
DP IB Chemistry: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Chemistry: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 7. Equilibrium / 7.1 Equilibrium / Structured Questions: Paper 2

7.1 Equilibrium

Question 1a

Marks: 3
The following dynamic equilibrium was reached at temperature, T, in a closed container.

2X (g) + Y (g) ⇌ 2Z (g)             ΔH = -65 kJ mol-1

The value of Kc for the reaction was 75.0 mol-1 dm3 when the equilibrium mixture contained 2.97 mol of Y and 5.38 mol of Z.

Define dynamic equilibrium.
Write an expression for Kc for the reaction.
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    Question 1b

    Marks: 2

    If the conditions for a closed container are changed, it can affect the concentrations of the reactants, products and Kc

    State the effect, if any, on the concentration of Y at equilibrium if temperature, T, is decreased and give a reason for your answer.


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      Question 1c

      Marks: 1
      Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at temperature, T

      2Z (g) ⇌ 2X (g) + Y (g)


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        Question 2a

        Marks: 4

        A 0.680 mol sample of SO3 is introduced into a reaction container and allowed to reach equilibrium at temperature T

        2SO3 (g) ⇌ 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g)                ΔH = +196 kJ mol-1

        The value of Kc for the reaction was 7.9 x 10-3 mol dm-3.

        The size of the container for the reaction is increased. State the effect if any on the equilibrium constant, Kc, and the position of equilibrium. Justify your answer.
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          Question 2b

          Marks: 3
          The temperature of the reaction in part (a) is increased. State the effect, if any, on the equilibrium constant, Kc, and the position of equilibrium. Justify your answer.
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            Question 2c

            Marks: 1

            If the value of the equilibrium constant, Kc, is 2.7 x 10-2 at temperature T1 for the reaction:

            2SO3 (g) ⇌ 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g)

             Calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction:

            4SO2 (g) + 2O2 (g) ⇌ 4SO3 (g)

            Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


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              Question 3a

              Marks: 2

              A mixture in a container at temperature, T, is allowed to reach equilibrium.

              2E (g) ⇌ 2F (g) + G (g)     ΔH = -143 kJ mol-1

              The value of Kc for the reaction at T is 2.98 mol dm-3. Comment on the relationship between the concentration of the reactant E and products F and G with regards to Kc.
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                Key Concepts
                The Size of Kc

                Question 3b

                Marks: 1

                Reactants G and H react together to form products J and K according to the equation

                3G + H ⇌ 4JK

                Write the expression for the equilibrium constant, Kc.
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                  Question 3c

                  Marks: 3

                  Diesters are compounds often used as synthetic lubricants for machinery such as compressors. The reaction below shows the formation of a diester from propanoic acid and propane-1,3-diol. 

                  2CH3CH2COOH + HOCH2CH2CH2OH ⇌ C9H16O4 + 2H2O

                  The value for Kc at temperature, T, is 1.29.

                  The forward reaction is slightly exothermic. At a different temperature, T1, the value for Kc increases to 22.78. 

                  State whether the new temperature, T1, is higher or lower than the original temperature. Justify your answer.


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                    Question 4a

                    Marks: 3

                    The graph below shows the effect of pressure and temperature on the equilibrium yield of gaseous molecules.



                    Using the graph, explain whether the forward reaction is exothermic or endothermic.


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                      Question 4b

                      Marks: 3

                      Use the graph to explain whether the forward reaction will involve either an increase or decrease in the number of moles of a gas.


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                        Question 4c

                        Marks: 3
                        The graph to show the relationship between temperature and Kc for a different dynamic equilibrium to produce a gaseous product is shown below.

                        Use the information shown in the graph to establish whether the forward reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Justify your answer.

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