
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 12. Quantum & Nuclear Physics (HL only) / 12.1 The Interaction of Matter with Radiation / Structured Questions

12.1 The Interaction of Matter with Radiation

Question 1a

Marks: 1

In an experiment to investigate the photoelectric effect, a constant number of photons is incident on a photo-surface.

State what is meant by the term photon.


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    Question 1b

    Marks: 3

    The photoelectric equation is given by:

    h f space equals space ϕ space plus space 1 half m v squared subscript m a x end subscript 

    Explain the meaning of each term in the photoelectric equation:

    h f
    1 half m v squared subscript m a x end subscript
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      Question 1c

      Marks: 3
      Identify one feature of the photoelectric effect that cannot be explained by the wave theory of light.
      Describe how this feature can be explained by the photon theory of light.
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        Question 1d

        Marks: 3
        Sketch a graph of E subscript K left parenthesis m a x right parenthesis end subscript  against f on the axes provided.



        State the quantity represented by the gradient of the graph.


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          Question 2a

          Marks: 3

          The diagram shows the end of an electron diffraction tube. 


          A pattern forms when diffracted electrons are incident on a fluorescent layer at the end of the tube. 

          Explain how the pattern demonstrates that electrons have wave properties.
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            Question 2b

            Marks: 3

            The de Broglie wavelength λ of a particle accelerated close to the speed of light is approximately

            lambda almost equal to fraction numerator h c over denominator E end fraction

            Where E is the energy of the particle.

            A beam of electrons is produced in a particle accelerator with energy 3.1 × 108 eV.

            Calculate the wavelength of an electron in the beam.
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              Question 2c

              Marks: 2
              State what can be deduced about an electron from the amplitude of its associated wavefunction.
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                Question 2d

                Marks: 3

                Heisenberg's uncertainty principle can be expressed as:

                straight capital delta x straight capital delta p italic space greater or equal than italic space fraction numerator n h over denominator italic 2 straight pi end fraction

                An electron reaching the central bright spot on the fluorescent screen has a small uncertainty in its position.

                Outline the meaning of each quantity in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
                Describe what the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is able to predict about another property of this electron. 
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                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 2

                  In a hydrogen atom, an electron of mass m orbits the proton with speed v in a circular orbit of radius r.

                  The diagram shows an electron wave in hydrogen.


                  State the meaning of the term electron wave.
                  Identify the number of allowed electron orbits shown in the diagram.
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                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 3
                    By equating the centripetal and electric forces acting on the electron, show that the speed v of an electron in the hydrogen atom is related to the radius r of its orbit by the expression
                    v space equals space square root of fraction numerator k e squared over denominator m subscript e r end fraction end root
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                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 3
                      Using your answer to (b) and the Bohr condition, deduce that the radius r of the electron’s orbit in the n level of hydrogen is given by the following expression:
                      r space equals space fraction numerator n squared h squared over denominator 4 straight pi squared k m subscript e e squared end fraction
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                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 3
                        Calculate the electron’s maximum orbital radius, r.
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                          Question 4a

                          Marks: 4

                          Hydrogen atoms in an ultraviolet (UV) lamp make transitions from the first excited state to the ground state. Photons are emitted and are incident on a metal photocathode as shown. 



                          Outline what happens at the metal photocathode when the photons are incident on its surface.


                          Calculate the energy, in eV, of photons emitted from the UV lamp. 


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                            Question 4b

                            Marks: 2

                            No photoelectron emission is observed from the metal surface when the incident light is below a certain frequency.

                            Outline why the wave theory for light cannot explain this observation.
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                              Question 4c

                              Marks: 4

                              The work function of the metal in the photocathode is 2.4 eV.

                              Outline the meaning of the terms:
                              Work function
                              Threshold frequency
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                                Question 4d

                                Marks: 4
                                The threshold frequency of the metal.
                                The maximum kinetic energy, in J, of the emitted electrons.
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                                  Question 5a

                                  Marks: 3
                                  State what is meant by quantum tunnelling, and give an example of its application or natural occurrence.
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                                    Question 5b

                                    Marks: 2

                                    The graph shows the wavefunction, Ψ, of electrons that undergo tunnelling through a potential barrier.


                                    Complete the graph by showing how the wavefunction propagates through the barrier.
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                                      Question 5c

                                      Marks: 3
                                      Use the graph in (b) to determine:
                                      The width of the barrier, in m.
                                      If the kinetic energy of the electrons changes after tunnelling.

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                                        Question 5d

                                        Marks: 4

                                        The diagram shows the variation of the potential energy of an alpha particle with distance from the nuclear centre. The nuclear radius is R. The total energy of an alpha particle within the nucleus is 6.8 MeV.


                                        State the significance of the value 25 MeV.
                                        On the graph, draw a line to show the path of the alpha particle when the nucleus decays, and indicate the "classically forbidden region" on the path.
                                        The probability of an alpha decay occurring can vary from 10−7 s to 1010 years depending on the nucleus. State the quantity used in nuclear physics that this time represents.
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