
DP IB Chemistry: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Chemistry: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 17. Equilibrium (HL only) / 17.1 The Equilibrium Law / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

17.1 The Equilibrium Law

Question 1

Marks: 1

When gaseous dinitrogen pentoxide, N2O5 (g), decomposes at 358 K, the following equilibrium is established:

2N2O5 (g)  ⇌ 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g)

2.0 mol of N2O5 (g) were placed in a 1.0 dm3 container and allowed to reach equilibrium. At equilibrium 1.0 mol of N2O5 (g) were present. What is the value of Kc?

  • 0.125

  • 1

  • 2

  • 8

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Equilibrium Problems

Question 2

Marks: 1

Consider the following reversible reaction:

3O2 (g) ⇌ 2O3 (g) 

What is the value of Kc when the equilibrium concentrations are [O2] = 4.0 mol dm-3 and [O3] = 4.0 mol dm-3 ?

  • 0.25

  • 4

  • 16

  • 64

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Equilibrium Problems

Question 3

Marks: 1

Which if the following will shift the position of equilibrium to the right in the reaction  shown? 

2N2O5 (g)  ⇌ 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g)     ΔH = +219.2 kJ 

  1.  Decreasing the concentration of NO2 (g)
  2.  Decreasing the temperature
  3.  Decreasing the pressure
  • I and II only

  • I and III only

  • II and III only 

  • I, II and III

Choose your answer

Question 4

Marks: 1

Hydrogen iodide decomposes to form hydrogen and iodine vapour.

2HI (g)  ⇌ H2 (g) + I2 (g)

What is the effect of decreasing the volume of the equilibrium mixture at constant temperature?

  • The amount of H2 (g) remains the same but its concentration decreases

  • The forward reaction is favoured

  • The backward reaction is favoured

  • The value of Kremains unchanged

Choose your answer

Question 5

Marks: 1

A mixture of 0.40 mol of SO2 (g) and 0.40 mol of O2 (g) was placed in a 1 dm3 container. The following equilibrium took place:

2SO2 (g)  + O2 (g) ⇌  2SO3 (g) 

At equilibrium the mixture contained 0.25 mol of O2 (g) .How many moles of SO2 (g) and SO3 (g) were present at equilibrium?


SO2 (g) / mol

SO3 (g) / mol













    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Equilibrium Problems