 The Interaction of Matter with Radiation

Question 1

Marks: 1

An electron in a one-dimensional box, known as the “electron in a box” model, is a fundamental quantum mechanical approximation describing the translational motion of a single electron confined inside an infinitely deep well from which it cannot escape.

According to the “electron in a box” model, which of the following expressions is not a permitted value for the momentum of an electron moving in a box of length L?

  • fraction numerator h over denominator 4 L end fraction

  • fraction numerator 3 h over denominator 2 L end fraction

  • fraction numerator 3 h over denominator L end fraction

  • fraction numerator 4 h over denominator L end fraction

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

A vacuum photocell is connected in series with a power supply, a variable resistor, and a sensitive ammeter. A voltmeter is connected in parallel across the photocell.


Monochromatic light of frequency f illuminates the cathode, which has a threshold frequency f0. Photoelectrons are emitted and collected by the anode. A photocurrent is measured by the ammeter.

The potential difference across the photocell, V, is increased until the ammeter reads zero. 

Which of the equations below does not correctly relate the potential V at which the current decreases to zero to the threshold frequency f0 and frequency f?

  • V space equals space h over e open parentheses f space minus space f subscript 0 close parentheses

  • f subscript 0 space equals space fraction numerator h f space minus space e V over denominator h end fraction

  • h space equals space fraction numerator e V over denominator open parentheses f space minus space f subscript 0 close parentheses end fraction

  • V space equals space fraction numerator e over denominator h f subscript 0 space minus space h f end fraction

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

The first three wavefunctions are shown for a particle confined in a box of length L.


For which wave function is the probability of finding the particle near x space equals space L over 2 the smallest?

  • n = 1

  • n = 2

  • n = 3

  • The probability is the same (and non-zero) for each wavefunction

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
The Wave Function

Question 4

Marks: 1

A beam of electrons of wavelength λ is incident on an aperture of width d. The beam is travelling along the z direction. The width d is of a size comparable to λ


After passing through the aperture, the component of momentum in the x direction is px, the component in the y direction is py and the component in the z direction is pz.

Which of the following shows the uncertainty in px, py and pz

  Δpx Δpy Δpz
A. fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction
B. fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction 0
C. 0 0 fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction
D. 0 fraction numerator h over denominator 4 straight pi d end fraction 0
    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    In 1890 Johannes Rydberg discovered an empirical formula that enabled the wavelengths of the light in the atomic line spectrum of hydrogen to be calculated. The formula is:

    1 over lambda space equals space R subscript H open parentheses 1 over n squared minus 1 over m squared close parentheses

    Where λ is the wavelength, n and m are integers and RH is the Rydberg constant.

    In 1913 Niels Bohr published his theory of the hydrogen atom. This theory enabled the Rydberg formula to be derived. His theory also showed that the energy levels En of the hydrogen atom are given by the formula: 

    E subscript n space equals space fraction numerator 2.2 cross times 10 to the power of negative 18 end exponent over denominator n squared end fraction

    Where En is measured in joules. 

    Which of the following is a valid expression for the Rydberg constant?

    • R subscript H space equals space 2.2 cross times 10 to the power of negative 18 end exponent

    • R subscript H space equals space fraction numerator 2.2 cross times 10 to the power of negative 18 end exponent over denominator h c space open parentheses 1 minus n squared over m squared close parentheses end fraction

    • R subscript H space equals space fraction numerator 2.2 cross times 10 to the power of negative 18 end exponent over denominator h c end fraction

    • R subscript H space equals space 2.2 cross times 10 to the power of negative 18 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator n squared minus m squared over denominator m squared minus n squared end fraction close parentheses

    Choose your answer

    Question 6

    Marks: 1

    An electron is confined to a box. The energy difference between the first and the fourth states is 15.0 eV.

    Which would be the best order of magnitude estimate for the length of the box?

    • 10−9 m

    • 10−10 m

    • 10−11 m

    • 10−12 m

    Choose your answer

    Question 7

    Marks: 1

    A square plate made of zinc with side length d is given a charge of Q and then illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp of wavelength λ. The lamp has an output power of 100 W.

    The lamp is placed a distance r above the surface and positioned such that the UV light is incident normally on the zinc surface.

    Which of the following is the correct expression for the time taken for the zinc plate to become electrically neutral?

    • fraction numerator h c over denominator 100 e end fraction open parentheses fraction numerator Q over denominator lambda d squared end fraction close parentheses

    • fraction numerator h c over denominator 100 e end fraction open parentheses fraction numerator Q over denominator lambda r squared end fraction close parentheses

    • fraction numerator h c over denominator 25 straight pi e end fraction open parentheses fraction numerator Q d squared over denominator lambda r squared end fraction close parentheses

    • fraction numerator pi h c over denominator 25 e end fraction open parentheses fraction numerator Q r squared over denominator lambda d squared end fraction close parentheses

    Choose your answer

    Question 8

    Marks: 1

    An alpha particle with energy E is incident upon a potential barrier and has a certain probability of quantum tunnelling through the barrier.

    Consider the following statements:

    I. The energy of the alpha particle is increased

    II. The width of the potential barrier is increased

    III. The alpha particle is replaced by an electron with energy E

    Which statements would lead to an increase in the probability of finding a particle that has escaped a potential barrier?

    • I and II only

    • I and III only

    • II and III only

    • I, II and III

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts

    Question 9

    Marks: 1

    Consider the following statements regarding the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom:

    The momentum of an electron is equal to the Planck constant divided by its de Broglie wavelength
    The angular momentum of the atom is quantised
    The energy levels are quantised

    Which statements originate from the idea that the circumference of the orbit must be an integer number of the de Broglie wavelength?

    • I and II only

    • I and III only

    • II and III only

    • I, II and III

    Choose your answer

    Question 10

    Marks: 1

    An atom in an excited state has an orbital radius of 10−12 m.

    Which would be the best order of magnitude estimate for the energy of this state according to the uncertainty principle?

    • 101 eV

    • 103 eV

    • 106 eV

    • 1010 eV

    Choose your answer