
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 2. Mechanics / 2.2 Forces / Structured Questions

2.2 Forces

Question 1a

Marks: 2

The helicopter below is moving horizontally through still air. The lift force from the helicopter’s blades is labelled A.



Identify the two forces B and C that also act on the helicopter.


    Assess your score
    Key Concepts
    Free-Body Diagrams

    Question 1b

    Marks: 1

    The force B has a value of 25 kN and acts horizontally and at right angles to the weight C.

    Calculate the horizontal component of force needed to keep the helicopter moving at a constant velocity.
      Assess your score
      Key Concepts
      Newton’s First Law

      Question 1c

      Marks: 2

      The helicopter encounters a problem and accelerates vertically downwards towards the ground. It has a mass of 50 000 kg. Air resistance is negligible. 

      Calculate the weight of the helicopter.
        Assess your score
        Key Concepts
        Newton's Second Law

        Question 1d

        Marks: 1
        State the name of the law of motion that relates to the equation ma.
          Assess your score
          Key Concepts
          Newton's Second Law

          Question 2a

          Marks: 2

          The diagram below shows a ball suspended from a cable. The ball is pulled into the position shown by a rope that is kept horizontal.


          In this position, the ball is in equilibrium.

          State the force and component that balance:

          The force of the rope on the ball
          The weight of the ball

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            Key Concepts

            Question 2b

            Marks: 2

            The ball is then detached from the rope, so it is hanging only by the cable. The mass of the ball is 350 kg. 


            Calculate the new tension in the cable.
              Assess your score
              Key Concepts
              Newton’s Third Law

              Question 2c

              Marks: 1

              The ball is stationary when hanging from the string.

              Define translational equilibrium.
                Assess your score
                Key Concepts
                Newton’s First Law

                Question 2d

                Marks: 5

                The ball remains hanging and does not fall to the ground. 


                State, in relation to this situation: 

                Newton's first law:
                Newton's second law:
                The relationship between tension and weight:
                The behaviour of the ball if the weight was bigger:
                  Assess your score

                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 4

                  The diagram below shows a skier being towed at a constant speed whilst sinking into the snow. 


                  State the name of each of the forces A - D acting on the skier.
                    Assess your score
                    Key Concepts
                    Free-Body Diagrams

                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 2
                    Place a tick (✓) next to the correct statements in the table below:

                    Force D > Force C


                    Force C > Force D


                    Force B > Force A


                    Force A = Force B



                      Assess your score
                      Key Concepts
                      Newton’s First Law

                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 1

                      The skier is pulled off the snow onto an area of grass and becomes stuck. 

                      State the type of friction present between the bottom of the skis and the grass when she is stationary. 
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                        Key Concepts

                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 2

                        The mass of the skier is 52 kg and the coefficient of friction between the skis and the grass is 0.12.

                        Calculate the minimum force needed from the rope to get the skier just on the point of moving again.
                          Assess your score
                          Key Concepts

                          Question 4a

                          Marks: 5

                          A remote-controlled boat has a mass of 6 kg and is accelerating with a resultant force of 1.95 N.


                          Draw a free body diagram showing and labelling the forces acting on the boat.
                            Assess your score
                            Key Concepts
                            Free-Body Diagrams

                            Question 4b

                            Marks: 3
                            Calculate the acceleration on the boat.
                              Assess your score
                              Key Concepts
                              Newton's Second Law

                              Question 4c

                              Marks: 2

                              The boat's velocity changes so that it is travelling at constant speed. 

                              Place a tick () next to the statement or statements that are correct about the motion of the boat.

                              The sum of the tension, friction and air resistance is larger than the forward force


                              The sum of the tension, friction and air resistance is equal to the forward force


                              The upthrust is larger than the weight of the boat


                              The upthrust is equal to the weight of the boat

                                Assess your score
                                Key Concepts
                                Newton’s Third Law

                                Question 4d

                                Marks: 2

                                After 1.8 s the motor is switched off and the boat decelerates uniformly until it stops. The deceleration of the boat is 0.80 m s–2.

                                The resistive forces, air resistance, tension and friction are the only forces acting on the boat once the motor is switched off. Calculate the magnitude of these forces.
                                  Assess your score
                                  Key Concepts
                                  Newton’s Third Law

                                  Question 5a

                                  Marks: 2

                                  A wooden block is resting on a table as shown. 


                                  Name the forces and acting on the block.
                                    Assess your score
                                    Key Concepts

                                    Question 5b

                                    Marks: 1

                                    A force of 5.8 N is applied to the block to move it along the table at a constant speed. 


                                    Identify the type of friction now present between the block and the table.
                                      Assess your score
                                      Key Concepts

                                      Question 5c

                                      Marks: 1
                                      State the magnitude of the frictional force on the block.
                                        Assess your score
                                        Key Concepts

                                        Question 5d

                                        Marks: 4

                                         The block has a mass of 1.5 kg.

                                        Calculate the magnitude of the dynamic coefficient of friction between the block and the table.
                                          Assess your score
                                          Key Concepts