
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 7. Atomic, Nuclear & Particle Physics / 7.3 The Structure of Matter / Structured Questions

7.3 The Structure of Matter

Question 1a

Marks: 3

Particle X has a strangeness of –1 and decays to produce a proton and a pion.

X space rightwards arrow space p space plus space straight pi to the power of –

Deduce the quark structure of particle X.
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    Question 1b

    Marks: 3

    A strange quark decays in the following way

    s rightwards arrow u space plus thin space Y space plus space d

    Deduce particle Y.
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      Question 1c

      Marks: 3
      Hence, draw a Feynman diagram at the quark level for the decay of particle X.
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        Question 2a

        Marks: 3
        Explain why the discovery of the Higgs Boson was of crucial significance.
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          Question 2b

          Marks: 3
          Draw a Feynman diagram for the interaction
          e to the power of minus plus e to the power of plus rightwards arrow d plus d with bar on top
          Assume that the time axis is from left to right.
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            Question 2c

            Marks: 3
            Explain why multiple hadrons have been produced in this reaction.
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              Question 3a

              Marks: 3

              A young student of physics reads up about particles and anti-particles.

               In their physics lesson, they excitedly tell their teacher how they learned that a proton has an anti-particle called an anti-proton, and the neutron has an anti-particle called an anti-neutron.

               They go on to say that, since the neutron is neutrally charged, it is its own anti-particle.


              Identify the student’s misconception and explain why they are incorrect.
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                Question 3b

                Marks: 2
                Suggest another particle which is an example of being its own anti-particle and explain your reasoning.
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                  Question 3c

                  Marks: 3

                  Interactions between protons and neutrons can temporarily violate conservation laws.


                  One such interaction is shown.

                  Identify the type of interaction shown.
                  By referencing the properties of the exchange particle, explain how it temporarily violates conservation laws.


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                    Question 4a

                    Marks: 4

                    The baryon decuplet is a vision tool used by particle physicists to classify groups of particles called baryons.


                    Discuss the properties of baryons.
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                      Question 4b

                      Marks: 3

                      In the baryon decuplet, strangeness S is plotted on the horizontal axes and charge Q is plotted on the diagonal axe. Some information is missing.




                      Deduce the quark composition of the Ω baryon, using each axis to justify your answer.


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                        Question 4c

                        Marks: 4
                        Deduce the quark composition and an appropriate symbol for the missing baryon.
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                          Question 5a

                          Marks: 3

                          (i)   State two particles that are their own antiparticle.


                             (ii)         Explain why K0 is not its own antiparticle.


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                            Question 5b

                            Marks: 3
                            The K0 meson decays into two pions and has a strangeness of 1. State the decay equation at the quark level for the K0 meson.
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                              Question 5c

                              Marks: 4

                              Heavier quarks can decay into lighter quarks by exchanging a virtual particle that meditates the type of interaction. This particle can then decay into a quark and its equivalent anti–quark.

                              Draw a Feynman diagram for the decay of the Kmeson at the quark level. Clearly label the Kmeson and the two pions.

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                                Question 5d

                                Marks: 4

                                Muons decay via the same interaction as the K0 meson into leptons. One such decay is

                                mu to the power of minus rightwards arrow e to the power of minus plus stack nu subscript e with bar on top plus space _ _ _ _

                                Complete the missing particle in the decay.
                                Draw the Feynman diagram for the decay of a negative muon, (μ). Clearly label the time axis.
                                  Assess your score