
DP IB Chemistry: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Chemistry: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 8. Acids & Bases / 8.2 More About Acids / Structured Questions: Paper 2

8.2 More About Acids

Question 1a

Marks: 1
Using section 22 of the data booklet, identify an indicator that would show a yellow colour in ammonia solution?
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    Key Concepts
    Acid-Base Titrations

    Question 1b

    Marks: 2
    Suggest two characteristics that make a good indicator for a titration?
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      Key Concepts
      Acid-Base Titrations

      Question 1c

      Marks: 1
      A typical set of acid-base titration results in shown in the table.

        Rough Run 1 Run 2
      Initial burette reading /+0.05 mL 0.00 0.30 0.60
      Final burette reading/ +0.05 mL 24.15 22.55 22.95

         Determine the mean volume from these results.


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        Key Concepts
        Acid-Base Titrations

        Question 1d

        Marks: 1
        What is the recorded uncertainty on the mean volume calculated in part c)?
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          Key Concepts
          Acid-Base Titrations

          Question 2a

          Marks: 1
          State the relationship between pH and hydrogen ion concentration.
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            Key Concepts
            pH & [H⁺]

            Question 2b

            Marks: 1
            Determine the pH of 0.200 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid.
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              Key Concepts
              pH & [H⁺]

              Question 2c

              Marks: 1
              Determine the hydrogen ion concentration in a sample of lake water of pH 5.60.


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                Key Concepts
                pH & [H⁺]

                Question 2d

                Marks: 1
                The table below shows the hydrogen ion concentration in three solutions:

                  P Q R
                [H+] 0.001 1 x 10-5 1.00


                List the three solutions in order from low pH to high pH


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                  Key Concepts
                  Interpreting pH

                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 1
                  State what is meant by the ionic product of water.
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                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 1
                    Calculate the concentration of [H+] in a solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, whose concentration is 0.001 mol dm-3.
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                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 1
                      Calculate the pH of 0.001 mol dm-3 NaOH solution.
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                        Key Concepts
                        Acid-Base Calculations

                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 1
                        The ionic product of water is 2.916 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6 at 313 K. What is the pH of water at this temperature?
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                          Question 4a

                          Marks: 2
                          State one advantage and one disadvantage of using a pH meter instead of universal indicator to measure pH.
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                            Question 4b

                            Marks: 2
                            State the name and formula of a strong alkali and a weak alkali.
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                              Question 4c

                              Marks: 1
                              State the meaning of the term dissociation as applied to acids and bases
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                                Question 4d

                                Marks: 2
                                Write equations for the dissociation of:

                                   Nitric acid, HNO3: ...................................


                                         Methanoic acid, HCOOH: ............................


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                                  Question 4e

                                  Marks: 1
                                  Identify the formula of the weakest conjugate base produced in the two acids in part d).
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                                    Question 5a

                                    Marks: 2
                                    Explain the difference between the terms strong acid and weak acid. 

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                                      Question 5b

                                      Marks: 2
                                      Other than measuring the pH, describe how you could distinguish between dilute solutions of the same concentration of hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid.
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                                        Question 5c

                                        Marks: 1
                                        A solution of 2.00 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid was added to marble chips and the volume of carbon dioxide recorded. A graph of the result is shown below:


                                        On the same graph, sketch the result of repeating the experiment with 2.00 mol dm-3 ethanoic acid.


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                                          Question 5d

                                          Marks: 1
                                          The same experiment in part c) can be carried out by measuring how the mass of the reaction flask changes with time.

                                             Sketch a graph of the expected result.


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