
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 2. Mechanics / 2.3 Work, Energy & Power / Multiple Choice

2.3 Work, Energy & Power

Question 1

Marks: 1

What is the equation for kinetic energy?

  • Ek = mgh

  • Ek = 1 half k x squared

  • Ek = 1 half m v squared

  • Ek = Fs

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Kinetic Energy

Question 2

Marks: 1

Which of the following statements about gravitational potential energy is correct?

  • If a mass falls it will lose gravitational potential energy

  • If a mass is lifted up it will lose gravitational potential energy

  • If a mass falls it gains gravitational potential energy

  • If a mass travels horizontally then gravitational potential energy is lost

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

Which of the following is the correct definition for elastic potential energy?

  • Elastic potential energy is a measure of how much a material can be stretched or compressed

  • Elastic potential energy is the maximum amount that can be stretched or compressed

  • Elastic potential energy is a measure of the stiffness of a material

  • Elastic potential energy is the energy stored within a material (e.g. in a spring) when it is stretched or compressed

Choose your answer

Question 4

Marks: 1

Which feature of a force-extension graph represents the work done on a material under tensile stress?

  • Gradient

  • Area

  • y-intercept

  • x-intercept

Choose your answer

Question 5

Marks: 1

What is a material with a high breaking stress described as?

  • Strong

  • Brittle

  • Ductile

  • Elastic

Choose your answer

Question 6

Marks: 1

Which one of the following situations does not describe the work done on an object?

  • Lifting a bar above the head

  • Pushing a supermarket trolley across a car park

  • Walking up stairs

  • Holding a box at a height of 1.5 m above the floor

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Work Done

Question 7

Marks: 1

What are the correct units for power?

  • Joules

  • Watts

  • Newton meters

  • Newtons

Choose your answer
Key Concepts

Question 8

Marks: 1

Which row states an energy transfer? 

  • Elastic

  • Chemical

  • Gravitational Potential

  • Electrical

Choose your answer

Question 9

Marks: 1

What is another way of saying that energy is wasted?

  • Energy has been transferred

  • Energy has been dissipated

  • Energy has been conserved

  • Energy has been destroyed

Choose your answer

Question 10

Marks: 1

Which is the correct equation for the efficiency of a system?

  • Efficiency = fraction numerator useful space energy space in over denominator total space energy space out space end fraction space cross times space 100

  • Efficiency = fraction numerator wasted space energy space out over denominator total space energy space out space end fraction space cross times space 100

  • Efficiency = fraction numerator useful space energy space out over denominator total space energy space in space end fraction space cross times space 100

  • Efficiency = fraction numerator energy space transferred over denominator time space end fraction space cross times space 100

Choose your answer
Key Concepts