
DP IB Physics: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 4. Waves / 4.1 Oscillations / Structured Questions

4.1 Oscillations

Question 1a

Marks: 3

A pendulum undergoes small-angle oscillations.

Outline the equation that defines simple harmonic motion.
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    Key Concepts
    Conditions for SHM

    Question 1b

    Marks: 2
    Sketch a graph to represent the change in amplitude, x subscript 0 against time for one swing of the pendulum. Start the time at zero seconds.
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      Key Concepts
      Conditions for SHM

      Question 1c

      Marks: 2

      The time period of 10 oscillations is found to be 12.0 s.

      Determine the frequency when the bob is 1.0 cm from its equilibrium position.
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        Key Concepts
        SHM Graphs

        Question 1d

        Marks: 4

        The student wants to double the frequency of the pendulum swing. The time period, T of a simple pendulum is given by the equation:

                                                               T = 2πsquare root of L over g end root

        where L is the length of the string and g is the acceleration due to gravity

        Deduce the change which would achieve this.


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          Question 2a

          Marks: 6
          State and explain whether the motion of the objects in graphs I, II and III are simple harmonic oscillations
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            Question 2b

            Marks: 2
            Explain why, in practice, a freely oscillating pendulum cannot maintain a constant amplitude.
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              Question 2c

              Marks: 3

              The motion of an object undergoing SHM is shown in the graph below.


              For this oscillator, determine:
              The amplitude, A.
              The period, T.
              The frequency, f.
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                Question 2d

                Marks: 3
                Using the graph from part (c), state a time in seconds when the object performing SHM has:
                Maximum positive velocity.
                Maximum negative acceleration.
                Maximum potential energy.
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                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 3

                  A ball of mass 44 g on a 25 cm string oscillating in simple harmonic motion obeys the following equation:

                  a = −ω2x

                  Demonstrate mathematically that the graph of this equation is a downward sloping straight line that goes through the origin.
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                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 3

                    The graph below shows the acceleration, a, as a function of displacement, x, of the ball on the string.


                    The angular speed, ω, in rad s−1, is related to the frequency, f, of the oscillation by the following equation:

                     omega space equals space 2 straight pi f

                    For the ball on the string, determine the period, T, of the oscillation.
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                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 4

                      The ball is held in position X and then let go. The ball oscillates in simple harmonic motion.

                      Explain the change in acceleration as the ball on the string moves through half an oscillation from position X.
                      You can assume the ball is moving at position X.
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                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 3
                        Describe the energy transfers occurring as the ball on the string completes half an oscillation from position X.


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                          Question 4a

                          Marks: 3

                          A smooth glass marble is held at the edge of a bowl and released. The marble rolls up and down the sides of the bowl with simple harmonic motion.

                          The magnitude of the restoring force which returns the marble to equilibrium is given by:

                                                                                     Fequals space fraction numerator m g x over denominator R end fraction

                          Where x is the displacement at a given time, and  is the radius of the bowl.A~m~KSrC_q4a_oscillations_sl-ib-physics-sq-medium

                          Outline why the oscillations can be described as simple harmonic motion.
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                            Question 4b

                            Marks: 3
                            Describe the energy changes during the simple harmonic motion of the marble.
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                              Key Concepts
                              Energy in SHM

                              Question 4c

                              Marks: 2

                              As the marble is released it has potential energy of 15 μJ. The mass of the marble is 3 g.

                              Calculate the velocity of the marble at the equilibrium position.
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                                Key Concepts
                                SHM Graphs

                                Question 4d

                                Marks: 3
                                Sketch a graph to represent the kinetic, potential and total energy of the motion of the marble, assuming no energy is dissipated as heat. Clearly label any important values on the graph.A~m~KSrC_q4a_oscillations_sl-ib-physics-sq-medium
                                  Assess your score
                                  Key Concepts
                                  Energy in SHM

                                  Question 5a

                                  Marks: 3

                                  An object is attached to a light spring and set on a frictionless surface. It is allowed to oscillate horizontally. Position 2 shows the equilibrium point.q5ab_oscillations_ib-sl-physics-sq-medium

                                  (i)         Sketch a graph of acceleration against displacement for this motion.

                                     (ii)        On your graph, mark positions 1, 2 and 3 according to the diagram.


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                                    Key Concepts
                                    SHM Graphs

                                    Question 5b

                                    Marks: 4

                                    The mass begins its motion from position 1 and completes a full oscillation.q5ab_oscillations_ib-sl-physics-sq-medium

                                    (i) Sketch a graph of velocity against time to show this.

                                        (ii) On your graph, add labels to show points 1, 2 and 3


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                                      Key Concepts
                                      SHM Graphs

                                      Question 5c

                                      Marks: 3

                                      At the point marked Y on the graph, the potential energy of the block is EP. The block has mass m, and the maximum velocity it achieves is vmax.q5c_oscillations_ib-sl-physics-sq-medium

                                      Determine an equation for the potential energy at the point marked X.

                                         Give your answer in terms of vmax , v subscript xand m.

                                        Assess your score
                                        Key Concepts
                                        Energy in SHM

                                        Question 5d

                                        Marks: 2

                                        The graph shows how the displacement x of the mass varies with time t.


                                        Determine the frequency of the oscillations.


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